Paper Monitor
A service highlighting the riches of the daily press.
Paper Monitor is inclined to talk about the snow again. After all, all the papers are. But Paper Monitor has a quota on snow. So instead it's decided to focus on a couple of other stories that seem rather strange.
First up, the Daily Telegraph has a couple of tales about how treacherous the seemingly innocuous walk can be. In Cornwall, it's about pigeon droppings. On one road, there are so many, postal workers are refusing to deliver post. Letters are being left at the Post Office with "too slippery" scrawled across them instead.
Meanwhile in Abergavenny, in South Wales, a saboteur has planted sausages stuffed with nails in a popular dog-walking area.
In happier news, the Daily Express has the . Number 10 is a sign of the times - simply getting a seat on the train into work will get our day off to a great start.
Unsurprisingly perhaps, over half are about saving, winning or finding money. The top slot? Discovering money you didn't know you had or finding a £20 in an old coat.
Paper Monitor is off to check its pockets.