Your Letters
So once again PM draws readers in to speculating as to "its" gender offering us 3 possibilities: male, female, hermaphrodite. I offer a 4th possibility: a team involving individuals of both (or even all 3) genders. The same individual cannot be responsible for output 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. I wonder when and where PM goes on holiday? Aqua Suliser, Bath
No, no, no Mr Kelly, it isn't the wet breeches that cause us ladies to swoon, it is the wet shirt! - la! I think I must go and have a calming possett to recover my composure! (or watch that scene on the dvd again....)
Di Wright, The Castleton, North Yorkshire
"Women look their oldest every Wednesday at 3.30pm." - er, is that straight after Loose Women?
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales
Ah nominative determination, you are alive and well this day.
Paul Lawrence, Cirencester