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The New Year 2007 Beach

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Eddie Mair | 05:43 UK time, Monday, 1 January 2007

Welcome to the New Year beach. For new New Year visitors, here鈥檚 a quick guide provided for Molly by Simon Worrall.

Sometimes it is fairly quiet, but you can leave your footprints for others to find later on. Othertimes it is the home for a real New Year party, with constant gossip, rumour, innuendo, chit-chat and so on.

There is no direct answer to your question about finding your way. The beach is a moveable feast, literally. It will be renewed by our Lord and master Mr. Edward de Mair each Monday morning. This is because we have found in the past that when the number of posts exceeds about 600 the entire thing becomes unwieldy and unstable.
If this were a forum (and it sort of is because we post responses to each other, not just to Eddie, hence our term for ourselves 'Froggers', a combination of forum and blogger) then the beach would be the off-topic area. It's a tropical location, no matter the time of year it's always warm and pleasant there. Sunrises and sunsets are spectacular and the evenings are balmy. It has a number of different locations; the Nick Clarke waterfront bar; the smokers corner; Fido's Run for the dog-walkers; and others.

Froggers often leave bottles / glasses of their favourite tipple on the bar for others to sample, not to mention big / small eats. For example last Thursday I left a bottle of Talisker and some crudites there, which were well received in some quarters.

There is a herd of camels who frequent the sands, which froggers are very fond of. Lately a bunch of reindeer have showed up from who-knows-where. There are sun-loungers, so you can take it easy and catch some rays. Quite often the late-night attendees will have a barbie.

It's a fun place, with only one real rule; Be nice to each other. To answer another point you raise; we are ALL chums here.

The real debate happens on the other threads. The beach is a place for banter, whimsy, relaxation and friendship, where jarring comments are not particularly welcome. There are certain very mild protocols, which you tend to pick up as you go along. So slip your shoes off, feel the sand between your toes, relax and enjoy the New Year.

And by the way, if you are interested the froggers have also created their own site at https://www.pmblog.co.uk/ .


  1. At 06:33 AM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ah, clean sand to play in. Oh, now I've got sand between my toes!

    Childhood memories come flooding back of paranoid parents determined to keep me from anything messy or dirty at all times and at all costs. Beaches are "bad places". And so is eating ice cream. Very messy. I may have to go for a swim because I was never allowed to do that as a child - but Dad's not looking and Mum's gone to some far flung place to recover from Christmas. And are there any muddy puddles around?

    Happy New Year to Eddie and co, to all the froggers and to all the people behind the scenes that allow us all to croak. Ribbitt.

  2. At 08:43 AM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Happy New Year from me to all!


  3. At 08:49 AM on 01 Jan 2007, Stephen Thompson wrote:

    It's a pity they had to cancel Hogmanay in Scotland - I hope they could fall back on the alternative... HogmanB

  4. At 09:21 AM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Glad to see Liverpool have moved theirs to January 5th...forecast rain and 11mph winds....

  5. At 10:13 AM on 01 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Jason (1) I'm so glad you are enjoying the new beach and so sorry you had such a deprived childhood.
    Although mine was in many ways over protected, when my mother found my toddler sister and me playing in the mud in the garden she didn't forbid it. She found an old macintosh and cut it up to make play trousers, so we could sit in the mud whenever we wanted. And we made a big dent in the lawn to create a puddle to sit in! I've always been grateful for such common sense, though I don't think I've ever wanted to sit in the mud since :-)

  6. At 10:25 AM on 01 Jan 2007, stewart m wrote:

    Happy New Year, Never had much problem with beaches or mud as a child. I'm still waiting for my first foot at home. Did Jason remember his bit of coal and bit of silver as he was the beach's first foot?

  7. At 11:08 AM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    *YAWN* Oh, good morning everyone :-) I see Eddie is putting us all to shame by blogging early on New Years Day. I think I'll make up a batch of caffeinated beverages that people can help themselves to as they arrive. I need at least one more americano before I can truly be deemed awake....

    Is it me or have the camels had a bath?

  8. At 01:08 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon, all! Perhaps tethering the camels stopped them rolling in excrement, but it does seem they smell a bit less than before.

    As I sit nursing the third strong black caffeinated beverage, I note two woodpeckers (one of each gender) enjoying the company of the usual gathering of finches, robins and other small birds. Also a persistent (and soon to be dead) magpie and a couple of partridges. This wireless frogging ain't bad, even if one must dodge about a bit if one's premises are built of two-foot-thick granite. Never mind the radon....

    Presently observing a pair of great tits - oops, it seems I took my eyes off that snake again, Fifi.

    xx to all and sundry

    p.s. I've left some paracetamol (other remedies are available) behind the bar. Perhaps the unusual fact that last night's dinner was preceded by 'Grace' being said (by a Very Reverend Gentleman) has something to do with me not needing such medication?

    I do recall marching up and down Kirkcudbright High Street behind a mad piper. Both the bishop and I, as well as many others carrying well-charged glasses.....

    Trust in Allah, but tether your camel.

  9. At 01:08 PM on 01 Jan 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    FF (7) Its either an automated post or he may have just been going to bed!!

  10. At 01:12 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Goodness Jason, You were up early!

    We were still clearing up the leftovers from a rather large party.

    Happy New Year everyone, woke up to News 24 and nice to see that Nick Clarke was remembered in their obituries slot.

  11. At 02:01 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Of course, I'm not the only one who fancies tits, as the sparrowhawk's breakfast, witnessed just now, demonstrates. I've long recognised I'm feeding them indirectly....

    Happy New Year (to the entire community)

    One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Wildflowers and songbirds are examples.
    Of the 22,000 higher plants and animals native to Wisconsin, it is doubtful whether more than 5 percent can be sold, fed, eaten, or otherwise put to economic use. Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community, and if (as I believe) its stability depends on its integrity they are entitled to continuance.
  12. At 04:11 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Silly me, I've been paddling about on the Christmas beach, wondering why nobody else was there!


    Last night's festivities were most enjoyable. Eating, quizzing, drinking, fireworks (unexpected), a tank (considerably more unexpected!) rolling down the street at midnight, many kisses, hot aubergine soup, more singing and drinking.

    Only thing is, by the time we'd walked home after that lot, it still wasn't even 3am! They're nice, the English, but they really don't know how to do Hogmanay properly...

    Tonight we're doing it all over again in Oakham, with my Kiwi friend Curly.

    Something tells me we will be once again observing the Scottish bank holiday of January 2!

    Fifi xxx

  13. At 04:25 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I have a sore head, not how I meant to start the year!

  14. At 04:50 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Helen (13) : Must have been something you ate....?


    Fifi xx

  15. At 06:27 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Helen I hope it wasn't something dodgy to eat. I've made trifle out of the left over fruit and cream, and brandy and sherry, and I'm cooking up some roast beef. There's more than enough for SO and me so I'll leave some on the bar.

    I'm cracking open my champagne tonight as I couldn't have anything yesterday and you are all welcome to share a glass with me, that's if you are all not too hung over!


  16. At 06:56 PM on 01 Jan 2007, Perky wrote:

    Ahhh. A spare sun-lounger next to the bar; just what I need after a night of entertainment and a very large-but-lovely lunch out with friends today. I have finally had enough of rich food, so I've bought some bottled water for those who just need to clean out the system. I'm sure there's some ice around for anyone who wants it. Now, I'll just tip my sunhat across my face, if you don't mind, and catch a few zzzzz to prepare for the first day back at work tomorrow....

    Happy New Year!

  17. At 07:13 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I am sadly sure it was nothing I ate... I am a bad girl... sitting here busy not working all day now too... even badder... self-recrimination has begun my year oh bother... oh well, tomorrow is another day. More carbs please!

  18. At 07:17 PM on 01 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    gosh it's all a bit heavy over there in January - I don't mean to be flighty but I do hope the year cheers up.

    I was really sorry to hear that you had to work yesterday Madmary. Was it another on call stint? We do of course have our forthcoming witness appearance still hanging over us - next Monday at 2. But hey, that's a week away yet.

    I was on the phone a while ago and heard a constant mewing and scrabbling appearing to come from the roof - poor Flossie our middle cat, had gone exploring in the loft this morning when husband was checking the roof. She must have slinked past him at the speed of light as we had no idea she was up there. Poor thing was cold and starving by the time we got her down. Her year can only improve!

  19. At 08:05 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    If I say this time next year that I can't recall anything about 2007, can someone remind me that I've just made roast beef medium rare, with perfect Yorkshire puddings for my husband who comes from "god's own country" and it was wonderful! Now that's a meal to celebrate!

    Annie I wasn't on call today, I just had to go to court to make a rather futile bail application for someone in rather serious trouble. I hate making bail applications especially on Bank Holidays.

    Good luck for your court case annie.


  20. At 08:49 PM on 01 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Oh dear, I've just really depressed myself posting on the execution thread in January.

    Is that sun lounger free? I'll put this red towel on it and go for a paddle to calm down.

    I've left some of my sister's homemade Redcurrent and white rum liqueur on the bar - luscious and with quite a kick - do try it.

  21. At 09:23 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh wow! The Four White Feathers is on! Not the original but it's shaping up to be a good remake.

    Champers in hand and thoughts of tomorrow far away!

    Fifi has leant me her portable DVD if anyone wants to watch with me on a spot on the beach!


  22. At 10:30 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    The Four Feathers was the first movie we watched on our very first TV, probably 1953ish?....They seem to have added colour and removed snow.

  23. At 10:42 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ws I, it was an old movie even then! This new version is rather good in my opinion. Unusual for a remake.


  24. At 11:05 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:


    It took me a while to figure out you were neither subtly insulting or complimenting me, but rather just typing without looking...

    btw, it was New Year's Eve 1953/4, as I remember, and the remake is quite good indeed.

  25. At 11:18 PM on 01 Jan 2007, wrote:

    You're right Ed. Except that I don't think I typed incorrectly. But then I have had a couple of glasses of bubbly!

    The original movie was 1939. The new version got slated. It's no worse than the original which was very corny. I love corny movies.

    I loved the character of Abou (sp?). I really wanted to know what adventures he got up to after the end of the movie!


  26. At 11:33 PM on 01 Jan 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Well I saw that Four Feathers was on but decided Torchwood would be better. There seems to be some good TV this week. Better that Christmas week anyway.

  27. At 11:53 PM on 01 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Ah, a new beach for a new year. Hi to one and all. December is indeed very depressing and I just couldn't bring myself to join in.

    Here's to a happier 2007.

  28. At 12:09 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Eddie: Were you boasting when you blogged so early? Was your New Year celebration still ongoing at 5.43 a.m.? Yet you graced our radios this very evening. A true professional!

    And how nice to see my fellow froggers this new year! Not only have FFred and Fifi put in an appearance, but Sister Mary's here, and Ed, and Jason B Good, and and and .....

    I brought back a spare bottle of the bubbly which we didn't manage to drink last night, so help yourselves!

    Now, where, did I put the sunlounger?

  29. At 08:10 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Hi all, It's good to be back. I have missed the fun and frivolity of the beach. 2 weeks without a computer and to be honest it was really refreshing but I am now paying the price with an in box that will take me hours to go through!
    Hope that all had a great Christmas and have a wonderful 2007.
    Looking through I notice that I even had a photo on the calender! Ah, fame at last!

  30. At 08:38 AM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Well I'm very disappointed! I was pouring champagne last night for Mary and anyone else who was around and the moderator appears to have drunk it! I hope he/she has a sore head this morning........

  31. At 09:56 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    A message to the Frogger known - briefly - as Dire Media:

    I read your post on the Christmas Beach with interest tinged with sadness.

    Whoever you are - and you know who you are - you are a regular frogger. I'm very sad to discover that there is one amongst us who appears capable of petty spite, upon what pretext I do not know.

    I am grateful to admin annie for her intervention and to the other froggers for not responding to DM's comment. I am, however, now seriously reconsidering whether this is where I want to be. Which is a pity, because there are some great people and brilliant discussions on this Blog. But I don't do spite.

  32. At 10:36 AM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Sister (31): Follow that course and that person (other definitions are available) will have won. Take the opposite heading and resolutely stick your brolly in the sand and refuse to be budged. As others have already shown, you will have plenty of support.

  33. At 10:58 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Big Sis.
    No matter what the trollish say you are loved and appreciated here by myself, and I suspect, all the other regular froggers. The fact that this someone has had to hide behind another identity instead of their usual blogging name simply shows they were ashamed of their actions. Please stay, in fact, please post more often and if the nameless one really feels like that you can drive them off and good riddance to bad rubbish!

  34. At 11:00 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Dear Jason (for you are now dear to me!) I do thank you for your kind words.

    Sparkly Helen - I found your kind defence of me further down the Beach just now, and thank you too.

    I'll mull it over.

  35. At 11:20 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Mrs. T
    (For it is She -
    The one who is
    A VIP
    On Humph's Own Prog
    And on the Frog)
    Is superstar
    Both near and far
    With Lil' Ole Me!

    Thank you, m'dear. To be loved and appreciated by You is a Great Honour.

    From a Very 'Umble Big Sis.

  36. At 11:21 AM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Big Sis! They are not worth it, whoever they are.
    Look at that big sign in the sand....

    "Big Sister we think you're fab!"


  37. At 11:29 AM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    To be fair, gossipmistress (36), originally it said "Big Sister we drank your booze!".

    Then, in a Tomorrow's World way, the tide swept in and rearranged all the letters into what you saw.

    And I think I know who wrote about the booze... Lissa? Off with a headache, perchance??

