
´óÏó´«Ã½ BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Wednesday 26 August 2009

Sarah McDermott | 17:23 UK time, Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Tonight we ask a cabinet minister whether a deal can be done on climate change, consider whether Edward Kennedy's political vision lives on in President Barack Obama, and have an extraordinary film which reveals the partnership between a company run by British businessmen and the secretive and repressive regime of North Korea, operating in a remote Russian forest.

Protestors are this afternoon gathering in London to set up a climate camp ahead of the Copenhagen summit. This morning John Prescott said that it was time to think about a "Plan B" on a deal over climate change. Speaking on behalf of the Council of Europe he says that developing nations are unlikely to accept the deal that's on the table for Copenhagen - and if the US also baulks at the proposals what next? I'll be speaking to Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development.

Senator Edward Kennedy's life was eventful, controversial and although his own presidential ambitions were thwarted, his endorsement of President Obama had the effect of propelling him towards the White House. "The good that he did lives on," said Barack Obama. His death marks the end of a great political dynasty, which was for some akin to a quasi-royal family in the US, but smitten by terrible tragedy and scandal. Edward Kennedy's nadir was Chappaquiddick, but did he retrieve his reputation? And might Obama's all important healthcare reforms pass more smoothly now, in remembrance of Kennedy and the work he did on the plans?

And then exclusive pictures from the North Korean logging camps located in the remote forests of Russia. We investigate the links between the Stalinist state and a timber company run by British businessmen. .

Join us later.


  • Comment number 1.


    And then exclusive pictures from the North Korean logging camps located in the remote forests of Russia. We investigate the links between the Stalinist state and a timber company run by British businessmen.

    I think that this story would be a good investigation...And, I will be seeing the footage; was made available...

    =Dennis Junior=

  • Comment number 2.

    The ´óÏó´«Ã½ should be ashamed of themselves for fawning over the despicable Ted Kennedy. Any normal person would have been in jail for years for what he did at Chappaquiddick, but because he was a Kennedy he got away with it.

  • Comment number 3.

    With the death of Edward Kennedy, I guess Gordon Brown is off the hook, unless Kennedy got his Knighthood in secret.

    For many, the stomach-churning site of an IRA sympathiser and fund-raiser, of such American political stature, being treated in such a manner, would have been too much to bear.

  • Comment number 4.

    "Tonight we ask a cabinet minister whether a deal can be done on climate change"

    Why are you inflicting Douglas Alexander on us though - when Ed Miliband is Secretary of State for Climate Change at Westminster and SNP Minister Stewart Stevenson is Scotland's Climate Change Minister?

  • Comment number 5.

    ...U.K. Gas Plunges on Excess LNG, Supplies From North Sea, Norway

    Wholesale gas for same-day delivery dropped as much as 13 pence, or 59 percent, to 9 pence a therm, according to broker ICAP Plc. That’s the lowest since October 2006 and equal to $1.49 a million British thermal units...

    3 year low? last year BG sent out a chart showing the price spike high as the explanation for the 'immediate' price rises. Will they send out the same chart showing the uk 3 year low or usa 7 year low [they showed the usa rather than uk spike high last year] explaining why they there will a massive immediate cut?

    thought not.

  • Comment number 6.

    without Ted Kennedy what passes for healthcare in America these days would be ten times worse if it wasn't for Democrats like Kennedy....

  • Comment number 7.

    Re Ted Kennedy, I think there is a book that suggests that in life we may be 'off-course'- much of the time but when we come in for landing we are at the right point.

    I do not know much, if anything about US Politics but he seems to have done a lot of good work

  • Comment number 8.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 9.

    "..and have an extraordinary film which reveals the partnership between a company run by British businessmen and the secretive and repressive regime of North Korea, operating in a remote Russian forest..... exclusive pictures from the North Korean logging camps located in the remote forests of Russia. We investigate the links between the Stalinist state and a timber company run by British businessmen."

