Your Letters
So a Higgs bosun walks into a cathedral and the bishop says "You can't be here!" To which the Higgs replies, "You can't have Mass without me."
James Bengel, Raleigh, NC, USA
I've been staring at this for ages, and I still can't work out what it's meant to be... A spider's head with a hat on?
Rob, London, UK
Lee King, matenance manager of British Waterways - really?
Paul, Croydon
My favourite Russian proverb is: "Love is not a potato - you cannot throw it out of the window". Hilarious on so many levels...
Rachel, Wayzata
If plesiosaurs didn't have orange babies, I never would have seen what was happening here.
Adrian, Cardiff
Colin (Thursday letters), that's why they're piling those stones up.
Mike, Newcastle upon Tyne