  38. At 11:30 AM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:



  39. At 11:36 AM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Our telephone line has now been fixed.

    A BT Engineer with a gripe gained access with a special key to a roadside box and severed over 100 lines on Friday at 17:00. How Intelligent!

    Re: Big Sister (31)

    I have just read the initial comment from dire media. My first instinct would have been to ignore it.

    As said by Mrs Trellis, Jason and others you would be sorely missed. The more postings the better! The blog is multifaceted and if such people do hold such sentiments they merely have to scroll down or skim read.

    How dare they invade our lovely beach ;-(

  40. At 12:34 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Strangely, I responded to mr/mrs Media in very similar vein, i.e. that yes, (s)he was alone in finding your absence a relief,

    but it never appeared! CONSPIRACY!

    As someone pointed out some time ago, the name is an anagram....
    (and a big hug, oxoxoxoxox should you need any further encouragement)

  41. At 12:37 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    This is an advanced whether warning brought to you from the bet office. Bailey, Rockall, Malin, Hebrides, Irish Sea, Jason's Kitchen. Second soup of the blender preparing. South, South East veering West later, 1007, rising more steadily. Eruptions likely later.

  42. At 12:48 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Big Sis, I noted and was digusted by the comment at the time, but decided to "hauld my whisht" (don't get all excited Whisht dear, it's just a Scottish Expression) until you came back from your trip. Welcome home Big Sis, back where you belong, and don't you dare let the trolls get to you. They're not worth the ink on the page.

    I'm away to make soup and will bring some back down to the beach with me - that should take the nasty taste from our mouths.

  43. At 12:57 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Did anyone get the registration of the ship that discharged onto the beach last week?

    The scum it left behind created an awful stench and upset BigSis to boot! Fortunately with the beach being renewed each Monday that kind of thing soon becomes just an unpleasant aftertaste.

    BigSis, don't go. You've seen the level of support for you. For what it's worth I'll echo what all your friends here are telling you. I think you're fab and I'd rather that you stayed.


  44. At 01:01 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Are you seriously suggesting that Dire Media and our venerated leader are one and the same?

    If Eddie is reading this, perhaps he could set the matter straight?

    I'm really looking forward to both Jason's soup (plenty of the Baileys and Irish for me, please!) and ValP's wonderful soup when they arrive.

    I'll bung some homemade rolls (organic stoneground wholemeal and best French flour white) in the oven to go with 'em. Then we can batten down the hatches. Storms never last long here, do they?

  45. At 01:02 PM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    By the way Big sis I think 'Dire Media' may have spelt their name wrong. Clearly they meant to write "Diarrhoea"

  46. At 01:02 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hear, hear! (this is to all who are rallying to Big Sister's side)

    We can't assume DM is a regular. Could just be a recent lurker. And given the nature of the frog, that seems far more likely.

    The troll cleverly picked on one of the most thoughtful and popular froggers (sparing your blushes, Sis!) ... might equally have been me, Jonnie, Ed I, Valery or anyone else who visited the beach over the hols.

    It's a tactic, not a personal attack. And if the evil little mustard* ever tries it again, it will be driven off by your many, many friends.

    * Fifi Approximate Rhyming Slang

    Now, let's get back to business, if we can. Mrs Trellis, your new twin set looks lovely!

    Who'd like some turkey soup? It's yummy.

    Fifi xx

  47. At 01:03 PM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Jason did you drink my champagne too? No wonder you are expecting eruptions.....

  48. At 01:06 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Gossipmistress: Interesting thought. And if somebody is playing pranks which implicate Eddie in this, I would doubly agree.

  49. At 01:07 PM on 02 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    Big Sis, I suspect myself it was a lurking troll but don't let yourself be put off. We would miss you so much.

    Stewart M - you are obviously the person who can answer my question about Torchwood. If it is an organisation which builds huge underground bunkers, ( as seen in the Dr Who Christmas special) and does experiments from a huge office block in London ( as seen in the closing episodes of the latest series of Dr Who), etc etc, how come when we get a series about it it consists of two seriously barmy welshman, a welshwoman who does little but run about, a pretty Eurasian girl who is a bit of a technogeek and an alien with a spurious british military title, all working out of a dismally dark underground base in Cardiff that has one of the world's most unstable power supplies? Just wondering.

  50. At 01:08 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Dear Big Sis, I've just spent ages scrolling back through the Xmas Beach to see what Dire Media said. Unkind, untrue, & unworthy of this blog. You should ignore & carry on as before. Everyone who posts makes a contribution to this blog, & they are all valued. Even the occasional troll, since when they loom up we all huddle closer together for protection. A bit like meercats. Imagine yourself in the middle of a protective huddle now. xxx

    But LOOK OUT! Jason's trying soup again! I've just seen the police helicopter go overhead on the way to his house, & several fire engines & ambulances rushing past on the A6. I fear for the state of his family & kitchen... Take cover everyone! Nee Naah Nee Naah Nee Naah (can't type Doppler effect, I'm afraid)

  51. At 01:20 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Is Torchwood available on DVD?

    Big Sister (44) I do my best to support you and you name my kitchen creation "soup", but ValP's gets a "wonderful" billing? How do you know it isn't wonderful too?

    Footnote. I've just tasted it. You were right. You don't need much brocolli to turn a soup bright green, do you? Youngest daughter is asking questions about frogs and my liquidiser...

  52. At 01:21 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Admin (46). Cardiff is, Aparanently, The centre of the world. The organisation uses a local workforce, apart from the boss who was relocated from a TARDIS. Geeks are geeks. And the electricity supply is dubious as its been privatised and they keep changing suppliers for the best deal?

    For the real reasons I think we need that producer bloke (Russel T Davies)

  53. At 01:42 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Jason: You called it soup, I (with my one track mind) picked up on the alcoholic references in your shipping forecast. With no other information available from GM, I could only add an adjective to her mix. Sorry if you felt snubbed - to me, any mix with Baileys and Irish would be excellent, so hope that reassures you!
    Now, as to Annasee's warning, that's another matter!

    Fifi, Admin and Annasee - Your kind words, along with those already expressed by others, have me well and truly mollified. Hey, that could be a new nom de frog for me ..... Watch out, guys!

    And thank you for your very, very welcome support.

    PS I'll pass on the turkey soup, though. No snub intended, but, as they say, enough is enough.

  54. At 01:54 PM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    F-r-a-n-c-e-s O F-r-a-n-c-e-s!

    You STILL have something to tell us concerning water voles. You promised us it would be yesterday....

  55. At 01:58 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    The soup is truly awful. Do I keep it to show SO or do I tip it?

  56. At 02:15 PM on 02 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    Dear Jason - tip it. And open a can.

  57. At 02:17 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Keep it. And add more Baileys. And a couple more dashes of Irish. Then she'll love it.

  58. At 02:18 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Jason (55) Does it taste awful, or just look awful. If the latter then just get them to eat with their eyes shut!

    But are you sure you didn't mean awesome?

  59. At 02:21 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    annie (56): I can't, I'm on call tonight. Oh. You didn't mean beer, did you?

  60. At 02:22 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    I can recommend Baxters Royal Game. A king amongst soups.

  61. At 02:36 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Hi all - what a fine fresh beach this is. And happy new year Big Sister! I too went back to see what DM said on our old beach and was very shocked. Can't think how I missed it - I must have been quite lit up already, I think. It was most uncalled for and none of us want you to leave, Big Sister, so please just ignore it. I have a feeling DM appeared somewhere on an earlier thread several months ago, but can't remember more clearly than that and have no time to trawl around looking. Not worth looking for anyway, I expect.

    How was the anniversary, Jason? Better than the soup, I trust!

    Back at work today - not sorry, but rather cold. Thank goodness for the warmth of the sunshine on this beach.

    No new post yet today from Eddie. I haven't felt able to add to the latest thread because I'm so unhappy about the whole Iraq fiasco and agree with those who are torn about whether in this instance the death penalty should be exacted or not - I would normally say it should never be used, but in this case I am not sure.

    Good thing I am here on the beach - I can bury my head in the sand.

    I haven't seen Dr H lately - have I just missed him, or is he away somewhere? We enjoyed his excellent strapline a couple of days back.

  62. At 02:36 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Now I'm just confused. I think I'll have a lie down before attacking the ironing.

    A modern man's work is *never* done.

  63. At 02:39 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Has anyone spotted Eddie today? Or has he taken up with the Party Hostess?

    Should we put out an alert for a well known radio presenter and a trolley?

  64. At 02:44 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Jason - never bin soup - it leeks out. Ho, ho, ho. Seriously, there's no soup that can't be transformed, does it look or taste awful (or both?). Interestingly (well fairly) my broccoli soup always turns out brown, are you sure it wasn't frogs after all?

  65. At 03:04 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Oh, gossipm, you're right. I found myself busier than I expected y'day. So here it is - and I DID say it wasn't that mega.

    My former fiance - who died last year - once likened me to a vole when I was eating enthusiastically because I had round cheeks (more like a hamster, methinks) and, he insisted, small dark beady eyes.

    I think my eyes are large, deep and dark but that's by the way.

    My nickname then became 'vole', my office the 'vole hole' and when I was bashing away at the Mac I was 'voling'.

    He then proceeded to illustrate various missives, notes etc with his take on the vole. This small rodent was very sweet but rather whiskery.

    I must point out that, although very cute, I am not furry (mostly), am of average height and have no tail or whiskers.

  66. At 03:12 PM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Big sis (61) I was about to write - 3pm and no new threads - is there something major happening in the world that has passed me by sequestered here at work?? Are we in for a big story later??? - ..and then I saw your comment which is a far more amusing prospect!

  67. At 03:18 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Frances O: As endangered species go, I'd be flattered. As a description of appearance, I'd be dumbstruck.

    We're sure you're cute, but in a very un-vole like way.

    My brother used to call me buff. Strange, that links to another thread today. However, I didn't like it either. And he had a way of making it very unflattering. That's brothers for you.

  68. At 03:24 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Frances O (65)

    You got off lightly. Some of the things that my "loved ones" have compared me to would never get past the moderators!

  69. At 03:33 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
    Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
    Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
    And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
    And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
    And every fair from fair sometime declines,
    By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
    But thy eternal summer shall not fade
    Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
    Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
    When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
    So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

  70. At 03:36 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    GM: Nothing that we don't already know about (well, let's put it this way, I've had the radio on all day, and there hasn't been a breaking news story so far .....). As Eddie hasn't contributed either, I'm wondering if he's off today and nobody has put their hand to the Blog tiller.

    It's all a bit odd. But no odder than Eddie and the trolley. Incidentally, I suppose it could be the tea trolley? But more likely to be a drinks trolley if it's a party.

    Can anybody else remember the words to the Trolley Song?

  71. At 03:44 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I've got to admit, I'm a little concerned that Eddie may've fallen asleep after all these early morning postings. I suggest we send out a search party to check behind the sand-dunes, look under the towels on the sunloungers, etc.... After all, who wants to explain the Auntie why one of their radio presenters didn't turn up on time because he's been to busy frollicking on a beach with his listeners???

  72. At 03:49 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    With my high starched-collar and my high-topped shoes
    And my hair piled high upon my head,
    I went to lose a jolly hour on the trolley
    And lost my heart instead.
    With his light brown derby and his bright green tie,
    He was quite the handsomest of men.
    I started to yen so I counted to ten
    Then I counted to ten again.

  73. At 03:54 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    O Frances - a woman of your word, thanks for sharing!

  74. At 04:00 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Humph wrote:

    Hi all

    Just wanted to say "Hello again, and Happy New Year".

    Big Sis - I do not know if you are still counting votes, but in case you are, put me down as another one in your favour! You were greatly missed for nearly a week about a month ago; and that was when we knew that you were coming back.

    Beat the Trolls by ignoring the Trolls!


  75. At 04:00 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh Big Sister, I wish I knew who DM was, I can never work out these things, but I also have no idea why they said what they said. As I so often say about people who say horrid things, they are either horrid or unhappy, & we should count our blessings that we are not. DM is just one horrid unhappy person out of lots of lovely folk who thought nothing of the kind. I am glad you spotted my defence though, it isn't often I am inspired so! XXX

  76. At 04:01 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    P.S. I think perhaps DM is being horrid to oor Eddie too with his/her nom de blog.

  77. At 04:05 PM on 02 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Frances - it may not be spicey but it is a cute story, though tinged by sadness. I hope you have a really happy and healthy 2007 - and watch out for Barn owls - I hear they're quite partial to a tastey vole for supper!

  78. At 04:34 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Frances O - that explanation is as charming as the creature itself. And as cute! I do love it when an in-joke evolves (or should that be 'e-vole-s'?) ... and it's such a shame when you lose contact with the only person who was in on it.

    Thank you for keeping your word, and releasing the rest of us from the suspense!

    Other forms of hosiery support are available.

    Fifi ;o)

  79. At 06:01 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Wow! What a lot of blogging today! It's taken me most of PM to get through it all (in between listening to EM's dulcets).

    Big Sis, how dare DM say such things. You are our Big Sis and we couldn't cope without you!

    Jason sorry about your soup! I have some cream of tomato in the fridge if you'd like that instead, it's a nice bright red.

    I'm flushed with the success of winning a trial today (although it had more to do with the Crown Prosecution Service not doing a very good job of preparing their case). So call me Rumpole! Is there any Chateau Thames around?


  80. At 06:02 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    I've been peeking at the Webcam tonight. I don't really like doing it because it makes me feel rather sad. Eddie is usually there alone. Today he was dressed as Eric the Half a Bee again. But alone. With lots of space around him. A bit sad, really, especially given how many people were listening. How odd the whole thing is!

