An ant raps
Almost since the moment Ouch began back in 2002, we've been closely following the story of '80x pop star Adam Ant - our very own Liz Main wrote a great Behind the News article about him back in October of that year. Thanks to his fame, his mental health problems have been well publicised in the press - often splashed across the tabloids in their typically unsubtle style (anyone remember "Adam and the ANTidepressants"?)

So for '80s kids (like some of us in the Ouch office) who still haven't quite recovered from first seeing the amazing video for Stand and Deliver on Top of the Pops some twenty or so years ago, it's good to discover this new with Adam, recently published in The Daily Telegraph. He discusses his life and his whirlwind career, and gets the chance to talk in his own words about some of the episodes he's been through as a result of his depression. But the best news of all is that Adam Ant is working on an album of "very personal" new songs, which will hopefully see the light of day soon. [link via ]