Disabled animal videos go viral

Here are some disabled creatures currently grabbing our attention.
A buoyancy-challenged goldfish gets around under water using a unique swimming aid. The disabled fish .
By way of what we humans might call a reasonable adjustment, the fish is hand-fed because she can't easily reach the surface where a regular goldfish would find its food floating. The owner fondly says that her pet does "look a little silly". The owner is pleased that her fish can now socialise with other fish, rather than " lie at the bottom of the tank all day".
A Japanese amputee sea turtle has recently been fitted with a . Newsworthy in itself perhaps but when you hear it's the 27th attempt at the perfect flipper, you might sit up and wonder. The Loggerhead turtle's own fins got torn off during a 2008 shark attack. Since then, scientists have been searching for the best most workable prosthetics. Her latest high-tech flippers are attached to a jacket, which .
Now that they've supported one turtle to swim successfully with prosthetic fins, scientists hope to do similar for other amputee sea creatures in the future.
Eddie the sea otter has been in the hope that it'll help his arthritis.
At 16, he's rather elderly for an otter, but with a treat in store for every ball he gets through, Florida-based Eddie rarely misses a hoop.
Chris P Bacon was born without the use of his hind legs.
A vet has responded by making a wheelchair for the piglet using parts from children's' toys. A video of Chris learning to use his chair has gone viral, even making it on to the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s Canada pages.
Wonky needs a home. Dogs Trust say that the was taken from her mum too early and then abandoned. Poor diet has hampered development of Wonky's front legs. Hopefully, whoever rehomes the dog will consider changing its name.
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