10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. Harrogate is the only postcode in Britain without a Tesco store.
2. Coral could be the key to stopping sunburn.
3. We nearly always pick items from the middle shelf in supermarkets.
4. A German city has started taxing prostitutes by installing a ticket machine.
5. An officially hot day in the UK - as classified by the Met Office - is when temperatures reach 30C.
6. Domino's pizza chain is planning to open a restaurant on the moon.
7. In 1941 the government in the UK wanted to know how many bras women owned.
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8. The first fluorescent clothing was made from the inventor's wife's wedding dress.
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9. The world's atmosphere is worth £4.3 quadrillion, going by the air we breathe in and the price of CO2
10. Britain has 800 major self-storage units, the same as the rest of Europe put together.
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