Your Letters
"The exhumation is to be carried out at the end of September, after descendants said that the tomb thought to be his may not contain his body" [Hilarious comment about his coffin being too flat and suspiciously full of raisins].
MK, Stockport
OK, so it's but a superbly appropriate moniker nonetheless.
Lucy, London
From this article, "Although the root is Indian, South Asians have no single word to describe their many, distinct dishes." How about food?
Rob, London
I was about to write and disagree about your article saying that one should not talk with strangers on public transport (and I assumed in public places such as restaurants), until I continued and read that folk in Wales, et cetera, were much friendlier. We went to a restaurant in Swansea, and made a comment to a fellow diner, and were then treated to a long (20 minutes perhaps) and interesting conversation about dining, and all this while his meal got colder and colder ...
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales
Planning to visit London in the next few days. Anything special happening there this time of year?
Johan van Slooten, Urk, The Netherlands