10 things we didn't know last week
1. Chickens feel empathy.
2. Elephants are good at teamwork.
3. The lifespan of the average British person increases by five hours a day.
4. About 40% of skyscrapers due to be completed in the next six years will be in China.
5. Half of all Pakistani children cannot read a sentence.
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6. Tigers kill lions.
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7. Leeds has more councillors over the age of 80 than under the age of 35.
8. Car use is falling.
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9. When potatoes were first introduced to Britain, they were used to make desserts.
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10. A soldier's starting salary is nearly £8,000 less than a police officer's.
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Seen 10 things? . Thanks to an anonymous reader for this week's photograph of 10 lunch items.