  81. At 06:06 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Thank you, beachfrogs. I suppose I must be the first and probably only vole/frog cross. Though not very cross at the moment, except at a dog that scared a cat so much it jumped into a tree and climbed very quickly up. Something I've never seen before.

    ps: it was not 'a pit bull-type dog'

  82. At 06:07 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Posting again after the New Year drink-out:

    Big Sister - Diarrhoea, or whatever their name is, is a sad pathetic individual who probably used to pull legs off insects as a child (and adult). They are not worthy of your considerable intelligence, humour and grace and deserve no further thought (despite this message bringing it up belatedly, sorry!).

    New Years was good here on the Norfolk coast, despite me knocking over a christmas tree (and that was even before alcohol).

    I fully support the gratuitous Baileys mentions from everyone.

  83. At 06:10 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Dear Sparkly Helen: Yes I had noticed it, and commented somewhere on your fine defence of my humble personage (is that Uriah Heep enough, do you think?) And now Humph has added his vote. Thanks.

    I agree with the sentiment that somebody seems to have got it in for both Eddie and me. It's as much for him, now, that I feel concerned.

    DM - You will not withstand the combined forces of the Frog Army! Trolls will never conquer the spirit of the lilypad.

  84. At 06:26 PM on 02 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    My sister used to pull legs of insects - flies and bees as I recall, but I am happy to say that she turned out quite nice in the end - although come ot think of it, it was a long wait.

  85. At 07:12 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Frances O, that is such a sad vole story, thank you for sharing it though. X Big Sister, you is ever so ever humble!

  86. At 07:51 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Sparkly: Perhaps not THAT humble!

  87. At 08:24 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Just quickly popped in to say there is a lovely picture I've had from Vyle Hernia.

    I've stuck it on the beach

    She has sent it to PM so Eddie may be able to publicise it if he feels fit! Just click on the pic to take you back here

  88. At 08:57 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    jonnie I thought Vyle Hernia was a man!


  89. At 09:15 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    OOOh Lord,

    I'm sure you are right! mary

    Anyway the person named Vyle says it was taken on Christmas Eve.

    Sorry Vyle, easy mistake, No :-(

  90. At 09:33 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey Big Sis (yes that one not my one!)

    although you are also mine - or at least all ours..!!!

    Just read the "dire" comments here and then went back to the xmas Beach and and...

    All I can say is I'm glad you're staying!!!!

    (I really must go to the beach more often and I coulda said this at the right time)

  91. At 09:33 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Brilliant Vyle - thank you jonnie.

  92. At 09:38 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    It's a great picture. Thanks for showing it to us jonnie and vyle!


  93. At 09:50 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Sister, I know, you just made me laugh with your Dickens reference so I had the voice in my head. No need for humility at all in actual fact.

  94. At 10:00 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    MadMaryMorse - congrats on winning the CASE!

    Doesn't anyone else recall Dire Media commenting several weeks ago? He's a bad, bad troll. Bed with no dinner for him.

    Let's talk about something else. Anyone for a glass of this very pleasant shiraz?

  95. At 10:29 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Shirax ... oh that'd be me then!


    Fifi xxx

  96. At 10:32 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Shiraz ... oh that'd be me then!

    And MadMary'd vines haven't even grown yet........


    Fifi xxx

  97. At 10:37 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    And Jonnie - your pic of the beach + music is excellent. Thank you. Now I KNOW it's a super beach!

  98. At 10:42 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Now then, Fifi - what is it about shiraz! Thought you might pop by if I brought some along.

    Lol. Sara

  99. At 10:43 PM on 02 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sara (94) : Ooooh, I'll help you out because I'm such a nice person......!

    As everyone knows, I can't abide shiraz....!


    * Fifi Rhyming Slang......

  100. At 11:07 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    Well'it is nice to be back at the beach-Happy 2007 everybody !

    what a funny business,Dire whatever your name is--personally I find Big sis's postings very re-assuring,bieng fairlly newish to the beach.

    Have I missed all the food?


  101. At 11:23 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    What a badly presented posting from me!
    Very tired-off to bed.


  102. At 11:52 PM on 02 Jan 2007, Dire Media wrote:

    Methinks y'all do protest too much. But I admire your forced and faux solidarity.

    The more observant of you will remember me "trolling", as you describe it, since August '06.

    I always thought the most intelligent blogger, due to brevity and infrequency of contribution, was silver-fox.

    Y'all should learn from silver-fox.

  103. At 12:11 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    "forced and faux" indeed!

    Those who know do not talk.
    Those who talk do not know.

    Keep your mouth closed.
    Guard your senses.
    Temper your sharpness.
    Simplify your problems.
    Mask your brightness.
    Be at one with the dust of the Earth.
    This is primal union.

    He who has achieved this state
    Is unconcerned with friends and enemies,
    With good and harm, with honor and disgrace.
    This therefore is the highest state of man.

  104. At 12:25 AM on 03 Jan 2007, Dire Media wrote:

    Ed, as you say:
    Those who know do not talk.
    Those who talk do not know.

    As I say:
    Who talks most on this blog?

  105. At 12:37 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I'm not a candidate for 'least', but I don't think I talk most either.

    I've always had an ironic fondness for that bit of Lao Tzu, though, taking it personally, as it were. The Calligraphic version decorates .

  106. At 02:22 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Re: Dire Media (1020

    Me thinks silver-fox is whitty

    Me hopes you aren't silver-fox

    We hope you have finished scavenging on our leftovers and re-read Simons post to Molly at the top posted by Eddie


  107. At 03:09 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Can't sleep tonight, totallyt out of sync.

    An Idea

    I'll change but keep the existing pics into Spring and summer beach pics with YOUR musical suggestions to go along with them ?

    I'll dig up the music but YOU have to provide the pics!

    The email link is on the site under Fifi's bits, of which I will update shortly.

    Dire will be glad to know that I'll be realxing on a beach in Sri Lanka in a couple of weeks time ( for a couple of weeks) but hopefully Big Sister will send me the odd text to keep me updated of goings on :-)

    I love the beach and every one of it's so called Faux Frogs


  108. At 08:58 AM on 03 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    *tip-toe* Has the troll gone?
    Phew! The beach to myself.

  109. At 09:25 AM on 03 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    Can we move on now-lots of things to think about -
    love you all

  110. At 09:58 AM on 03 Jan 2007, Dire Media wrote:

    No, Mrs Trellis, not gone but going. I have taken Jonnie's advice and read the guide at the top.

    My original intention was to be mischievous but by bad judgement I have strayed into insult. I offer my apologies to any that I have offended.

    I will continue to lurk though.

  111. At 10:26 AM on 03 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Dire Media we look forward to your malice-free mischievousness

  112. At 10:53 AM on 03 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Sister Mary: Just realised that I'd missed your post about your success yesterday. And I think we should open a whole crate of Chateau Thames Embankment to toast our very own Rumpole of the Beach.

    Plus some Bailey's to toast the spirit of Justice. Now, there's a thought. Perhaps that should be our New Year wish, for Justice to truly reign throughout and beyond our Beach?

  113. At 11:03 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Is there a space on the beach sufficiently away from everyone else so I won't spread these nasty germs?

    Was on call on various parts of Christmas when not working, not called out at all. On call last night before return to work today. Guess what? Called out till just before midnight. Met the nicest solicitor in the world (probably) and the grumpiest.

    Had to help two very young lads from a care home in bother and their stories are unrepeatable but painfully sad. I can't begin to imagine where they are going to end up when they have become "proper" adolescents.

    Out to work first thing and I've lasted 2 hours before giving in to this cold. Cancelled the rest of the day to go to bed and try to shake it off before a meeting tonight that I cannot miss.

    If I happen to still be asleap on this lounger at 3pm would someone be kind enough to wake me or I'll miss the school run...

  114. At 11:11 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Dire Media (110);
    Like many others I found the post unkind and unpleasant. If you are professing to be a reformed character then I'd welcome having you around here. gossipmistress is spot-on, mischevious is wonderful, personal insults ain't. BigSis is the one you should apologise to.

    I'm glad that you read the guide "wot I wrote". It's imperfect, but a fair attempt to get the idea across. It's perfectly acceptable to be combative on the 'other' threads. I do it pretty often, and most of the time I'm in a minority of one. Speak your mind. Give of your considered and forthright opinion. All of us can be given pause for thought by impassioned, reasoned argument. But above all else be rspectful of the opinions of others, most especially those you disagree with, they will give you the same courtesy in return.

    And never descend to the level of personal insults. It demeans you and any worthwhile argument you might want to put forward.

    I know, because I was once accused of Trolling myself......


  115. At 11:16 AM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ah Jason, there there.


  116. At 12:59 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Simon has a point. And I know, too, that I once made a mischevious comment, based on a phototag, which spiralled into something well beyond my original intention. I then found myself the brunt of someone's trollery. But I have made it clear, then and since, that I've never intentionally wished to offend and was mortified to even contemplate that I had done so.

    It's a fine line between mischief and misbehaviour. Now I try to confine myself to being silly and being serious. I don't always succeed, but I do try.

  117. At 01:42 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hello all.......and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all! Thank you Eddie for your lovely EOY message, best wishes to you and the team.

    Thought I would pop down to the beach to catch you all and say hello. Am now (sadly) back at work today but the upside of that is I will be able to catch up again with the blog - have been offline pretty much since Christmas Day. We headed up to Aberdeen on 27th (500 miles with two toddlers, who envies me I wonder? lol - all I can say is the in-car dvd is the best purchase ever made!!) Had a lovely hogmanay at my sister's local village hall ceilidh, although I hope the start of 2007 is not a sign of things to come. My little lad fell asleep on the chair with about 30 mins to go before midnight, only to wake virtually hysterical just on the stroke of new year - I eventually realised that he was actually trying to tell me he needed the toilet so I dashed off desperately trying to fight my way through the "auld lang syne" chain but alas too late and I was wee'd on into 2007!!! Then on our return journey my dear other half decided to let the sat nav take us cross country from my sister's place to cut out some miles - however by the time it kicked into action and found us we were well inland and had to do a fair bit of windy-over-hill driving to get back en-route and my little girl was sick all over herself!!!

    Anyway hope you all had a fantastic festive season and your hopes and dreams for 2007 all come true. For me personally I hope we get one step closer to our plans to move to France and live a less stressful more outdoors/rural lifestyle and have more quality time together as a family. I would also like to wish my sister and dad a better year all round. Dad has been ill virtually all my life and my sister's "dear" husband of 20 years decided to leave her and the children for someone else 2 years ago - a situation she is still struggling to come to terms with.

    Apologies for the rather lengthy and self-indulgent post - hope you don't mind. Right back to it and catch you all later x

  118. At 02:30 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Si (114)
    Sounds an interesting form of self-abuse. Do tell more.

  119. At 02:31 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Hi Fiona,
    Happy New Year to you. There was a bit of discussion about satnavs at the end of last year, which you may catch up on at some point. But, more importantly, sorry you had problems with the holiday and hope that 2007 brings all you desire.
    Big Sis

  120. At 02:53 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    鈥淢r/Ms/Mrs/Miss Media's remarks may be slightly trollish, but only the pathologically thinskinned could take serious offence.鈥 Excuse me Ed (26) but I think the preference for Big Sister鈥檚 absence was blatant & the apology is a bit subtle for me.

  121. At 02:58 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Fiona (117) : Well at least you won't forget Hogmanay '06 in a hurry. Why not write it up as an article and see if someone will print it? I would!

    I had my first satnav experience on New Year's Day, as friends gave us a lift over to Oakham for a party.

    Quite impressive, other than the fact that it thinks every bridge and level crossing is a 'turn left'!

    I could really use one of those things whenever I have to navigate a city ... I get soooo lost in Lincoln, Birmingham, Leicester, Edinburgh, Nottingham!


  122. At 03:24 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ed (118);
    I'll never tell.....

    Some things are best kept to yourself.

    Meanwhile, I've left a pint of the Black Stuff behind the bar for you. The barman managed to drip a perfect harp into the head for you. Do help yourself.

    Other stouts are available.



  123. At 03:29 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I don't know about you, but I've certainly been as unintentionally unfunny as this before:

    At 11:21 PM on 29 Dec 2006, Dire Media wrote:

    Is it just me or is it a relief not to have Big Sister and her alter ego On The Ledge posting every five minutes?

    to which, At 12:41 AM on 30 Dec 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Dire media - I think it's just you.

    Good night all.
    (and I wrote similarly, but into the void it went)

    (notably pachydermal)

  124. At 03:50 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ed (118) My thoughts exactly.

    I have manfully dragged myself from my pit and descended upon the school without so much as a wimper. It would have been nice if one of you could have rolled me onto my left side from time to time as I now look half pasty and half embarassed.

    Is this beach in Cornwall?

  125. At 04:13 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Fiona 117...who envies you your trip to Aberdeen? I do, toddlers and all. We used to live in Aberdeenshire and I hanker after village Hogmanays. We're lucky enough to still be in the company of friends, but a meal in an English pub doesn't hit the spot in the same way as winding your way from one neighbour's house to another,buggy and all, sharing good cheer along the way. Hope your dreams for 2007 all come true. Now did I just catch a glimpse of the young Macallan's cousin Glen Livet?

  126. At 05:43 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ed, I am easily confused, but

    " At 11:21 PM on 29 Dec 2006, Dire Media wrote:
    Is it just me or is it a relief not to have Big Sister and her alter ego On The Ledge posting every five minutes?"

    sounds mean to me. Maybe I don't get the joke?

  127. At 05:52 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thanks for the pint, Si, and here's another for yersel'


  128. At 06:07 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Helen my Sister,

    Not confused. There's really very little joke, bar (by his/her own admission) a clumsy attempt. Shirley not a capital offence.

