Lennon looking for (non-disabled) love
Yes, it's 2006! And we're back! Ready to bring you more gossipy goodness, blogging badness and tittle-tattle trivia about anything and everything to do with disabiility.

This year's first story concerns Sean Lennon, the son of legendary ex-Beatle John and his second wife, Yoko Ono. Now, poor Sean - despite his fame and wealth - is . He even went so far as to tell a New York gossip column that he's "completely alone and completely miserable".
But in case any of you lovely disablified Ouch-reading laydeez out there are thinking of getting in touch with Seanie-boy - well, think again, because he has some very specific (and downright disablist) guidelines about who he's looking for: "they must not have any clinical or psychological disorders and have a kind heart. Clearly beautiful but beauty on the inside is more important. But no deformities, third legs, fifth nipples."
Oh , what a simply charming guy . . .
Ah, but it would be terrible to start the year on such a cynical note, so in contrast I'm relieved to tell you about a story from , where a company called Mr Cupid International Matchmakers has been set up to help hearing-impaired Singapore men find love with hearing-impaired Vietnamese women. And the agency is apparently doing thriving business too.
That's better. I'm getting a lovely warm glow now.