Your Letters
I'd only prevent kids from reading 50 Shades because it's drivel.
Darren, London
Re: comedy and Newcastle Evening Chronicle: I went to grammar school in Mill Lane Hebburn, at first I thought it sounded like heaven but I can assure you it wasn't, more like Hell. Teachers kept saying: "You will wish you were back here after you leave." Wrong again as I didn't want to be there in the first place let alone go back! I got a good education though admittedly...
Tim McMahon, Martos/Spain
"Weighing the cat", "stuffing the chicken" (Thursday's letters)... this procrastination stuff is great. In our family it's referred to as "mowing the lawn"!
Simon, Burnham
Ok, call me slow, but I've only just understood the Mo jokes (letters passim). I've spent the last few days thinking about Men Farah and Tum Farah and wondering why it was funny.
Kay, Folkestone/London