    Russia and N Korea are neighbours. As N Korea is technically at war with USA, they feel a bit threatened, and the Jewish people who make South Park made their leader look bit silly in the film TEAM AMERICA too. So, I'm not a bit surprised they're 'secretive' given the West's sanctions against them. When the West does this, it's to try to get them to stop being Stalinist and become liberal-democratic, anarchistic, obese/drunk, burger-eaters and get them too to hurl themselves into the abyss of low TFRs aka self-democide.

    Is it any wonder they

    Anyone seeing a pattern yet? ;-)

  • Comment number 10.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 11.

    #10 Mim

    You have not corresponded with me in any form. Other than your posts on this site.

    Other posters here have contacted me. I have not posted here who. It is things called client confidentiality, data protection etc.

    Mim you have not corresponded with me in any form whatsoever other than posts on this blog. Please don't give the impression to an open audience you have.

    Remember I am also company director, as such there other legal responsibilities I have to adhere to, above and beyond normal considerations.

    Every single thing I post on this blog is verifiable and backed by evidence and documentation. Anything I post can be supported in a legal context.

    Mim you have never corresponded with me.


    1. To be in agreement, harmony, or conformity.
    2. To be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function: English navel corresponds to Greek omphalos. See Synonyms at agree.
    3. To communicate by letter, usually over a period of time

    Far from 'correspond' you launched an attack on me for no reason based on the verifiable and recorded contents of this blog.

    If you wish to post on such a high profile site as this, please ensure the integrity of your content especially with respect to others you refer to.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 12.

    mimpromptu (#10) "However, what you don't realise is that jj is interfering in my life more directly than just instructing me over the internet"

    I'm unaware of this. Care to let me in on how?

  • Comment number 13.

    Postscript (#9) I've just seen a clip of what's to come viz the the secretive N Korea and Russian timber. It's that Jewish chap again who did the piece on Stalinist Uzbekistan, 'child slave labour' and cotton.

    Boo...hiss! ;-)

    You're getting like Sacha Baron-Cohen Newsnight! ;-)

  • Comment number 14.

    Why has my comment #11 not yet been moderated before comment #12 considering it's importance.

  • Comment number 15.

    When is everybody going to wake up and realize that reducing CO2 in a King Canute prevent climate change ideology is just one massive stock market parasite investment scam. Just think what the Corporate Nazi's can embezzle if we are to pay developing countries for technology non of the world's poor can afford. Perhaps the majority attending said " Climate Camp " are wealthy university drop outs probably sponsored by their mates who parasite on the stock market.

    Even James Lovelock ( Gaia Theory ) rubbishes what the eco-fascists propose to save the planet, particularly wind farms but also nuclear and Severn Barrage. Get him onto Newsnight if you seek something near the truth about what needs to be done to limit our impact on the environment. Politicians of all parties still proposing reducing speed limits and introducing pollution generating traffic calming, Pinocchio's nose must be dragging on the floor by now.

  • Comment number 16.


    When Ted Kennedy was doing 'good works' (or fronting them?) was it out of gut-empathy for those in need, or to gain kudos for upward momentum?

    Does anyone still believe that Blair did anything, other than in order to advance himself? Further, any of our top-flight worthies can be in charge of farming this week, health the next and foreign policy after that. Only a ninny would believe that ONE politician has zeal and expertise in such a range of disciplines.

    Small wonder they make such a mess of things. Does Balls REALLY know or care about education? Wasn't he a bean counter before this? Did Limited Ed have ANY leanings towards all things natural in his formative years? Even the lowliest cur would not eat this breakfast!

  • Comment number 17.

    When I heard of Edward Kennedy's death, I had my customary day-dream that Newsnight might lead with a different 'news' item, given he wasn't a British politician, but, in my naivety, I hadn't considered the loonies' 'Climate Camp' would be that 'news' item.

    I hang my head in shame at my unsophisticated ways and shake my head at the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s craven subservience to what is, in essence, the futility of 'combating climate change'. When will they ever come to their senses and end their treachery?

