10 things we didn't know last week

1. Facebook remembers all the devices you've ever used to log in, and who else has used that same device.
2. Basle - the Swiss city - is pronounced baal in English - but the football club of the same name is BAA-zuhl.
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3. Six times each day, metal thieves make off with copper cables from Britain's rail network.
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4. Koalas bellow.
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5. Victorian housewives made jam from carrots as a stand-in for apricots.
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6. Fifties movie-makers got around the nudity ban by filming in naturist parks for "educational" purposes.
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7. Cave drawing researchers can now tell the age and sex of prehistoric artists.
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8. Julia Roberts once propositioned Happy Monday dancer Bez - according to Sean Ryder's recollections of a night in the Viper Room nightclub.
9. Letters addressed to Kabul have the name and directions - there are few street names and numbers, and no postcodes.
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10. Long-necked plant-eating dinosaurs swallowed their food whole.
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Seen 10 things? . Thanks to Bob Boyd for this week's photo of 10 snapdragon seed pods. "Not a collection of shrunken heads!" he says.