Ouch! Talk Show 75: Say it again ... and again

How many times can you legitimately ask someone with a speech impairment to repeat themselves? Our vegetable quiz returns and we're all about disabled golf. Liz Carr and Rob Crossan present.
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• Rob admits that he doesn't know how to talk to people with speech impairments. We help him out. Correction, we try to.
• The Disabled British Open starts this weekend and we have two of the hopefuls in the studio to talk about golf.
• Our Vegetable Vegetable Vegetable game returns. Just what is wrong with the person on the other end of the phone? Our presenters have to guess in 90 seconds or less.
• We discuss the embarrassment of swimming pool changing rooms if you can't see. And singer Pidgie from unsigned band Olypsys joins us.
• This is a special longer edition for summer. September's show is also a longer one. Do you like our newer short shows, or our old style hour-long ones? Get in touch and tell us.
Coming soon
Mat Fraser is back with Liz on the next show. But what's going to be on it? We've had a few ideas though haven't booked anyone or anything yet so your guess is as good as mine at the moment. It's due to go live around September 12.
If you have any ideas about what you want to hear on a future podcast then get in touch with us. We're also always keen to take any disability questions you have - the more obtuse the better; we'll try and answer them.
Comment number 1.
At 20th Aug 2011, Bill Meyer wrote:I love your show and I look forward to every podcast. You guys are so talented and you make me laught out loud when I'm listening on my I-POD. People stop and stare at me which makes me laugh more! My wife won't walk next to me when I listen to your show because I embarass her.
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Comment number 2.
At 20th Aug 2011, Bill Meyer wrote:Speech impairment. My mom had a small stroke and she would get so fustrated when trying to tell me something. I would just tease her and make her laugh and then she would relax and be able to tell me. You can't be too serious about impairments, just laugh, it is all part of life.
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Comment number 3.
At 20th Aug 2011, Bill Meyer wrote:the nice thing about podcast is that I can go back one or two years and listen to them again and laugh again.
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Comment number 4.
At 20th Aug 2011, MM wrote:I'd like to see these pod casts discussing the ´óÏó´«Ã½ approach to dumping the ouch message-boards and contributors. It would appear they are sanitising feedback by utilising what is left of disabled at the ´óÏó´«Ã½ to promote an image they are still supported, this is not true. Contributions by disabled to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ pod casts also validates the exclusion of disabled feedback. we should ask whose 'side' are these ´óÏó´«Ã½ disabled on ?
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Comment number 5.
At 21st Aug 2011, Madeline wrote:Fantastic episode! You need to get Phil from Northern Ireland back on, he was hilarious.
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Comment number 6.
At 23rd Aug 2011, wrikent3500 wrote:i love the show....a tad more cancon though
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Comment number 7.
At 24th Aug 2011, Wheelie EDSer wrote:On the subject of speech impairment, I remember meeting Lawrence Clark at the first Ouch Christmas Podcast recording. He said something and after a few goes I had to say "look, my hearing's not great, I'm really sorry but I don't understand you" and moved along... to hear, crystal clear from behind me "I was only trying to say hello!"
I felt awful but what else could I do?
Sorry Lawrence...
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