LIVE 8: what about disabled tickets?
- 1 Jun 05, 12:00 AM
Even though Sir Bob Geldof only announced the huge series of concerts yesterday, our inbox and the messageboard have already received quite a few queries about how the 'text message lottery' to get tickets for the London gig in Hyde Park will work for disabled gig-goers.
Well, I've been on to the organisers at Harvey Goldsmith Productions, and so far the info is as follows. First, you have to enter the from Monday 6 June to Sunday 12 June, along with everyone else. If you're one of the lucky winners, you'll receive a text message informing you of this after 13 June. At that point, you'll be directed to the , where there will be details of a telephone line to call to confirm tickets for disabled people.
The exact number of tickets in the disabled allocation hasn't been confirmed yet, due to the small matter of the size of the stage, but it will be on a first come first served basis. Oh, and if you're a lucky ticket winner who intends to bring a carer, he/she should be included on your ticket.
Don't forget, though, that this is early information. We'll bring you more details as and when we get them. In the meantime, get your mobile phone at the ready for the forthcoming texting frenzy!
My main concern for the texting for Live 8 is that not every blind person has talk software for a mobile phone, so the system to get tickets is not accessible.
I got tickets in a similar manner for a free one day event in Finsbury Park last summer headed by Limp Bizkit. I was delighted to get tickets but then found disabled facilities were non-existant - I had to go the long way round to the inaccessible portaloos, there was no viewing platform and I was shepherded into the "mosh pit" area where my partner thought I would get crushed - we couldn't relax at all. By contrast I also got tickets in the lottery for the Trafalgar Square concert in 2003, but when I applied I had to select an option for disabled people - indicating that they knew we'd be there, would have facilities, and a specific allocation of tickets for us - it was a great day out! I hope Live 8 do the same.
You say this is early information so is it likely to change then? Will there actually be a seperate wheelchair section?
Glad I'm not the only person wondering about this. I e-mailed the media section of the Live 8 website just a few minutes ago, before i found this site. Wonder if i'll get an answer from them??
not too happy wiv the texting thing about this one i mean there are hundreds of blind people sitting at home right now like me and thinking "how the hell im i gonna do this?" its weird v weird
I am concerned - what if there are more people with disabilities who are lucky emough to get a ticket. What if there aren't enough wheelchair spaces?
Im worried there wont be enough wheelchair spaces too. Can someone please find out more about this?
I agree with Emma - I need wheelchair tickets. Any one know how?
I won too! I hope the facilities are adequate.
What about pregnant people? I am one of the lucky ones and have just found out that I have won a pair of tickets, but my wife is 7 months pregnant. Now does this mean we can apply for disabled tickets, or are we classed as mormal punters?
i would like to add something to your comments, my beautiful daughter has had 25 major spinal operations in the past 6 years, she has lung & heart defects & muscle wasting along with joint dislocation. On a good day you would not know anything was wrong with her & she wouldn't want you to. on a bad day she can't get out of bed. we have to use disabled facilities because of the metal work in her back ( it needs protecting) & she needs to sit down. I have asked for disabled tickets for live 8 but what worries me is the way we are treated by other disabled people when they believe we have obtained them through fraud. Please remember not all disabilities are easy to see.
after 9 phone calls and constent promises still no special access passes/tickets. Does anyone out there have these special access tickets yet ?
yes finally 2 special access orange wristbands and 1 live 8 parking permitt. c u all their
I've won 2 tickets from my local radion station for Hyde Park live8, but I am disabled is there a reserved place for disabled?