    Mean can have many meanings. As I have noted, I have more than once made remarks intended as ironic throwaways, which have caused offence, either by misinterpretation or sheer clumsiness on my part.

    Remind me to tell you of an incident involving Aswad and an unfortunate colloquial diminutive for raccoon. On Live children's Saturday TV, no less!


  129. At 06:17 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Six more straplines sent in today. I wonder how many they have in stock?

    ...Talking of stock, I made some delicious soup with some ham stock yesterday. It's all tomato-y, and hammy, and garlicky, and herby.

    Biiiiiiig big pot of it simmering on the barbie, and bowls and spoons on the side.

    Help yourself; I'll make some more of the aubergine soup tomorrow or Friday I think. It was just the thing, coming back indoors after taking in the New Year with a couple of hundred people and a tank!

    Fifi ;o)

  130. At 06:19 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Fifi (121) yes have to admit they are a useful tool sometimes although many may disagree. Having spent years as the long suffering navigator expected to instantly find place names on my map as we approached a junction that did not mention where we actually wanted to go that's a burden I can live without I can tell you!! Only snag we found so far is that (apparantly I've been told but personally I think instruction books have not been read by a certain SO!) if you switch it off and then back on somewhere new the satellite takes a while to track you down - hence the reason we were so far along the road from my sister's missing the turn we should have taken before it decided to actually start directing us!

    And Gillian - totally agree, no-one in the world does Hogmanay like the Scots and I love the village hall Ceilidh - celebrates the true spirit of New Year rather than just an excuse for a late night drink as it is down here with possibly a cursory "happy new year" thrown in.

  131. At 08:50 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Jason at 113 - I think you are slightly misguided. I'm the nicest solicitor you'll ever meet.

    Seriously, thanks for the nice comment about a solicitor (even if it's not me). We get such bad press. I hope you told that solicitor your views.

    You might have got called out at a ridiculous hour but so did the solicitor and like you they also have day jobs.

    Sorry you're still not well.


  132. At 09:40 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Shirley Knott wrote:

    Ed (128)

    Stealing my punable name from the Sadam Video/Capital Punishment thread. That's naughty, naughty. Or Knotty Knotty, if you prefer.

    Tell me that imitation is the greatest form of flattery and I will forgive you.

  133. At 10:30 PM on 03 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Does anyone have a recipe to use up 8 organic free range egg whites contaminated by an eensy weensy smidgeon of yolk?

    (Jason - not soup!)

  134. At 10:39 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    you will never hear me say a bad word about solicitors as my sister is one. She works for Bromley council (children's section) and I know just how much she cares about the people she represents. You have my utmost respect and gratitude as I know that I could never do your job (that goes for any nurses out there too)

  135. At 10:42 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ed (128) I have never watched Saturday morning kids TV, even when a kid, I think it was just a bit hectic for me. But comments for comic effect are fraught with danger,& especially so on blogs, where tone can be easily misinterpreted. I am prone to the odd gaffe myself so shall forgive easily & have already forgotten what it was all about anyway, human beings & their fraities eh.

  136. At 10:53 PM on 03 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    we were contacted by our solicitor today about the sale of our house in west yorkshire and I have to say that she is both nice and efficient. However it is probably easier to be nice when all you do is conveyancing as it must be a lot less stressful then some of the other stuff solicitors do.

    It's very quiet here tonight, do you think if I put some music on a few more people would turn up? I feel like dancing but I don;t wnat to dance on my own.

  137. At 10:58 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Gossipmistress (113)
    An omelette (with mushrooms, ham, cheese and onion) is always welcome.

  138. At 11:07 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Knotty Ms Knott,

    I shouldn't need to tell you, but of course you're right, and a drink (or smoke) of your choice awaits you on the beach. If the latter, just ask the dubious-looking character hanging out by the shed where the loungers are kept.

    The following does not necessarily represent my opinion:

    Puns are little "plays on words" that a certain breed of person loves
    to spring on you and then look at you in a certain self-satisfied way
    to indicate that he thinks that you must think that he is by far the
    cleverest person on Earth now that Benjamin Franklin is dead, when in
    fact what you are thinking is that if this person ever ends up in a
    lifeboat, the other passengers will hurl him overboard by the end of
    the first day even if they have plenty of food and water.
    -- Dave Barry, "Why Humor is Funny"

    A shameless flatterer

  139. At 11:10 PM on 03 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    gossipmistress (133) meringues? or is that too obvious. If there's only a tiny bit of yolk I don't think it would matter.

    Or a cheesy souffle? I think you could probably get away without the egg yolks by making a very cheesy sauce, cool it a little, add some cream and then fold in the whisked egg whites. Mark 4 for about 40 minutes according to my book, with the souffle dish set in a pan of hot water.

  140. At 11:29 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Gossipmistress, oh dear, who didn't take the precaution of breaking each eggwhite separately into a cup before adding to the total? (Dreary advice which I tend to ignore when cooking if I'm feeling particularly brave or foolhardy). I presume the yolk is too much so that they won't beat up to make meringues or pavlova? You could divide them in half, add another whole egg, & use them to make 2 cakes - sponge or fruitcake should be fine. You could also make meatballs using the egg whites as binding ingredients. Some sort of muffins would probably work too, again with a whole egg added. Failing all that, give to the cat or dog ? Or you've got some rather boring but slimming scrambled eggs for breakfast tomorrow!

  141. At 11:55 PM on 03 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Jason questioned the location of the Beach.

    Interesting, have we discussed that one ever ?

    I seem to recall it's an Island, though I may be wrong?

    My beach resembles a Cornish rugged landscape but now complete with Camels seems to resemble that of an Island. It has lots of Blue Gin and red port which is an added bonus of course :-)

  142. At 12:04 AM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    GM - How contaminated? Could the yolk be hoiked out (mostly, at least) so that you could try for a pavlova? If not, how about whipping them up with some egg yolks, carefully salvaging the new egg whites for meringue, making a souffle, or similar, with the first lot, with lots of cheese, perhaps some chives, then making meringue nests for dessert?

    These are random kitchen ramblings, but I think would work.

    I believe egg whites freeze (have never done so myself, and this is from memory). You could, therefore, split them into a few lots and just add in with other eggs for omelettes in the future. I'm sure you'd get away with a Spanish omelette made with the equivalent of one part of your contaminated whites to two/three parts of full egg.

    Good luck - and let us know what you do decide, even if the final fate is the bin!

  143. At 12:08 AM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    What? No lox?

  144. At 12:53 AM on 04 Jan 2007, Shirley Knott wrote:

    Ed I.

    I have hurled and been hurled from the lifeboat on many occasions. I enjoy both equally.

    I will take the glass of Chablis and retire.

  145. At 02:48 AM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Johnnie, what did you do to get your sleep pattern back on track, I am failing here!

  146. At 03:31 AM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    jonnie (141): re. Cornwall. You have, then, allowed me the joy of having a face that is half Cornish sunburn and half Cornish Pasty.

    (If I ever perform as a double act you will be high on my list!)

    Sleep impossible with this throat (and I am reliably informed living impossible without it) and brain now wide awake. I have dragged my self away from keeping SO awake and am hoping a cup of tea will still the mind and throat enough to allow sleep to follow.

    Irony is I have to be up early enough to let customers know I won't be there. No sheep jumped over hedges in the making of this post.

  147. At 11:28 AM on 04 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Hello all, hope that you are ok.

    Well I'm back at work today and feel completely disoriented, as though I have on-going amnesia and am trying to integrate myself back into my former life.

    On the plus side, I feel more optimistic for the future than I have done in a while. Ah, the power that an artificial milestone has on the mind!

    I'll raise a glass of Glenfiddich to the lot of you.

  148. At 11:30 AM on 04 Jan 2007, Shirley Knott wrote:

    Gosh, it's very quiet here.

    I'm told there are camels on the beach sometimes. Think I'll go for a stroll and see if I can spot them.

    I'll just leave a note about the extra bottles of chablis in the cooler.

  149. At 12:15 PM on 04 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions about my egg whites - Big Sis - yes definitely too contaminated to hoik out, Anne P, meringues were my original plan but I thought they wouldn't work if any yolk in it?

    Maybe the Little Chef would like them for an omelette.......

  150. At 12:25 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Such a lot of suggestions for using up sullied eggwhites! I am humbled in the face of such culinary knowledge.

    And also hungry, now.



  151. At 12:53 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Little Weed wrote:

    This is a first for me, never written to a blog before, or one as prestigous as this one!
    Bound to make a few slips on the way....ho hum.

    You seem to be a very chatty lot so I think I'll try to join in.


  152. At 01:03 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Gossipmistress (148) - you could experiment with whipping up a small quantity to see of the yolk prevents it fluffing up. If it does I'd agree with other suggestions about mixing with whole egg for spanish omelette etc.

    But, oh dear, back in the real world I've just broken a huge chunk off a back molar and must seek out an unfamiliar dentist since mine is on holiday. She's his partner so I'm sure it's ok, just adds to the stress a bit. At least they can fit me in this afternoon to plug the gap. And all I did was bite on a piece of dried banana.

  153. At 01:18 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Well, now, Little Weed, welcome to the Blog. And your two chums Bill n Ben are often around, so you should feel very at home.

    By the way, are you familiar with Loopy Lou?

  154. At 01:40 PM on 04 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Anne P - Would you like some egg white to plug the gap?

  155. At 01:51 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Welcome Little Weed.
    Do help yourself to some of my home-made biscuits - they're on the bar in that nice big glass jar I got for Christmas.

  156. At 01:55 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:


    You won't help your sleep patterns hanging around the poorly lit and semi-derelict areas of bloggville in the wee hours.... folk may begin to talk

    And try to avoid being The object of talk. A bad reputation is easy to get, Difficult to endure, and hard to get rid of. Talk never really dies, not when so many folks Are busy with her. .
  157. At 02:23 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hiya, Little Weed, good to see you here!

    This is the loveliest blog in the world, especially here on the Beach.

    Feel free to join in lots. I see you have what looks like a tin of Celebrations behind your back... were those for sharing? I'm more a savoury than a sweet-head myself, but the occasional lump of G*l*xy never goes amiss!

    Other chocs are available.

    Fifi xx

  158. At 02:30 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Shirley Knott wrote:

    Does anyone know that rather strange looking camel - you know the one that looks as though it has three humps? Well, it has just made off with my flip-flops.

    Anybody got any spares? This sand is very hot!

  159. At 02:43 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Mmm, such a relaxed day on the Beach so far.

    I think Little Weed is trying to catch up with Shirley Knott in tracking down the camels. I saw them near Fido's Run this morning. They seemed to be trying to read something in the sand - it might have been a message from Vyle. Since Johnny Depp went off with a few pirates, they've been a bit morose. Obviously fans of his, too.

    I tried the Chablis and it was most refreshing. Thank you Shirley. I've added a few new bottles of Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc that I found at the bottom of my wine rack yesterday. A very nice little number, so I hope the fellow froggers will also enjoy.

    Now, back to my Barbara Vine novel. I've been finding it hard to make time for reading these last weeks, so I'm looking forward to catching up. There's my lounger - Will just shift it under that date palm.

  160. At 02:51 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Little Weed.
    Welcome and make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes, pull up a sun lounger and relax. Red or White?

  161. At 03:18 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    And I've got Pynchon's latest 1100 pages to make sense of.....Och, well.

  162. At 03:18 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I hope there's no connection between your biscuits and the molar.

  163. At 03:40 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Ed (128) - the lack of tone of voice, expression etc that we have even in the wonderful frog is a problem when we make lihjy-hearted remarks. This is when the (often hated) smileys/emoticons do come in useful

  164. At 04:32 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Hello Little Weed, Hello Froggers.

    Where's Eddie?

    This must be one of the quietest days we have ever had, and not even a newsletter to look forward to. Do you think Eddie is bored with blogging? or simply too busy trying to find some news for tonight's prog?

    All very strange ...

  165. At 04:37 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    I'm going to talk about the weather, so all sit on the edge of your seats:

    Has anyone else heard a rumour that we will be getting snow by the end of this month? I find it hard to believe, given that the Met office seem unable to predict tomorrow's weather accurately, never mind a few weeks down the line, but I live in hope nonetheless.

    Not that we will see snow at the beach of course (will we?), I doubt that the camels will like it all that much. Should I start knitting them hump-hats?

  166. At 05:03 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    No newsletter, no new blog, not even the webcam working since 6pm yesterday.

    At this rate PM will become just another radio programme, put together by mere professional broadcasters!

    Tut, tut.

    By the way RobbieDo, congrats on the strapline!

    Fifi ;o)

  167. At 05:08 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Well if nothing else the webcam has woken up, as of 5 minutes ago.

    Is the 大象传媒 on a go-slow today?

    Fifi ;o)

  168. At 05:26 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Excuse me if you are all chilling on the beach, but there didn't seem any point in posting this elsewhere.

    In the light of the coach accident today, I was prmpted to think of how I have been troubled in the past by the kind of sentences given to those who kill, or cause accidents, with their hands on the wheel. I really know so little, perhaps someone else can tell me more (madmary?!) but sometimes it seems that death doesn't seem to be as serious when someone dies at the hands of a driver, rather than being killed in other circumstances.

    As the driver of a little car, I am used to being bullied, but the 2 or 3 times my life has been put in danger are probably similar to the experiences of others. I am constantly amazed that people take such risks, with their own lives as well, and don't seem to anticipate the consequences killing someone might have on them. I am sure I wouldn't sleep well after a fatal crash, even it it wasn't my fault, & wouldn't vouch for my sanity if it was.

