Alison Lapper: Queen for a Day
Come Christmas Day, once you've stuffed yourself with turkey and pudding, you'll be wanting to settle down in front of the TV and watch the Queen's Speech, won't you?

Well, there's an alternative this year. If you're a digital viewer, tune into the and watch disabled artist and single mother broadcasting her to the nation. Amongst a range of subjects, Alison will be discussing her artwork, the DDA, and motherhood. She'll also be looking forward to 2005, when Marc Quinn's 15-foot marble sculpture of Alison, showing her naked and pregnant, will take its place on the vacant fourth plinth in London's Trafalgar Square.
Ouch links:
Éù Pregnant Alison sculpture not art? by Victoria Lucas
Éù Child of our Time: Alison Lapper by Emma Bowler