Your Letters
Re: this story. A solar-powered plant to produce fuel from water and CO2 extracted from the air? Isn't that called a tree?
Tim, London
When I saw this story I wondered to myself who gave you my details. So disappointed to find out it wasn't me.
John, Peterborough, UK
"I'm sorry, we don't have it in your size, sir."
Tim, London
Basil (Thursday's letters), I have always given names to inanimate objects, could be said a bit mad but I think it keeps you sane at times. Our Christmas turkey also got a name each year, we have had a few Matildas, a Gertrude but my favourite was Harold. The reason he was christened with this handle was because he cost £10.66 thus Hastings and all that, Harold it was. It was no "battle", however, when he graced our festive dinner... now, where is what's-his-name gone...
Tim McMahon, Martos/Spain
Basil, may I suggest you use your Tardis and get out more while there's still time (No need to reply, it's a rhetorical question)?
Phil Warne, Nelson, NZ
Ah 'tis a rare day indeed - seven out of seven on the quiz bodes well for the weekend ahead. Is it so wrong that I feel a level of achievement totally disproportionate to the actual task achieved? That I'm sat here expecting some kind of recognition from my peers? That I feel I now deserve to take the rest of the day easy? And with only two questions answered by total guess-work as well...
Paul Lawrence, Cirencester
I can assure John of Southampton (Thursday's letters) that when you are watching Sheffield Wednesday play football, it certainly feels like it's a whole day.
Peter, Pershore, Worcs.