Gloucester born Alastair Cook

He born in Gloucester on Xmas Day 1986, but his family has no links around here.
His mother is from Swansea and his father from Essex, and he went to Bedford School and played his entire youth cricket around Bedford and in Essex...he has been with their academy since he was a teenager.
In the past we have tried, through Essex CCC press officer and England team press officers to ascertain how he came to be born in Gloucester.
Mr Cook works/worked in the banking industry so that ruled out my theory of him being in the services at RAF Innsworth.
All I can suspect is that his family were visiting relatives in the area for Christmas and young Alastair decided to make an appearance over the turkey and Christmas pud.
If you know anymore about our star batsmen and his links with the county do please post a comment or email me at
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