    Our vehicles are lethal weapons, & I'm afraid I do think it should be harder for young people to pass a test, but only because it makes me sooo sad that so many lose their lives.

  169. At 05:35 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Belinda (165) according to the Met Office:

    "For the rest of the winter, the Met Office continues to forecast that near- or above-average temperatures are the most likely outcomes. However, there is still an indication that the UK could experience an increase in the number of cold snaps with some snowfall, later in January and at times through February."

    here's hoping - winter isn't winter without some snow, and if it penetrates as far as the beach I'll help you knit some cashmere hump covers for the camels. I've got some nice brown that might tone in with their coats - or would people prefer something brighter - pink? purple? bright green? even fairisle?

  170. At 05:35 PM on 04 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    welcome little weed, I wonder if I am the only person wondering which weed in particular...regardless, nice to see you.

    Anne P - ouch. At least you have a dentist but isn't it just infuriating when these things happen out of the blue. I hope the strange dentist was nice to you and the sinister words 'root canal filling' didn't cross anyone's lips.

    I have come over to the beach for a bit of peace and quiet. Back in January I am in the middle of a huge and nasty storm in a teacup to do with a committee of which I am president. There's a lot of 'somebody might have told me' and 'she said to me' and 'that's not what I said at all', and really all I want to do is say 'stop behaving like children in a playground' but of course I have to be more diplomatic than that. So it's an ad hoc meeting tomorrow at 7 here and hopefully they can all find themselves pulling in the same direction again. GRRRR!

    So what I need is an undiluted and fairly large glass of Jamesons -need something with a bit more body than malt. And when I've downed that I'll have another and a packet of peanuts. And then I'll get back into the fray. After I've spent five soothing minutes listening to the waves.

  171. At 05:38 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Omigod! Have you seen Eddie's comment on the Little Chef thread (45 I think)? What on earth are we to make of it? You don't think they are going to close us down, do you? Or is Eddie giving it up? Worse still, is he leaving us altogether?

    I'm a bit bothered.

  172. At 05:45 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Orders please...

    I have decided that SO and I will be having our evening meal cooked by the excellent fish bar at Wittering.

    Any requests, while I'm over there? SO can recommend the fish, and portions are generous.


  173. At 05:52 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Little weed wrote:

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'd love a glass of red please.
    Nice here isn't it.

    Little Weed

  174. At 05:54 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Belinda (165) : Hump-hats for the camels?
    Oh, stop it, laughing this hard hurts you know!


    Fifi xxx

  175. At 06:12 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Welcome little weed, Bill'n'Ben are around somewhere!

  176. At 06:13 PM on 04 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    where is Robbiedo - anyone seen him lately?

  177. At 06:20 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Helen (168) my worry about the increased difficulty driving test is that there will be an increase in the number of unlicensed and uninsured drivers. If the barrier is raised so high a large number of young men won't bother trying to leap over it and will instead try to sneak beneath it.

    Killers behind the wheel tend to get a lot of sympathy from juries who can relate an incident to themselves and my understanding is that the CPS will often go for a lower charge to be more likely of success in court and for keeping their stats looking nice.

    I had an interesting chat with a policeman the other evening about drunk and disorderly arrests versus Section something or other arrests (sorry, brain addled) which score higher points in their stats. And also about the advantages of emigrating to New Zealand...

  178. At 06:20 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Helen (168) : Why is there never a pub when you want one? The perfect place for discussing this.

    I do agree with everything you say. My last car was a small boxy German one. I loved it but when I started working alongside boy-racers and bikers (magazine publishing) the journey home became too scary because of all the aggressive drivers.

    So I switched to a big lumbering Brit car, and could once more hold my own on the road. (Also could leave the guitar hidden in the boot all day without worrying someone would pinch it.)

    I have a theory that one driver every early morning sets the tone for the entire road network for that day.

    And now I'm off to the chippy for our tea. Any requests?


  179. At 06:31 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hello Little We-ed! I had a picture of me dressed as you when I was a baby. My brothers who are twins and 11 months younger than me were dressed as Bill'n'Ben (it was for a fancy dress competition. We looked lovely!

    Have a drink and come and tell me and Big Sis that we're worrying unduly about Eddie's forthcoming sad announcement!


  180. At 06:34 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Yep, Sparkly Helen, cars ARE potentially lethal weapons, like dogs, though I know I've already made this point recently.

    As to young people driving. Most of my teaching career was at a rural school, and every year saw at least one student death from driving. It was harrowing. This is something I feel very strongly about, but it would appear that there still isn't a will to take on more radical actions, like putting restrictions into place, e.g. on nighttime driving for newly qualified drivers, numbers of passengers for teenage drivers, or even fitting speed restrictors .....

    Since I left teaching to take up other challenges, I've continued to watch the death toll rise hereabouts of young drivers who take silly chances, particularly when accompanied by friends and at night.

  181. At 06:48 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Is that the Wittering with the RAF Camp? You had me fooled for a moment, Fifi - I thought you were down here in Sussex and off to the Beach ..... Keith Richards has a house at West Wittering, y'know! It was the location of some very wild parties. Should we visit, d'you think, and see if he'll invite us in?

  182. At 06:58 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Hi Jason. How's your throat now? I've squeezed lots of lovely ripe oranges for you and put a jug of juice to chill. Drink it up - So much Vitamin C should help your cold.

    I've just heard Clare Rayner talking about Walnut Whips on Radio 4. Odd, that! :卢}

  183. At 07:22 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Typical adults! Sitting around getting pissed and complaining about today's youf!

  184. At 07:58 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Hello again Little Weed. I do hope you haven't joined us too late. It is indeed nice down here so have a refill and enjoy the long summer evening.

    There was such a long silence all day back in January so I was already worried, but surely Eddie wouldn't tease? I can live with the demise of the newsletter but I can't believe Aunty Beeb would take our frog away. Notice Eddie says it will upset the froggers. If Eddie is moving to another prog perhaps the frog can move with him?

    I'm so glad Fearless is still fearless and Big Sister and Valery P and Fifi and Si and everyone is still here and even Dr H has come back.

    The mention of Dr H has just reminded me that I too heard Clare Rayner on the way home, Big Sister. Walnut Whips or no, I'm afraid I just can't abide her, so that really put paid to the journey home - I only just caught the weather forecast and thought Eddie sounded a bit subdued at the end. No jolly mention of the blog (unless I missed it earlier).

    Btw - in the para before last, should it be "Big S and VP and Fifi and Si and everyone ARE still here"? I think it should, because of the "ands". Please forgive my lack of grammar! and pass me another glass.

    I think we should be told.

  185. At 08:23 PM on 04 Jan 2007, eddie mair wrote:

    Hello Little Weed.

  186. At 08:23 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Sister (182) the throat is a lot better. Cold has migrated up my nose. It must be a politician. Spending the day in bed has helped.

    Have to say I would prefer the walnut whip to the orange juice, but that would score me several minus points on my quest to healthier eating.

    I got rid of my nice car - a sporty Japanese thing (no brand names no moderation). Zoom zoom. And now drive a sensible small car. Much smaller engine, almost identical mpg. Odd.

  187. At 08:58 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sara, Eddie did mention the blog at one point to do with Windows on Your World.

    Did he sound subdued or are we now colouring our memory of the programme with dire thoughts!

    I'm distraught!


  188. At 08:59 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Whato peeps,

    Sorry about this but I'm in rant mode. Looks like 07 is going to be as bad as 06 in my company.

    I've just spent 9 hours bending over backwards to help a customer and get a load of kit working and btrying to build a working relationship, after "da management" basically c*cked-up big time, with misquotes, wrong invoices and threatening letters.

    End of story, one customer, happy as a pig in s**t, eating out of my hand, and a bo***king and a verbal warning from my so called boss for "going outside your job description". I ask ya some people don't deserve me.

    Why can't I just get six numbers on a Saturday night. Rant over.

    Is there any of that Sapphire left? I think I need a hoooge one.

    Anyway I've heard viscous rumours that Weedy turned up. Hello Little Weed nice to see you again, you haven't been giving the gardener grief again have you?

    Sapphire? Nectar?


  189. At 09:13 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Eddie you weren't the first to say "hello little weed!"

    But I don't care, so long as you're still with us!


  190. At 09:23 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    B'n'b some of my Bombay is left. Have some.

    Little Weed is definitely around!


  191. At 09:23 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I hope everyone managed to watch the wonderful Ray Mears tonight. Respect!

  192. At 09:25 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:


    there's still a drop of the black nectar, and that's after I've filled my glass. Please help yourself, and hello weed and welcome. Just what sort of weed are you? Some of us are rather fond of weed.


  193. At 09:35 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    Nice to see that you're around still, but you do need some sleep.

    You have definitely got me worried, the beach is the only place that I can escape to.

    Please don't end it.

    Brian (getting more paranoid by the minute)

  194. At 09:41 PM on 04 Jan 2007, eddie mair wrote:

    I tried to post on another thread (see, it happens to us all) that it's not ME who's leaving... (sniff)

  195. At 09:43 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    Naughty naughty!

    I think the Sapphire's have just softened me up enough for the other nectar - Liffey. cheers mate.


  196. At 09:51 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Eddie! Eddie! I am cock a hoop! Someone break out the champagne. Let's have fireworks.

    You gave me and others a terrible scare!


  197. At 10:00 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Well Eddie at 194 I guess that has to mean the lovely Lissa is leaving.

    How shall we manage without her?

    Lissa, please don't go - I do hope it wasn't anything we said (or did) - all those photos to load, all that grief over the frogerators, all the mutterings over the time it took posts to appear? We didn't really mean it. Eddie's right - it will make us all very sad.

    If you really are going don't forget to keep in touch via the blog.

    We could make you an Honorary Life Frogger.

  198. At 10:11 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Dearest Eddie - we're all SO glad you're staying for the time being - but why sniffing? Who is leaving?

    We would miss all of you - Lissa, Richard, Nigel. But most of all we would miss US.

    So I hope WE'RE not leaving !!!

    I get the feeling you've had a bad day too. So I'm off now and we will all feel fresh as daisies tomorrow.

    You too Eddie. Post again soon.

  199. At 10:20 PM on 04 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    well obviously we are all delighted that Eddie is staying with us, but equally obviously someone is leaving so we need to know who. I hope it isn't Lissa with an A - Blog Mistress Extraordinaire, but I suppose Eddie is now going to leave us in suspense as long as he can.........
    anyway I've had a tiring and trying day so I'm off to bed.
    Not as trying as yours though Bill.n.Ben. Ever thought of going solo? Meanwhile have a nice cup of tea and either this tube of BBQ flavour Pringles or this mountain of home made shortbread depending on whether you're a savoury or a sweet person.

  200. At 10:24 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    What's more if it is our Lovely Lissa who is going I think we should finally be allowed a photograph for the album.

  201. At 10:42 PM on 04 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Whoever goes, (sequin?) it will be truly sad.


  202. At 10:56 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Hi again Eddie (I just waved to you on the other Beach - Vyle's beach, that is). So glad you aren't going. I suspect it's the lovely Sequin, off to do the late night slot in Westminster. But it may indeed be Lissa.

    Would I be right in surmising that there's been a goodbye bash for Sequin from the PM Team? No more lippy on your mike then, eh? She'll be missed from your spot, but I'd have missed you much more. So, for me at least, not such a bad outcome.

    Well, I've got some Jose Cuervo in the chiller for you, Eddie, along with some delicious Russian nibbles, given your preference for the Moscow timeline. Or, if like me your trying to watch your waistline post Christmas, how about some slivers of fresh mango?

    Chill out, chaps. Eddie's here!

  203. At 11:20 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Carol wrote:

    Flip flop, flip flop, don't mention the war,
    flip flop flip flop mustn't mention the war..

    Phew! made it, and glad not to be the only stranger on the shore so, hello little weed, am new here too.

    Spent all day doing my 3monthly 5 ltrs chicken soup marathon. Bones done, beans done, veggies and spices in, pressure cooker cooling on the camping stove as am saving for a new cooker. Tomorrow will be the last leg, freezing individual portions in flexible muffin tray.No point doing less than lots as it's always a long process.
    Is soup making a new year thing or is it that mysterious synchronous phenomenon, (remembering or doing something then find it reflected back elsewhere. not the same as de ja vous but similar), as others are doing same?
    Lovely to find you all here in the sunshine, please find donation of reasonably o.k. white wine just bought from local corner shop and odourless garlic oil capsules to go with the orange juice for Johnnies cold. Tis a natural antibiotic and works well with high doses of vitC. Have used this combination for years and it seems to reduce length and severity of cold, but that could be the Lemsip or placebo..........

    Oh no, newcomer babble and hot cheeks too.

  204. At 11:27 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    admin annie,

    Many a time have I though of going solo on the PA side, but I think Fifi will agree with me, there ain't a lot of money in music.

    Also hear hear to photo for the album.

    Anyway I think I'll have another Liffey Juice and some Pringles, and then Mister snail pace reader is going to curl up with Sophie again.

    nighty night all


  205. At 11:55 PM on 04 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    Good grief! I'm away for a day and return to the feeling that something has happened to 'rock the boat' on the beach-if you get my drift.
    also I peeeped at another site-lots from Eddie-reassuring as usual,but I wasn't altogether convinced that everything is o.k.
    Please dont tell me that anything is changing on PM-too awful to think about!
    Lets just keep our fingers crossed......
    the beach is certainly quiet tonight!

    HelloWeed! You'll just love it here-I do!


  206. At 12:03 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    Little Weed
    Sorry I called .you 'Weed"

    I'm the frogger who always gets things wrong or loses her way and things.But i'm learning not to worry as the others always help me!


