10 things we didn't know last week

1. A planet can orbit two suns.
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2. Women remember men with a deep voice more than those with a high voice.
3. Britons contact friends and family via Facebook an average of 3.2 times a week.
4. Escaped pet parrots can teach wild birds to say phrases learnt from their owners.
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5. The steel used in the construction of the new Westfield shopping mall in Stratford is equivalent to the weight of 80 million medals.
6. New homes in Denmark are 80% bigger than new homes in the UK.
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7. Cavefish can keep time without the sun.
8. Green belts in England cover 13% of total land.
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9. Panda poo can reveal a lot about their sex lives.
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10. Australians have a third choice when describing their gender on passport applications.
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Seen 10 things? . Big thanks to Mal for this week's picture of 10 home-grown tomatoes.