Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
15 May 07, 10:56 AM - Blogging Tourette's
is the blogging community's very own 'what not to miss' guide, which each week takes people nominations for the best blog posts and chooses a winner. The current top entry is a wonderfully written insight into what it's like living with Tourette's Syndrome, from a blog called . Definitely worth a few moments of your reading time. Go check it out.
At 04:37 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:
I nominated Badger's post - I was just stunned when I read it. It was the first time I'd really had a clue what it must feel like, the unpredictability.
I think it's an amazing piece of writing and I'm not surprised that some of the UK's tourette's support organisations have already been in touch with Badger about using it.
It's what Blogging is all about :)
And also shortlisted this week was a fab post by Lady Bracknell - about how hard it can be to be friends with normies when you're an ouchy crip (her words). That gave me tremendous food for thought as well:
*sigh* isn't the interweb wonderful.
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At 08:10 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:
This is the joy and the power of blogging: Badger can become the expert on her experience and an expert on Tourette's, rather than read an 'expert's' version of what Tourette's is all about. Democracy in action. And a very well written and evocative piece too, if I may add.
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