  207. At 12:11 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Jason you are right, I hadn't thought of unlicensed drivers when I posted, but I do think the engine size should be restricted when a newly qualified driver, & I agree with Big Sister about the impact of young drivers dying on the roads. I don't have an actual solution.

  208. At 12:55 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Eddie is probably sniffing cause he wishes he was the one that was leaving.

    But who actually mentioned anybody leaving ?

    It's all too much today,

    Jason, any chance of bringing some cornish pasties to the beach tomorrow. I'd kill for one around lunchtime.

    Helen, Is my sleep pattern back to normal ? I'll let you know in an hour. Booby Crush is entertaining some friends in the Dining Room over an Indian takeaway. Have to stay up until they are done otherwise all the lights will be left on !

    Night xx

  209. At 01:21 AM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Should this ever get through can I assure you that it will be the last ever post by RJD. I don鈥檛 know if it is my name or my words that cause all my postings to be delayed or 鈥渄isappeared鈥. I have enjoyed the banter but not the wasted time. Good luck.

  210. At 02:30 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Re: Robbie

    The Beeb is working on it we are told! PLEASE STAY!


    Re: Helen: My Body clock is shot! No point worrying now as in two weeks I'll be 10 hours out of sync!

    Once we are forced to get up early 7 days a week we should be okay.

  211. At 03:56 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    RJD: I sent one at 02:30 that didn't make it! A lot of posts seem to disappear. Stay with us !

    Please don't leave us!

    Re: Helen: Clock is totally out of sync now!

    03:58 ?

    It will take at least two weeks of early breaksfasts to get back on track !

  212. At 03:58 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    RJD: I sent one at 02:30 that didn't make it! A lot of posts seem to disappear. Stay with us !

    Please don't leave us!

    Re: Helen: Clock is totally out of sync now!

    03:58 ?

    It will take at least two weeks of early breaksfasts to get back on track !

  213. At 03:59 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    RJD: I sent one at 02:30 that didn't make it! A lot of posts seem to disappear. Stay with us !

    Please don't leave us!

    Re: Helen: Clock is totally out of sync now!

    03:58 ?

    It will take at least two weeks of early breaksfasts to get back on track !

  214. At 08:44 AM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD as was wrote:


    Don't panic. It's the RobbieJohnDo moniker that is going - not me.

  215. At 09:14 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    I love these early morning strolls along the beach. So calm and tranquil unlike the real world where my office is again a scene from Dante.
    Have been mulling over what the possible announcement from our Mayor could be and have come to the sad conclusion that it may be Lissa that is moving on. Eddie and Sequin would affect the listeners also and Eddie only mentioned the froggers therefore it has to be something to do with that. I don't believe they would remove the WOYW as or the blog entire (G*d forbid) so that leaves someone who is known to us on the blog.
    Lissa, if it is you that is moving on to pastures new, please don't be a stranger and come and visit us on the beach as a regular. Join us. Please.

  216. At 10:07 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Little Weed wrote:

    Hello Eddie

    and everyone else who welcomed me.

    Mind, now I see that Lissa is leaving...um, do you think I tipped her over the edge?

    Lil Weed

  217. At 10:37 AM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    jonnie (208): If I bring a cornish pasty and you kill for it, will I not be an accessory to murder? I may need to confer with mad mary as my training didn't cover such eventualities.

    Just dragged myself from the pit after a sound slumber brought on by taking a night time cold remedy that was as green and as vile as my brocolli soup. Have had to cancel yet another day of work and find myself in that limbo.

    Too ill to be bothered to do anything, too well to put up with just sitting here. I've promised not to make "another one of those * soups", but there are a load of tomatoes need using, and a pot of single cream. I am sure the last soup was so awful purely because I have no sense of taste at the moment. And if I followed a recipe this time...

  218. At 11:00 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Little Weed - A belated, but heartfelt, welcome here. I hope that you have as good a time as I reading and posting alongside these wonderful people.

    Carol (203) - Very warm welcome to the blog as well! As for the soup question - I spent about 6 consecutive meals last week eating nothing but various kinds of soup. I am on a soup kick, which seems to fit into your theory of the New Year thing. The two weeks before that, I was on a stew-kick mixed in with a brandy-kick. Maybe it is linked to the weather and humans' subliminal desire to hibernate for the winter.

    Anne P (169). Thanks for the weather confirmation, it gives me hope. I was thinking of a nice patterned striped multicolour thing for the hump-hats. Maybe with pom-poms on top.

  219. At 11:08 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    RJD as was - I wish I could understand how the moderation works. You can post on several different threads only to find that the last appears first and the first last (perhaps the froggerators' handbook is Biblically inspired) and not a suspect word or sentiment in any of them. Hey ho.

    Really does seem odd that you are the worst affected by these technical frustrations. Are you changing your frog-de-plume in the hopes of getting more posts in, since I presume they link them to our email addresses when checking that might not work, or just for a New Year new look?

  220. At 11:53 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Welcome Carol (203). Your chicken soup sounds great. My small freezer is now full of variations on squash soups as I always make huge batches forgetting I no longer have hoards of offspring and their friends to feed.

    Perhaps we should take Jason in hand and teach him how not

    Hi Jason,
    so sorry you're not better yet. Have some of this echinachea to go with Carol's garlic. And if you think you could face it, my son takes a whole lemon (skin scrubbed first) and liquidises it, then eats/drinks/imbibes the lot. Seems to work for him.

  221. At 11:59 AM on 05 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    OK Belinda (218) we'll need a volunteer to cut out lots of cardboard circles with holes in the middle to make the pompoms.

  222. At 12:01 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Hello Weed, Hello Carol, Hello Birds, Hello Sky ........

    Goodbye Lissa, Hello Derbyshire, Goodbye Mr. Knibbs, Hello H.G. Wells .....#

    Or, should we say, Hello Lissa Beach Babe Extraordinaire?

    Re Soups: I think we are carrying them too far. This is a Beach where we escape from the winter. Should we, therefore, prefix all references to soups and other 'hearty' fare to Here's a soup for January threads?

    I, like other froggers, am finding references to hot food on this thread much to unappetising. Let's crack open the salsa instead!

    Hey, guys, it's SALSA time! Come on, Lissa, time to party!

  223. At 12:05 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Sister (181) : Other camps are available but yet, you've found me out. My office window faces the base across a 2 or 3 fields, and SO gets to play 'Spot the Airfix Model' all day.

    In the village itself there's a shop, a curry house and a chippy, run by a lovely Chinese family.

    Before the older couple retired and passed it on to the next generation, 'Grandad' always used to bow, with a huge crinkly-eyed smile, to customers as they arrived and departed. He spoke no English but you could tell that returning the bows made his day!

    Fifi ;o)

  224. At 12:56 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Booby Crush Johnnie, looks like you needed some sleep! I am a natural night owl, but the prospect of working for 3 months in Feb led me to ask for tips. I stay up late even when I have to get up early, not good, & then spend most of my free time asleep, also not good. I am enough of a grown up to be able to get this right, as well as not leaving everything to the last minute, or procrastinating and avoiding work as I am now...

  225. At 01:25 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Fifi: Well, I was curious, being near the West and East Witterings, and realising you are Rutland based. What a lovely scene you describe! I'd love to have come up and bow to the elder Chippy - Is he still around?

  226. At 01:29 PM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Anne P (219)

    I'm staying as RJD as it seems to be the full version of the name that causes me problems at times and No - I have no idea why.

    The e-mail address doesn't seem to matter as you can put any old address in there. It is definitely not checked against the Name.

    Having said all that I'll bet this appears next Tuesday!

  227. At 01:52 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Sister again (181) : You can tell I was rushing to finish before lunch ...

    '..available, but yet you've found me..'???

    But YES was what I meant.

    S isn't even near T on the keyboard, and I'm supposedly certified to type at 50wpm without looking!

    and yet again at (221) : Best soups I ever tasted were at a hotel in Tenerife during my first ever beach holiday. Don't knock it!

    But I still think we should campaign for the library/pub where we can start our own serious debates without spoiling it for the beach bums.

    Anyone else up for a bit of lobbying?


  228. At 02:12 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Anne P (228): I think that Lissa, Blog babe extraordinaire will volunteer to do it, once she gets up to Derbyshire...or perhaps Eddie, during one of his sleepless nights when the livin' is easy, the fish are jumpin' and the weather is hot.

    Big Sister: Maybe we could make cold cucumber soup or perhaps gazpacho for you. That would be more in keeping with your camel-ridden hot beach idyll.

  229. At 02:18 PM on 05 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    Belinda, there is nothing at all subliminal about my desire to hibernate in the winterand Jason, don't even think about the tomato you know what. You shouldn't be cooking if you;re nto well anyway.

    Jonnie was suffering on another thread from his holiday jabs - thank goodness we don;t need any of those to come to the beach. ANd you know someone was asking where it was the other day - well I've always assumed it was an island too. What does everyone else think?

  230. At 02:36 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I just wonder why is considered unsuitable by our moderators (pbut)?


  231. At 03:27 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Next Friday, 2.15pm on Radio Four ... a one-off Adrian Mole play by Sue Townsend!

    You heard it here first.....

    ....unless you heard it on the R4 trail just now, like I did!


  232. At 05:41 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Cheer up RJD!

    Your last only took four hours and ten minutes. Mine (230) only three.


  233. At 06:05 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ed (230) ... you're just being mischievous now!


  234. At 06:24 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Ed (230 for now) I have no idea unless they are just ironically challenged (other challenges are available).

    One of those frustrating days on the blog when posts appear all out of order after long delays, making nonsense of attempts at conversation and requiring you to scan all the way back up to see what has been inserted and caused everything to be renumbered.

    I mean, I know the world is daft and chaotic, I know IT is a black art (after all I worked in it) but the eternal optimism of the regular frogger (why else would we keep doing it) causes me to hope that one day these frustrations will disappear.

    Actually I've just remembered that Eddie once said they were working on Blog Mark 2 for the spring - so hope springs eternal....

    I also remembered that he promised to tell all about a trail he recorded with Paddy for BH - did he? did I just miss the confessional?

  235. At 08:07 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    It's clearly one of those days when the pixies are out to confuse us by rearranging the numbers and letting through some posts but not others.

    If this ever gets through it's just to say I have left some sloe gin on the bar, and have asked the young McCallan (never can remember how to spell him) to ensure that when I go off for a dip and leave my clothes over by that rock, none of you thinks I have been driven to desperation.

  236. At 08:23 PM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ed (232)

    At least it got there, not like some I've sent. The most annoying thing is when it happens when you are replying to someone. When it doesn't appear it just seems that you are rude and ignoring them. Posted 20:26

  237. At 09:28 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I hear ya!
    Arrived 21:31


  238. At 10:05 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Belinda (228): Mmmmm, gazpacho will do fine for me! We could also do Sopa del Ajo. It's the winter soups (which, let's face it, are what has been referred to lately) which don't do it for me on the Beach. But, back in January, they're fine!

    If/When there's a Blog Mark 2, what will happen to the Beaches, I wonder? Will they all become Beaches Mark 2? Just as long as the camels can follow us .....

  239. At 10:07 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Belinda (228): Mmmmm, gazpacho will do fine for me! We could also do Sopa del Ajo. It's the winter soups (which, let's face it, are what has been referred to lately) which don't do it for me on the Beach. But, back in January, they're fine!

    If/When there's a Blog Mark 2, what will happen to the Beaches, I wonder? Will they all become Beaches Mark 2? Just as long as the camels can follow us .....

  240. At 10:35 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Tomato soup was a success. I couldn't taste it but SO said it was delicious.

    Sorry, didn't let it go cold to have as gazpacho (and I think the cream would have ruined that effect...).

    I had a proper jam rolly polly on Wednesday night, by the way. Mmmmmm.

  241. At 10:42 PM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Big Sis - If you are still about.

    I did reply, after along time, to your enquiry after Appy on the Lissa thread. Appy posted there and copied here but it hasn't appeared.

    She's been unwell but fine, if you know what I mean.

    This blog's not a great way to have a conversation, is it?

  242. At 10:57 PM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Don't care about the delays and missing posts any more.

    Someone (may they be half an hour in Heaven, before the Devil knows they're dead) gave me two bottles (litres) of John Jameson. I have supplemented this with another gift of Bombay Sapphire and 12 bottles of Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc purloined from under the noses of the Dayone Douane 鈥 if you were there, you will know of what I speak.

    All are placed behind the Bar. I now intend to get very slowly but quite definitely sozzled and talk rubbish for the rest of the night. Please do join me.

  243. At 11:09 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ok, none of my posts are appearing, if this one does, can anyone explain the end of the Friday night play to me?

  244. At 11:15 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Well I've just nailed my colours to the mast on the other thread, and Ed suggested I might need a Liffey, sounds like a good idea to me.

    Is there anybody about, I'll just put some more driftwood on the fire.

    Ah that's better. At 11.16

  245. At 11:35 PM on 05 Jan 2007, LadyPen wrote:

    Oooooooooooooo RJD. Let's go :-)


  246. At 11:46 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    RJD: I know, I'd made contact in the same way as you, and had an update direct from poor wee Appy. I suggested she swig on the old falling down juice. Hope she'll be back soon.

    And speaking of falling down juice, can I join you in the Oyster Bay? And I've noticed there's still some Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc that I put in the chiller yesterday - Would you like to give it a try?

    Isn't the Beach lovely tonight?

  247. At 11:53 PM on 05 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I'm here as well, and my glass is charged.

    here's tae us!

    05/01/2007 at 23:57:43 GMT

  248. At 11:57 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Just another Liffey juice and then I'll continue my association with Sophie.

    nighty night. At midnight


  249. At 11:59 PM on 05 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Lady Pen

    Sauvignon or Sapphire?