    Mull over one of today's news items: the allegation of an average of £100 of overcharging, by the 'gas' utilities, within household 'gas' bills. What about the equal amount charged to every household, every year, to subsidise the idiotic wind-mills?

  • Comment number 18.

    #4 Neil Robertson

    Again NN are putting the 'Chinese Whisper' squad up for interview, infront of a national audience, paid for by by licence money, by a public service broadcaster.

    The 20005G8 agenda was derived from my foundation work. The ´óÏó´«Ã½ told me in 2004 I was not a 'celebrity' or a 'media personality', as news was about ratings celebrity and personality was more important.

    See #11 above.

    The NN audience is being sold very short, having studio commentators chosen not because of their knowledge, but by their celebrity status and media profile, rather than being able to supply the best assessments to important situations.

    NN is in reality no better than Big Brother. Channel 4 is axing that.

    Perhaps when NN have to announce that more than 6 billion are about to die. They might in the final analysis admit they have been presenting current affairs not based on integrity and best assessment, but celebrity status.

    The media are playing games with the future of this planet, your life and your families.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 19.

    Further to KingCelicLions comment, why are JadedJeans comments being approved by the mods almost immediately, and in front of other posters? Does he work for the ´óÏó´«Ã½? Or perhaps on the Newsnight team?

  • Comment number 20.


    Addendum (#13) Where will your intrepid investigative reporter be off to next? How about Louisiana? They have 'enemies of the people' working out in labour camps too. He could film them being supervised by repressive guards with rifles. Or how about some of our Cat D inmates doing their slave labour for crimes againt the people? or some of our Young Offenders ('children' according to some) doing work for for the crimes which they've committed against the people?

    That Russian logging camp did indeed look very secretive, so much so that I couldn't really work out what the piece was all about. Did it have anything to do with Birobidzhan and Stalin's idea to create a homeland out there instead of in Israel?


  • Comment number 21.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 22.


    thought the story on child labour in Uzbekistan was very important, not certain what the angle was tonight on the story of Koreans and Russian wood,

    later nodded off and the wire came on again, groundog day, progs seem the same, but can i surmise that this is where the Tory frontbencher got his idea from...

    ie he too was watching noosnight and nodded off, started watching the wire and got confused,


  • Comment number 23.

    Next scandal -Expenses
    may break within 2 weeks

  • Comment number 24.

    ecolizzy (#19) The answer to both questions is no.

  • Comment number 25.

    Celtic Lion
    Apologies if I've upset you. In my response to gagofone and kashibeyaz I was trying to defend you, in fact, against the claim that you are a racist, far right Brit of jj's ilk. I have recently posted a very positive opinion about your text re: your family history and that of the kilt with which you were defending yourself against some silly opinions expressed by one of the bloggers here, when at the time you also seemed to have been receiving abusive texts from jj.
    I'm considering stopping corresponding on here as it all seems to be getting out of hand while I feel I'd rather concentrate on moving forward in a much more positive fashion.
    P.S. You're right about jj receiving favourable treatment above everybody else. He seems to be one of the main causes of so much unhappiness expressed on these pages.

  • Comment number 26.

    bubblegumTriffid (#22) Look back at the NN Uzbekistan story. Look into the tradition of community spirit, an old socialist thing, where people collectively worked for each other. It's an alien idea in our ever more individualistic times. People once helped other people without expecting to be paid for it.

    Such activity should not be encouraged of course. Who knows what evils it might lead to?

  • Comment number 27.

    #25 addendum from mimpromptu to Celtic Lion
    Celtic Lion
    I'm sure it would be interesting to correspond with you via your own website but unfortunately I seem to be constantly running out of time these days and hard choices have to be made. For example, I love watching Jeremy Paxman's University Challenge but having missed it on Monday I still haven't been able to see it on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ iplayer, partly because I've spent so much time blogging on here. But as I've mentioned at #25, I think I'll cut this one out of my 'schedule'. This morning I posted another ditty about racial equality, with a tinge of what I consider humour, but the mods have not allowed it through so I'm thinking of including it on my flckr site instead. Again, the whole thing took ages with them telling me that I've removed it, then me writing back trying to make things a bit clearer, etc, etc. All in all, wasted time.
    Kind regards

  • Comment number 28.

    mimpromptu (#25) "I'm considering stopping corresponding on here as it all seems to be getting out of hand while I feel I'd rather concentrate on moving forward in a much more positive fashion."

