Your Letters
Today, at Starbucks, when the Lady asked for my name, I told her Lord Voldemort. When the guy called out the name for pick up he said, "Lord Vol-...He who must not be named."
Sharon Barrett
Oh dear Ian or Redditch (Tuesday's letters) haven't you heard, you should never read the online comments section of anything. As noted as this years SXSW it's a toxic place.
Jimmy, Nottingham
RG, (Tuesday's letters), surely a project on Jaffa cakes was more concerned about whether they are cakes or biscuits? Although as an expert, did your research happen to digress into when fairy cakes became cupcakes?
Marc, Oldham
Oh RG, RG (Tuesday's letters) your university life was wasted, because the nature of the jaffa cake was decided in 1991 by a VAT Tribunal. They are most definitely a cake, not a cookie or a biscuit. The Tribunal Chairman, Mr Potter, after considering the ingredients and cooking methods concluded that jaffa cakes (and I quote verbatim) "have sufficient characteristics of cakes to qualify as cakes...If it be relevant, I also determine that Jaffa cakes are not biscuits." (Case reference LON/91/160, other biscuit shaped cakes are also available).
Martin, Luxembourg
Crumbs, what a clever lot of cookies about biscuits/cakes. I was led to believe cake goes hard when stale but biscuits go soft but nowadays neither get the time to prove this theory. Got to dash or else the 'ginger' might 'snap'...
M McMahon, Martos/Spain
Oreos have just been launched in India, and because Kraft isn't known there, but Cadbury is, they are called "Cadbury Oreos". So, so wrong.
Laura, Maldives (yes, again!)