  250. At 12:32 AM on 06 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Big Sis

    Any New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is more than acceptable. One more glass and I will then move from grape to grain.

  251. At 01:29 AM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I've listened to the last ten minutes twice and can't help you. I think I'd have to hear the whole thing, and even then I might still be be-fuddled.... will try later.

    06/01/2007 at 01:29:48 GMT

  252. At 01:32 AM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    lady Pen's looking for you, and hoping to find yhou in bed, but still awake....forewarmed and a' that.

    06/01/2007 at 01:32:05 GMT

  253. At 01:44 AM on 06 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Oh RJD - mixing the grape and the grain? Tears before bedtime m'dear....

  254. At 01:54 AM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Re: admin annie,

    My arm is not well after the jabs. Apart from ruining the world by flying long distances to escape-- it's a shame that I have to be prodded with nasty thinks being injected into me.

    I'm very looking forward to two weeks on a real beach but will miss my friends on the fantasy beach just as much.

    I've found out that the Hotel in Sri Lanka has Wireless Internet for 拢1.50 per half hour, well it's worth it to catch up with my friends and possibly e-mail the odd pic back so I've convinced Simon to let me take the Laptop. It'll cut into his perfumery weight allowance but am I bovvered !

    I'm nicking some Tomato soup from Jason and some Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc from RJD, I'll be snoozing for a while.

    To Val and others that have e-mailed bits and bobs it's been all quite shattering and tomorrow I've been asked to Video the Poole pantomime so please bear with me.

    I love our beach though and loving some peace and quiet and a sip of wine at the moment.


  255. At 09:56 AM on 06 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Valery P

    You were right! - Oh my head!

  256. At 10:31 AM on 06 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Lissa: Posting this here for you so as to be more discrete, perhaps.

    I imagine you'll be 'inducting' Marc into the vagaries, etc., of the Blog over the coming week. Certainly he'll need a bit of help with some of its quirks! And if there's anything we can do to help him get into its mindset, please do say.

    We'll all welcome him fulsomely when he takes over from you (though he isn't Lissa with two SS!)

    I'm sure you've already thought of it, but he might like to look at the goodies on Jonnie's website, address to which is in Eddie's Beach intro.

    Will he think we're all bonkers, I wonder?

  257. At 11:00 AM on 06 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    Big Sis - The answer to your last question to Lissa is bound to be YES - because we ARE all bonkers.

    EdI - LadyPen is only looking after my welfare, ensuring that I am not up to no good - a double negative but I don't care. She likes to ensure that I am safely tucked up and not wandering off conversing with the camels again.

  258. At 12:17 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Shouldn't that be Ss?

    Aye, that'll be right (double positive). Up to or up for, I wonder...I hope you don't mean Camel congress.....

    (stick to the barley next time) ed
    06/01/2007 at 12:20:57 GMT

  259. At 03:23 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Well the weather in the parallel universe is bl**dy awful, so I've come over to the real world to have swim, and a chill out.

    But first, a little Sapphire.


  260. At 03:44 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I decided I might make an exception and sit down to a Saturday film. Charade - classic Hepburn and Grant, dated as hell, but hilarious in that, and, the opening credits were simply amazing for their time...

    Meanwhile, Brian, Join me in a dark one.

    06/01/2007 at 15:44:26 GMT

  261. At 04:14 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ed. thanks for trying, it was an odd play anyway!

    Johnnie, where are you going? I am so envious. Tell Simon all that perfume is superfluous because it will overpower the sweet smells of mimosas or something, & he will smell of lovely suntan lotion anyway!

  262. At 04:25 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Ooh Ed, I love Charade! I may watch it myself later on.

  263. At 04:49 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    I posted this:

    Hello All,

    First of all, Lissa, Nik and Mr Knibbs, much love and very best wishes for your move. I can't imagine how Eric will cope without you, let alone the rest of us.

    Second, one or two fellow froggers have very kindly noticed my absence and contacted me elsewhere to express their concern. On the advice of one of these I am here to let you know that I have hardly touched my PC all week as I have spend most of it in bed/on the sofa. (I have a chest infection, rather than a visit from Johnny Depp). When I have, urgent work has prevailed. Thanks for your concern to all who have expressed it -- you are a lovely bunch.

    I'll post this on the beach too.

    A, x.

    here straight after I'd posted it on the last of Friday's threads, but it failed to appear, so my post saying I would post it here too looks like a lie. (When I put it here I'd changed the last line to "I have posted this on the latest thread too".)

    It should've appeared at about 3.35 PM which suggests to me that it should've been no. 232 here, but if you look at Ed's 232 and Fifi's previous there are apparently no posts for over two hours that afternoon. I suspect a whole load have gone astray. I don't know why I care. Then again -- I do! I dragged myself from my sick bed to post that!!! Grrr!!

    Oh, I'm not up to this -- I'm going back to bed... See you all in a few days, I hope.

  264. At 05:33 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I'm sorry you're still under the weather. Have a nice lemon/honey/whisky/decongestant hot toddy. It'll make it go away for a little while.

    Delays are irritating and, considering the technology available to the greatest communications institution in the known universe, shouldn't happen.

    As to the matter of completely lost postings of the most un-controversial nature, disappearing into some hypervoid, we can only be thankful it's only the 大象传媒, and not our national security or health systems depending upon such fallible technology.

    I wonder where my friendly and helpful greeting to Breda of yestere'en went. Breda, if you're out there, please accept my apologies, but it was'nae my faut!

    06/01/2007 at 17:34:04 GMT
    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 17:34:30 GMT
    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 17:34:37 GMT
    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 17:34:39 GMT
    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 17:34:41 GMT
    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 17:34:42 GMT

    At least MY technology works!

  265. At 05:44 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Charade was great fun, and now I'm wriggling with gleeful schadenfreude at all the would-be hypermobile folk in Bristol!

    Oh, shameful pleasure! And now I'm being told young men seem to be too clever to join the army, despite millions of our funds being spent on advertising.... they've even 'widened the net' to age 31! Oh Joy!

    I should watch more TV. It's uplifting. Sorry, Dahlia, just could'nae haud ma whisht.

    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 17:47:59 GMT

  266. At 06:42 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    Please don't worry about such things if you are unwell -my head's spinning just trying to work out why ,where and when your postings have been-just enjoy resting,lots of nice bevarages and let us chase up the 'losties'.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  267. At 06:54 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    RJD - oh dear, oh dear, I hope you are feeling better this evening? I wasn't too clever myself this morning as I didn't meander to bed 'til 2.30. I know I've said this already, but how on earth am I going to get my body clock sorted out in order to get up at 5.45 on Monday morning?
    Answers on a post please. Here's to all the poorly ones - clink!

  268. At 08:48 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oven's warming up, folks, and there's plenty of dough and other pizza stuff. Can always use more, and my glass'll need some more Liffey real soon.

    06/01/2007 at 20:52:55 GMT

  269. At 08:55 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Carol wrote:

    Hello AP,
    Having had to shift back and forth between day and night duty for many years, I was eventually shown a way to reset the internal clock by a very experience doctor. It is such a body shock to go cold turkey from one to the other.You may not have the will for this and prefer cold turkey but here goes.

    for three days before you have to get up at 5:30am, set the alarm at 5:30 and FORCE yourself to get up just for long enough to have a cup of tea and a buscuit,(something to raise the blood sugar a bit), then go straight back to bed for as long as you like.
    Then, at the end of the day, force yoursef to dress for and get into bed, lights out, (even if you are wide awake), and assume the sleeping posture keeping as still as you can, thinking as little as possible for about 30 mins then, (if you still need to), get up again for as long as you like BUT, when you do, don't do anything mentally stimulating and keep lights low. Repeat for three days and by day four, when you have to get up and stay up, it is no where near as horrible.

  270. At 09:04 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I've strolled down to the beach for a short while.

    Although I've had my tea, those pizza's sound really good? Are there olives?

    I see RJD left a generous amount of alcohol, so that's me sorted.

    Oh and I've taken down the beach Christmas tree. The box of decorations is stored behind the bar.


  271. At 09:53 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Carol - thanks for that, I'll do a version of that and see what happens. Part of the problem is that I was born an owl rather than a lark. Once TD heads off for Uni or whatever in the autumn, my early morning motherly duties will be over - yeeha!

    MMary, thanks for taking care of the tree - where will the beach be, this time next year?

  272. At 10:03 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    I've just seen your post on the main thread.


    Those pizza's do smell gorgeous.

    But I'm forgetting my manners, hello all.

    Now where's that Little Weed got to, I think I need a cutting.


  273. At 10:25 PM on 06 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Marymary, olives on the bar - they came from the Christmas French market in Watford, lovely big green ones, but be careful they still have their stones in.

    Pizza smells great, Ed.I., but unlike Valery I'm a lark so off to bed to listen to 'Decision Time' on radio 4, though will probably drop off before the end - given the relatively gloomy topic perhaps just as well.

    Oh, and there's some Australian Cabernet next to the olives.

    Sleep well all.

  274. At 11:08 PM on 06 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Welcome Brian! I've got a wee one on the go already, here, take a turn....Is that a supply of the black stuff I see? Don't mind if I do, thanks. A couple of slices there with anchovies and some rather fine jalape帽os...Careful!

    Saturday January 06, 2007 at 23:12:21 GMT

  275. At 01:02 AM on 07 Jan 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Bill'n'Ben and Ed - watch your step or you'll end up with the munchies and eat all those fine olives of Anne P's before everyone else gets here!

    Anne P - was Decision Time the programme with George Pascoe-Watson? I used to babysit for him!! TBH my mum did the actual sitting as I was a bit young, but I helped :o)

  276. At 02:14 AM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    The main thread has turned a bit beachy, which could be my fault.

    I'll always chill out on the beach when I have English language questions in future.

    Thanks again for all the info as regards to the apostrophe.

    It's been very helpful.

    Although I was sent to a public school and did well in Biology and Physics I never really paid much attention to English. I don't even remember having grammar lessons.
    However I still managed to scrape through with a Grade C -- though not sure how.

    Dear friend James also came around tonight and found it all very amusing.

    He wanted to go and see Chris Jarvis in Panto but I explained that it was a long journey to Tunbridge and possibly not very feasable.

    I was very polite and I composed a long chatty e-mail, with only one spelling mistake.

    This was his response :-

    ----by the way - it's feasible, not feasable.

  277. At 10:54 AM on 07 Jan 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    I'm back - umpteenth wedding anniversary celebrations over. Aperitif I have something of a gossipy nature that should get you off your sick bed - but wait for it
    Jonnie - I don't care about your grammar - you make your meaning clear and you express what you want to say on a public blog, that is MUCH more important than being bullied by the grammar police.
    Now - Ap
    whilst in France for a couple of days earlier this week we stayed at an hotel where there was a very firm rumour that a certain party - (you have to say this in a French accent-) Johnny Depp has bought a place near there as a hideaway.
    So, Ap, I did my bit for England and the frog and relentlessly marched from bar to restaurant in search of our hero. Unfortunately I consumed so much vin in the doing that I was incapable of recognising said M.Depp even if he was there.
    Now get up and get better and I'll tell you where, recommend a v. good hotel and you can take over the search
    much love

  278. At 12:03 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Jonnie: Don't ever listen to the grammar police. I may have gone to a grammar school (and I'm grateful to it for all it gave me - my family certainly could never have afforded a private education!) but, as I think you'll have gathered, I'm very much against having a go at people about spelling, grammar, or whatever innocent mistakes that may be made. It's all about Communication - THAT is the purpose of language! And you communicate beautifully .....

    Incidentally, I am aware that over time I've frequently made typos in my postings (I cannot, frankly, be a***d to do previews, because I regard the postings as having a chat, not giving a speech. If, however, my typo comes out really strangely (e.g. the Bread for Breda!) I may refer back - but more to have a laugh at myself or to clear up what may be an embarrassment to others. I hope all other froggers feel the same degree of relaxation here.

  279. At 12:29 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Everyone!

    I would like to state now for the record that my life is rapidly turning into a Whitehall Farce. I had an introduction just before Christmas to a young lady. Unfortunately, it was so close to Christmas that we couldn't arrange to meet up before we both went off to see family/friends/etc. So, we arranged to meet up in the new year. Now, I've just found out I've another introduction as well! So, some point in the next week or so, I'll be going on two dates. And to make matters worse, both their names begin with the same letter! ARRGGGHHH!!!! Any tips gratefully appreciated!

    A perplexed FFred

  280. At 12:34 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Quiet on the beach this morning, don't you think? Perhaps because so many froggers are poorly at the moment - I hope they are all better soon.

    And the beach looks very empty without all the Christmassy stuff around - thanks, MadMary for taking down the tree. The camels were away yesterday taking round some presents with some wise geezers but I see they're back now and I've taken the tinsel off their ears.

    Jonnie, you're right - the main thread has been a bit beachy lately, I think because there's only been the one post since Friday and it's full of news of our blogmistress and new blogmaster. Time was when Eddie used to set up a new thread several times a day! He's been a bit dilatory lately.

    I guess we will have a new beach tomorrow. We will need it cos January looks pretty bleak just now. But I see it's past midday so time for something cheery - I've brought along a selection and put them by the bar, alongside some tasty Waitrose smoked salmon crescents. Sorry I didn't make the snacks myself but these are very good. Try them.

  281. At 01:09 PM on 07 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Sara (279)

    Time was when Eddie used to set up a new thread several times a day! He's been a bit dilatory lately.

    He's been waxing? Ah! I see what you mean......