    Excellent proposition.

    Hopefully that will give you more opportunity to self-critically observe and evaluate your own behaviours and their consequences, thus enabling you to learn something objective about the world instread of what you think/believe.

  • Comment number 29.

    ecolizzy (#21) A few heuristic/rhetorical questions:

    What does it require for all to be treated fairly and equally? Is it in fact possible?

    Are any of the posts which you see appearing before others, offensive, in violation of House Rules, or unhelpful? If not, why do you object (some do get sumbitted to the moderator, sometimes for over a day).

    Is there a difference between posters being disturbed/challenged or prompted to think, in response to a post, and their being offended?

    Can people learn without encountering material which is at odds with what they already know or are aware of?

    How do people judge what is true from what is false? What is good from what is bad?

    Do you find any of my contributions offensive?

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi JJ thank you for 26, I take your point on this, but who benefits the most in such an arrangement, those in the fields, the young workers or others? May come back on this after looking at the details of the NN story again

    best wishes

  • Comment number 31.

    bubblegumTriffid (#30) Some links were put up at the time NN covered the cotton-picking, some of which pointed out that at one time this was almost the exclusive cotton growing area of the USSR, so labour was concentrated on this. At the time, the piece looked like another piece of 'human rights' trouble making in favour of the export of Liberal-Democracy, aka the free-market. I just wasn't convinced by the line being taken. Craig Murray (our somewhat controversial ex ambassador to Uzbekistan) chipped in asserting that there were human rights issues, and here may well be, but I would have liked to have seen both sides of the issue presented, as without that, it is propaganda for liberal-democracy, which in my book is free-market anarchism. This is antistatist, and thus amounts to a tacit bias against Old Labour in our domestic politics. There is a lot of this these days, and I fear many don't see it.

  • Comment number 32.

    A WORD TO THE WISE (all posters about JJ's priority)

    Collate the various parameters of JJs postings (timing - position - emoticon) and run them through a code-breaker program - not forgetting the deliberate 'typos' (don't be fooled by the corrections) and you will realise that Jean is not only NOT what she seems, but not even what she then seems she might be!

    I founded MI7 but am sworn to silence. Trust me.

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi JJ, re 31, I'm sure that NN would have given an opportunity to the other side to put their case too, and probably ´óÏó´«Ã½ guidelines would require this,

    in the scheme of things it is those who oppress or harm others who are to be pitied most, all things come round eventually,

    best wishes

  • Comment number 34.


    barrie (#32) I just hope people don't start talking about 'quantum entangelment'. It's bad enough already.

    Speaking of which, Mr Netanyahu has kindly (?) been presented with recently discovered blueprints of , (which was located in that ex USSR satellite, behind the Iron Curtain, Poland for decades), as he visits Chancellor Merkel to discuss his settlements in the West Bank.

    Aren't human beings odd creatures?

  • Comment number 35.

    It seems this blog has descended to the level of a schoolyard argument, we have the idiotic accusations of one poster accusing another of being a 'Nazi' and yet another poster who seems to think that all people working in the corporate world are 'Nazis' is pathetic.
    Then we have yet another poster complaining that someone has posts published before their own posts, is this really what this blog is supposed to be used for?.

  • Comment number 36.


    No, if results are better, it is more likely that standards have dropped. Think jumping over the high jump bar. The lower it is, the more jump over.

    At least the ´óÏó´«Ã½ had a science teacher on to say what anyone who knows about this has been saying for years. Giving everyone prizes just gives people the false sense that they have abilities which they do not and makes the brighter ones feel something is wrong. What matters in life is response contingent feedback on ability, i.e accurate feedback. Failure to do that encourages a false sense of confidence and worse, in some, can led to depression.

