Your Letters
Remember by Paper Monitor from years ago? At the same time I believe you kept watch on the Daily Express running some sort of story about Diana either on their front page or at least in it. What would this year's "Porridge Watch" be and please can you start one? Thanks and regards.
Annabel, London, WC1
I believe the medical term for avoiding eye-contact in lifts/elevators is Otisosis.
Jill B., Detroit
Re: today's quote of the day. Surely if a joke relies upon quoting Shakespeare, it's probably over the head of most multi-millionaire footballers.
Rob, Horsham
Paul (Tuesday's letters), I feel the same way about this one.
Kat Murphy, Ipswich
Actually Jez (Tuesday's letters) I'd far rather a cockroach eating contest was held in a pet shop than in,say, my favourite restaurant.
Vicky S, East London