

Talk about Newsnight

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Newsnight Review - 27 October, 2006

  • Newsnight
  • 27 Oct 06, 10:07 PM

The panel, chaired by Martha Kearney, discuss:

Anthony Minghella's Breaking and Entering; Lisey's Story by Stephen King; Dirty Dancing The Musical; and Yusef Islam.

Comment on the of Newsnight Review here.

Can technology beat the internet censors?

  • Paul Mason
  • 27 Oct 06, 09:31 PM

netcafe203.jpgIts predecessor is 2000 years old but the Great Firewall of China is the wonder of the online world - so powerful that it can control net access for a fifth of humanity - it represents China's determination to control what's supposed to be uncontrollable - and it works. Watch my report here. In 2004 Shi Tao, a journalist in contact with democracy websites, took notes of a government briefing concerning how he should report the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, and sent it using his Yahoo email account. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison....

Continue reading "Can technology beat the internet censors?"

Yes, Hilary Benn will stand for deputy

  • Paul Mason
  • 27 Oct 06, 07:37 PM

As you read here first two days ago, Hilary Benn MP is to stand for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. He will apparently announce it tonight at his constituency party meeting. It is nice to be right - and I am glad the rest of the media is catching up: the Scrawl may be Idle but he is not very often wrong :)

Friday, 27 October, 2006

  • Newsnight
  • 27 Oct 06, 07:10 PM

internet203100b.jpgFreedom of speech and the internet in China; the 大象传媒's Head of News Peter Horrocks and Conservative and shadow Defence spokesman Dr Liam Fox discuss Newsnight's film in which David Loyn interviewed members of the Taleban; and the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams in China.

Comment on here.

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