The Blunkett scandal on stage
- 19 Jul 05, 12:00 AM
It was undoubtedly the theatrical event of the decade - well, OK, the month. Last week saw the preview of Who's the Daddy?, the stage farce based on the former home secretary's affair with Kimberly Quinn (and yes, the blond-haired, scatter-brained figure. The Guardian sent their arts correspondent along to it - and a few lines about our hero, the Blunkmeister himself, caught Crippled Monkey's attention:
"Blunkett appears as a semi-corrupt lovelorn fool,"
And it seems that's just the start of the show's Blunkett-bashing:
"When asked to provide her nomination for Spectator parliamentarian of the year, Wyatt [that's Petronella Wyatt, Boris Johnson's fellow columnist and former lover] spits, looking at [Kimberly] Quinn: "David Blunkett - for triumphing over adversity while being led around by a smelly old dog."
So they're not talking about the lovely Sadie, then? Miaow.
Where did Blunkett go anyway? He came back in a fanfare and I've not heard from him since. I suspect he's quietly having a 'told you so' fight with the new home secretary.