Your Letters
It's not the precipitation that worries me but the "more organised shower activity", just who is organising it? I'll get my umbrella.
Robin, Herts
Re: supermarket prices article: "Asda will give you vouchers if your shopping is not 10% cheaper than Tesco, Asda or Morrisons." Definitely sounds like a winner - Asda vs Asda!
Nicola, Cambridge
I have one question to ask... In this story, it states: "On Thursday evening, severe winds washed away part of a causeway road on the Orkney island of Hoy." How is this possible? Surely waves caused by the wind would do a better job?
Sam Clinton, Waddesdon, Nr Aylesbury, Bucks
Best part of this article is the stream of consciousness/short-term memory issues experienced by JoJo in the comments section (109 and 110). In the space of 30 minutes he/she remembers what "HR" means, then forgets and asks everyone what it means and then, one sentence later, remembers it again. Excellent work JoJo.
Tom Webb, Surbiton, UK
Fee Lock (Thursday's letters), after looking at today's Caption Competition picture, I had "Stuck in the middle with you" stuck in my brain...
Mark, Wimbledon