    We now have equivalences and some subjects are not examined, so when results are published, and described as examination results....what is one to make of the figures?

    B-Tech courses are course-work assessed. What's the problem with course-work assessment?


    The population has gone up. Why is that? Might it be a consequence of the higher than replacement level fertility of lower ability immigrants, and higher birth rate amongst the less able overall? Still, it's going to be hard to detect that now if 2/3 of candidates get C grades or better.

    Still, what does intelligent behaviour matter anyway, we have computers these days....

  • Comment number 37.

    Rustigjongens #35

    " Corporate Nazi " is a term to describe an ideology which has emerged to the front of politics over many years now. I suppose I could just write " they " but then commentators would say " who are they ", I believe the technical term is anarcho capitalist Trotskyites but Corporate Nazi rolls of the tongue better.

    The eco-fascist wing of the environmental movement are the greatest threat to our personal freedoms in Britain. The eco-fascists are the true fascists in British politics today, in combination with the safety-fascists and health-fascists they can be classed colloquially as Corporate Nazis.

    The internationalist Corporate Nazis have no respect for nation states, over the years its their stock market parasites who have sold our British sovereignty to the highest corporate bidder.

    Its all part of a " Corporate Nazi " ideology where large corporations lobby government to make everything as inefficient ( difficult ) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the " Corporate Nazi " plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites.

  • Comment number 38.


    Hey Rollsteeljoist! Don't knock free therapy. Look at me - if it were not for this blog, I might be barmy, and then who would save the planet. As things are, I go back to my subterranean laboratory, under Cardiff, fully restored to sanity, after 'letting it all hang out' on the NN blog.

    It is vital we prepare for the Nazi invasion. Complacency is worse than appeasement. Thank god we are building a giant electrified-wire 'facility' (in the cunning guise of an Olympic enclosure) that will have: 'Athletics Make You Free!' over its entrance.

    We should not worry about time-displacement of postings; it is down to quantum-entanglement - something I have several degrees and stuff in. And anyway, my crack team are working on a solution in Cardiff.

    Be vigilant - be diligent - behind you!

  • Comment number 39.


    Rustigjongens (#35) "..is this really what this blog is supposed to be used for?

    It's symptomatic of declining national standards I fear.

    Have a look at the links off this link and see if it helps to explain what's been going on for a very long time. :-(

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello, I'm Sarah and I work at Newsnight. I thought that I should post in response to couple of points raised here. In response to #19, to our knowledge JadedJean is not a member of the Newsnight team and does not work for the ´óÏó´«Ã½. The comments on our website are moderated by a company external to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and we have no control over which comments are moderated first, or from which poster.

    In response to #35 - the Newsnight blog is intended to be a place where our viewers can come and debate the issues of the day and comment about what they have seen on the programme. You are right that everyone seems to have gone slightly off message, but unfortunately that is out of our control.

  • Comment number 41.


    The Beeb privatised propriety! What's outsource for the goose, it seems, is outsource for the gander! I am blown away! I might run out of exclamation marks in my font! I thought the intrinsic ethicality of the mighty ´óÏó´«Ã½ was being brought to bear on our efforts, but now, for all I know, some part-time tea-maker is moderating me!


    My joy is complete. Armageddon will be a doddle. Hallelujah!!! (:o)

  • Comment number 42.



    re 40, sorry to post this, but is it you? could you not be who you say you are, but perhaps....

    perhaps if it is you you could ask the website team to post something like

    Yes, it is me, somewhere on the NN website?

    re the second point, perhaps the bloggers prefer an alternative sort of world to the one presented on NN?

    can't help thinking you might find it very interesting to invite all the bloggers to gather together and see what the outcome might be,

    best wishes WHOEVER YOU ARE


  • Comment number 43.

    So Sarah why have NN not replied that two local authorities and two police forces knew in advance of the 2007 UK flooding. Basically just let them happen to fulfill their own agendas.