  282. At 01:10 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Ta, Sara, the smoked salmon is yummy. Try it with some Custodio del Mar, which is a seafood wine.

    Now, SO is calling from January, so I'll have to make us some lunch. It'll be soup, but not on the Beach!

  283. At 01:17 PM on 07 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Annasee, Big Sis, Anne P - exciting news on the egg-white front. I can exclusively reveal that it WAS possible to whisk egg white contaminated with yolk into stiff peaks, but when cooked they went all sticky. However, this could just be because I am pants at making meringues!

  284. At 01:20 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Bill'n'Ben wrote:

    Afternoon all

    Ooohh Sara, you are a darling. Smoked salmon, yummy...

    Now I don't know if salmon swim up the Liffey, so I thought that I'd put them together in my own special way, cheers.

    Val P, munchies, you knew where I was coming from, but I didn't eat all of the olives, honestly.


  285. At 02:24 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Gossipmistress - what did you decide to do with the egg whites in the end?

  286. At 02:38 PM on 07 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    G/M - I'm pleased to hear that about the egg whites because previously I have always thrown away whites that have even a tiny speck of yolk in so I will know for next time. If they turn out sticky because of it and notbecause of your ability or otherwise to make meringues, that would make them jjust perfect for pavlova.

    Right I'm off to relax watching an old episode of ER, see y'awl later. Just before I go, I see Kill Bill is on telly tonight. Should I watch it? I've not seen it before, have't watched Reservoir Dogs either becaause of the violence but I sometimes thing these things are very talked up. Would anyone who has seen Kill Bill just let me know if it's copeable with. I can generally take anything except people getting stabbed in the eye.

  287. At 03:43 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Gossipmistress - I don't think you sound at all "pants" - I love sticky, gooey meringue. If you've any brandy cream left from Christmas which isn't yet quite out of date, why not sandwich them with that and bring them down here - we'll all try them for you!

  288. At 03:58 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    GM: Some time ago I posted about the egg white debate, but somehow it got whisked up in the ether. This, in itself, should have resulted in a very light meringue, but instead it appears to have been so light as to have flown away.

    My 'dear mama', who has always had a 100% success rate with meringues and has a lot of little tips to share on the subject, has always maintained that you cannot make a meringue if the whites are contaminated by the yolk. There's doubtless a very good reason for this, and it's something I'd like to put to Heston Blumenthal, given that he seems to understand the chemistry of cookery like no other.

    Anyway, my basic message to you was this: I think it was the contamination rather than the cook which caused your meringue to fail.

    Hope this one gets through .....

  289. At 04:00 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    In the interests of meringue makers everywhere, the following link seems truly helpful.

    I note that they, too, are of the opinion that the whites must be 'pure'.

  290. At 04:34 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Fearless Farcer: Gosh, it has all hotted up for you, hasn't it? Tips for keeping names separate..... Well, does one of the names have a common diminutive? If so, and if it begins with a different letter, then hang on to that for the person concerned. Even better if both names can be subtley altered in this way.

    But, whatever you do, don't get into a prolonged period of double-dating. It'll do your head in and you'll end up with no lady, I'll guarantee!

  291. At 04:41 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Molly wrote:

    Has anyone seen Little Weed on the beach today-I've come down 'specially to see her/him.

    I bet I've missed the camels again-has Weed seen them? It's really not fair- am I on the right beach?

    If I may join in the meringue debate-I was always told to ensure that my bowl,should I have one, was spotless and DRY! Has this been mentioned?

    Help yourselves to Lemon Drizzle!


  292. At 04:45 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Re the great meringue debate. I think if they went sticky, Gossipmistress, it's probably because you didn't dry them out in the oven for long enough. That is the unusual thing about meringues as opposed to biscuits - just because they "look" cooked & feel crisp, doesn't mean you should take them out of the oven. My Cookery Bible is the NZ Edmond's Cookery Book (not available in shops here, I suspect) which recommends 1 - 1/2 hours at 120 degrees C. How long did you cook yours for?

    I think if it was the "pollution" with yolks that was the problem, the whites wouldn't have whipped into stiff peaks. I tried it once (same situation as you ) & it never got beyond gently foamy whites - obviously no use.

  293. At 04:52 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Ed, Molly and Aunt D, thank you all for your kind words. Definitely over the worst. Although having read your post, Aunt D, I may have to go and lie down for altogether different reasons -- I'm all overcome!

    Yours coughily,

    A, x.

  294. At 05:18 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I came across a portrait of you, and thought you might like a copy.

    Your friend
    Sunday January 07, 2007 at 17:20:15 GMT

  295. At 05:22 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Glad to hear you're on the mend. Little Weed gave me a couple of leaves and suggested I saut茅 them ever so gently in butter, and add to a warm buttered toddy as a pick-you-up.

    Sunday January 07, 2007 at 17:26:58 GMT

  296. At 05:29 PM on 07 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Wow! My meringues are the subject of so much talk......

    Anne P - I made gooey meringues with half the whites and have frozen the rest (as per someone's advice on here) so I can massacre them at a later date.

    Big Sis thank you for the excellent & comprehensive link. I will do some homework later (presently still at work). I can only dream of being as good as your Mum....

    Annasee - 1 1/2 hours at 100C then left in while oven cooled, but it's a fan oven which has aspirations of being a blast furnace so that could be the problem?

    Sara - I'll leave the gooey ones behind the bar for you, with some smashed fruit and cream to make into Eton Mess!

    Admin Annie - is that an episode with handsome George in (sigh!)?

  297. At 05:40 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Oh dear, frogerator delay made nonsense of my query about the egg whites - but how odd that Gossipmistress should have posted the update on the meringue front just before I posted my query.

    ESP or co-incidence?

    PS I'd agree that stickiness is down to the temperature and length of cooking, the cooler and slower the crisper and drier they are.

  298. At 06:17 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    On the meringue front, adding vinegar and cornflour was another tip my mum gave me when making Pavlovas. Incidentally, the link I gave seems to give different hints for Pavlova and for the meringue topping for lemon meringue pie, which I'll study some time. I don't think my mum put cornflour into the lemon meringue topping.

    I shall speak to her on this matter when I next see her. She can produce excellent Pavlovas and lemon meringue pie at the drop of a hat, the former really crispy until you get into the heart when it's more like marshmallow, and the latter with a lovely crispy crust but a cloud-soft underneath. And she always makes her filling with real lemons ..... and her pastry from scratch.

    Over the years - and because her excellent meringues made me an addict to this one sweet dish (otherwise I'm a savoury lady!) I learnt to perfect Pavlova, but my meringue toppings to lemon meringue pie can never emulate hers. I'll just have to keep practising, I guess!

    Incidentally, I found the warming over of a Rayburn/Aga the best environment for drying out a Pavlova, but cooking very low, very slow, and leaving to sit in the oven overnight usually works.

    Oh dear, I'm beginning to sound like an anorak!

  299. At 06:34 PM on 07 Jan 2007, LadyPen wrote:

    Fearless - just call them both 'honey' (other endearments are available) and everything will be fine :-)

    Women are obviously indistinguishable from buses. As in them all coming at once.

    (Eeek. Am expecting superhypermoderating now.)


  300. At 07:05 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    admin annie!!

    Kill Bill - don't bother!

    Resevoir dogs is good (and violent - an amazing debut really)
    Pulp Fiction is excellent (and violent - incredibly well written film though)
    Jackie Brown is wonderful, and more assured and less violent!

    so, if you're gona 'do' a Tarantino for the first time and really don't want to be put off by the ketchup, then Jackie Brown is probably the best place to start.

    Kill Bill is a bit of a mess really...

    hope that helps. Actually, this might help also - imho his first two feel like "boys" films whereas Jackie Brown is more about character development, although still wrapped in a genre storyline (crime heist/ caper).

    Kill Bill is more like a 'mash-up' of genres fighting for a story...

  301. At 07:25 PM on 07 Jan 2007, LadyPen wrote:

    Haha - go, moderator:-) You saw the joke :-)


  302. At 08:03 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Big Sis - yep, the vinegar & cornflour is what makes the pavlova so crisp/ vs marshmallow - the NZ national dessert, & the reason for the state of my teeth too, no doubt. Most UK cookbooks don't seem to include those ingredients, or not in the right proportions, so that you end up with something that is either baked hard throughout, or with a horrible soft crust. Neither is right - perfection is only achieved by a few such as your Mum. And me, of course... NZers take their pavlovas VERY seriously.

    BTW - Whisht - my SO (sneers at the blog & can't understand why I bother) suddenly most impressed when I read out your critique of Kill Bill, which he was threatening to watch. I think it's put him off. Yay!!! He's still watching J Clarkson & Ray Mears though. Sigh...

  303. At 08:16 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:


    I think you overestimate them. They didn't even see it at all, but it conjures an interesting image.
    ;-P Mass transport!
    Sunday January 07, 2007 at 20:16:31 GMT

  304. At 08:24 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oooh! Fearless! How marvelous! Two dates.


    It depends where you are going. If this is a first date and blind or partially blind, set the meeting up for early evening with a view to either calling it a day or having a meal. There is nothing more painful than spending the whole evening with someone when at the end of it one or both of you realises there is no future in this. Even worse going to the pictures where you can't talk so you might make the mistake of fixing up another meeting and hopes getting raised.

    So a nice early evening drink, or even lunch, where things are time limited but give you the opportunity to find out if you want to find out, if you see what I mean.

    And always be prepared to get a friend out the situation. Friends can be much better bargains than lovers in my experience.


  305. At 08:52 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    FFred re the names. The only honourable way is to remember each of their names.

    I have confessed elsewhere how bad I am with names but the way that works is to link them with someone or something else. For example, pick someone famous with the same name and visualise them when you think of the name. When you actually meet the ladies, visualise the famous person as you speak to them. Make sure the famous people are quite different from each other to keep the names seperate.

    The trouble is where you get cross over. If one looks like Liz Hurley but is called Lisa, and you have picked that person for the other girl, you'll get it wrong.

    Anyway, good luck with it. Biggest tip for the date is to enjoy it for what it is and be yourself. Things will work or not regardless so try to leave the nerves in a jar by the door.

  306. At 09:25 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Fred. You could try the frank approach :

    "Look I'm terrible with names. D'y mind wearing this nametag till I sort out which one you are? Only I've got a few girls to see this week, & I'd hate to mix you all up. Imagine if I phoned the wrong one once I'd made my decision...!"

    Do let us know how you get on. I hope I've been of some assistance here...

  307. At 09:31 PM on 07 Jan 2007, LadyPen wrote:

    EdIgle (303) - I thought so, too :-)


  308. At 09:34 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:


    you seem to have forgotten the golden rule, namely tell no-one.

    It's how I've survived the inspection from colleague's wife (a lawyer) after each "imagined" mysterious absence...

  309. At 09:40 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    I did some merangues once in the microwave. Worked reasonably but certainly not gooey. We got a new oven this year, along with a new kitchen and the main oven is fancy, (Fan, Fan assisted, normal, Grill,). So it should be possible to do some good merangues in it. Low priority in this post New year time.
    I needed to catch up on the blog and missed some interesting discussion. Must get on and do some January stuff and get annoyed that the Freeview reception goes iffy on a Sunday evening.

  310. At 10:38 PM on 07 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Just read that Magnus Magnussen has died. Very sad - many many years of memories watching him on Mastermind. RIP.

  311. At 10:49 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    FF could change his name to Two Dates :-)

    I think Honesty is the best option. But never having had the dilema I'm not sure.

  312. At 10:52 PM on 07 Jan 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Big Sis (298) if I drop my hat will I make perfect meringues?

    Fearless 'Two dates' Ffred - If you are taking a mobile with you why not set her name up as screensaver? But remember to change it before the second date...

  313. At 11:14 PM on 07 Jan 2007, Sara wrote:

    Ed at 294 - nice pic, but not how I remember Little Weed. I think she was more like a lovely flower between two chaps in pots - eh, Brian?!

    The Eton mess was gorgeous, Gossipmistress, thank you.

    Have just seen an article about lemon surprise. Does anyone remember making it? It's like a curdled lemon pudding which separates when you bake it - scrumptious! The article I just read forgot to mention spreading the top sponge with lemon curd which makes it even better.

  314. At 12:08 AM on 08 Jan 2007, admin annie wrote:

    well whist sadly your message took so long to arrive on my PC that I was well and truly launched on Kill Bill. I spent half my time laughing my head off and half my time going 'Yuk'. It was however stylishly made, but as you said, it seemed like several genres in search of a story. If I want martial arts again I shall get out my DVD of House of Flying Daggers.
    Son no 1, the film buff, tells me that Kill Bill 2 does have nasty stufff with eyes so I shall just ask him to tell me what else happens - I suppose the two main questions are - does she finally Kill Bill, and why did he try to kill her in the first place.

    Yes G/M it was an episode of ER with George in it, but can I just come clean here and say that I have never 'got' the GC thing. Sorry, he just doesn't do anything for me at all. I know I'm in a minority here.

  315. At 10:11 PM on 08 Jan 2007, wrote:

    aw sorry admin annie - wish I'd got there in time...
    at least I saved Annasee (though if it meant Clarkson then I wish I'd held me whisht an 'all.. though Kill Bill is a bit of a curate's egg at least the stylish parts are.... stylish!

    Oddly I saw Kill Bill 1 but never bothered watching Kill Bill 2. I just don't care as to why or whether. Which says loads to me about the quality of the film. And I'm a big boy who loves guns and martial arts and violence and comic related stuff!

    Apparently "Pan's Labyrinth" which is out now is the best film there's been for ages. Not seen it yet, but apparently its life changing...

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