10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience
1. Tears do not fall in space.
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2. Employees who install new web browsers on their computers perform better on average than those who use the default pre-installed browser that came with their machine.
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3. Methane eating micro-organisms carry out a deep clean of the oceans after an oil spill.
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4. Scientists are conducting searches for signs of extraterrestrial engineering.
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5. The most popular place to hide valuables is a sock drawer.
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6. Fractions of virtual currency Bitcoin are known as satoshis.
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7. People in China hold "fake funerals" for themselves, so they can "enjoy" the day.
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8. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak belonged to a group of hackers and hobbyists called the Homebrew Computer Club.
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9. Brains can be rendered transparent.
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10. Countries with the death penalty are now outnumbered by about five to one, by those who have abolished it.
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