Reality TV disability lawsuit
Crippled Monkey's US correspondent - well, OK, it's really just me reading - reveals that an NBC show called The Apprentice, billed as a "15-week job interview" with the prize of a job with one of the many business owned by property tycoon Donald Trump, is being sued by a disabled lawyer.

James Schottel Jr claims that the auditions for the reality TV show discriminate because they require would-be contestants to be in excellent physical and mental health. He's not seeking any financial reward from his lawsuit either, but rather to correct a possible violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act; indeed, Schottel says that he's a fan of Donald Trump and doesn't believe that it's the man himself who is behind the discrimination, but that the fault lies more with the production company.
So, reality TV and disabled contestants, eh? Who fancies placing another bet on whether the next series of Big Brother might finally feature one of us? Anyone?