    Kirsty referred to Lockerbie being a the major terrorist attack in the UK. Why are you not investigating the 2007 flooding to put it into perspective?

    How important does a story have to be for NN to investigate it?

  • Comment number 44.

    At 08:30am on 27 Aug 2009, JadedJean wrote:
    ecolizzy (#21) A few heuristic/rhetorical questions:

    Sorry JJ just catching up with NN blog, I do have a life away from the computer screen!

    I don't object to your postings at all, in fact you have informed me of quite a lot, but I do object when one poster is modded immediately, with several in front not. I wouldn't describe it as unfair, that's childish, but it's odd, and now I see it's outsourced, which I find hilarious as Barrie does, it makes one wonder even more. I notice several other posters commented on the fact you were modded so rapidly, but I have the honour that Sarah picked up on my post, perhaps because I stated what I thought baldly. The problem now to me is that it could be you that owns the modding company. But never mind alls fair on the blogging round.

    One comment I would make, regarding the growing population here, as always ignored by NN. When researching my family tree, we were in a local library looking up births, we had gone back to Elizbethan times, (yes my family were around then, we never moved and stayed in one area) all the baby girls were named Elizabeth, which I wouldn't have known without looking at very old docuements. Now I believe The Times published a list of the most popular babies names here a while ago, top of the boys names was Mohammed, so that tells you a lot doesn't it.

  • Comment number 45.

    Apparently the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s decision to censor any mention of doubts that we are currently suffering from catastrophic warming is because a conclave of "the best scientists" they called all said we were.

    Unfortunately, using a loophole in the Freedom of Information Act they refuse to say who any of these great scientists they chose to invite were, though one of them, not a sceptic himself, has said they were pretty low quality & obviously selected as alarmists.

    Being legally committed to impartiality the ´óÏó´«Ã½ would thus also have to endorse holocaust denial if David Irving was able to say he had found a group of indentified people who agreed it never happened. How fortunate we are he never thought that.

  • Comment number 46.

    ecolizzy (#44) I have nothing to do with the company which moderates the blogs. There are times when my posts are delayed, and there has been at least one recent post which was removed from one of the other ´óÏó´«Ã½ blogs (either SF's or RP's) for having allegedly broken House Rules. I think it may have been for use of asterisks in place of a four letter word which is part of a commonly used idiom. I thought it would be acceptable. I sincerely have no wish to offend anyone, or be unpleasant/hurtful. I do however reserve the right to be critical of behaviour which I think is wrong and hurtful to others, and to correct falsehoods. When I do I either, I endeavour to be both fair and just. If I'm critical, it should be clear to independent observers that acting on the criticism, in a positive way, will benefit, not harm, the person concerned.

  • Comment number 47.

    bubblegumTriffid (#42) If pigs had wings, they would be able to fly. If the gangofone is civil and rational in his analysis of political systems he does not subscribe to, I'm a monkey's uncle. JadedJean and Sarah McDermott are not coextenive.

    The bottom line is that if someone is anonymous, one should not ask who they are. What usually matters in these blogs is what is said, not who says what. This is true generally. Not to abide by this principle risks falling foul of the ad hominem, which is more inclusive than many appreciate. If something is true, it is true regardless of who says it. That's worth remembering.

  • Comment number 48.

    And then exclusive pictures from the North Korean logging camps located in the remote forests of Russia. We investigate the links between the Stalinist state and a timber company run by British businessmen. Watch a preview clip here.

    There is more to look on this video to understand more than just read and have a misunderstanding on the issue.


  • Comment number 49.

    SarahMcDermott (#40) "In response to #19, to our knowledge JadedJean is not a member of the Newsnight team and does not work for the ´óÏó´«Ã½."

    That is a revealing post. ;-)

  • Comment number 50.

    Presumably slightly less revealing than Sarah's next line "The comments on our website are moderated by a company external to the ´óÏó´«Ã½" though my guess is that if Jean let through to much about ´óÏó´«Ã½ censorship of what our employees do in Kosovo to Serbs, Gypsies & Jews they would get a new company


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