Your Letters
"...a mass 450 million times that of our Sun". Got that? No? Perhaps "six billion trillion trillion family cars" will help you get a feel for it.
Simon, Cambridge, UK
So. Regarding this story.
"Bermuda triangle explained!" screams the headline. "MAY have been solved" admits the first paragraph. And then the person in question says "this doesn't prove it by any stretch".
That's a few minutes of my life I'll never get back
Daniel, London
Not to rain on the publishers' parade, but a print run of 8,000 means that they've sold the book to approximately 0.0005% of the Chinese population. Would selling 300 copies in Britain make a book - even a foreign-language book - a 'bestseller'?
Edward Green, London, UK
To Johan van Slooten (Wednesday letters): I think you'll find that's probably just a Geordie on the way home from a night out...
Fi, Gloucestershire, UK
Considering shadows are usually cast as a result of sunshine, I'm mightily impressed that the investigators in this article could pinpoint them to a British summer's day!
Brendan, London
A folly.
Not to be confused with the bloated, lumbering Jackson Folly.
Rusty, Montreal, Canada