Your Letters
Re: My published letter yesterday. Is there a word for when a witticism based on a news headline which is subsequently changed and then makes no sense, resulting in an almost total loss of self-esteem ?
Carl Evans, Crepy, France
You do know that alex/buzz/henrietta/jayjay from sidcup/london/england are all my mum sending things in under different alias then bragging to us about it at the dinner table. Its getting annoying especially as she uses my name and nicknames!
The real Alex, Sidcup/London
Please stop printing misinformation because the ignorant are easily disappointed. "Dormice climb trees using their whiskers." No they don't. They climb trees using their dear little hands and feet, the whiskers help them to climb trees.
Vicky, South East London
Surely the headline should be "Skeletons that are definitely not vampires" Found in Bulgaria. The first paragraphs says that the rods through the chests are to prevent them turing into vampires. Or did they not work?
MCK, Stevenage
It with deep sadness that I must report the demise of the 'Ten Things' count-up. Lost is that frisson of aspiration, counting and hoping that the picture has 9 or 11 items. No more expectation of that GOTCHA! moment that never comes. Oh sad day! I'll get my calculator.
Graham, Hayle, Cornwall