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The Beach

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Eddie Mair | 07:45 UK time, Friday, 11 May 2007

What is the Beach?

It鈥檚 a place to go when the stresses of your real life need relieving. Sometimes it is fairly quiet and you might feel like you鈥檙e the only one around, but you can leave your 鈥榝ootprints鈥 for others to find later on. Othertimes it is the home for a real party, with constant gossip, leg-pulling, rumour, innuendo, chit-chat and weirdness. If this were a forum (and it sort of is because we post responses to each other, not just to Eddie, hence our term for ourselves 'Froggers', a combination of forum and blogger) then the beach would be the off-topic area.
It's a tropical location, no matter the time of year it's always warm and pleasant there.

Sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, the evenings balmy. It has a number of different locations; the Nick Clarke waterfront bar; the smokers corner; Fido's Run for the dog-walkers; the Naughty Step and many others.

How do you find your way around? There is no direct answer to the question. The beach is a moveable feast, literally. It will be renewed by our Lord and master Mr. Edward de Mair each Friday morning. This is because we have found in the past that when the number of posts exceeds about 600 the entire thing becomes unwieldy and unstable. A case of the beach turning to quicksand.

Froggers often leave bottles / glasses / trays of their favourite tipple on the bar for others to sample, not to mention big / small eats.

There is a herd of camels who frequent the sands, which froggers are very fond of. There are sun-loungers, so you can take it easy and catch some rays. Quite often the late-night attendees will have a barbie.
It's a fun place, with only one real rule; Be nice to each other; we are ALL chums here. New Froggers are ALWAYS welcome.

The real debate happens on the other threads. The beach is a place for banter, whimsy, relaxation and friendship, where jarring comments are not particularly welcome. There are certain very mild protocols, which you tend to pick up as you go along. So slip your shoes off, feel the sand between your toes, relax and enjoy yourself.


  1. At 08:36 AM on 11 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    How relaxing - a welcome chance to escape the rolling news coverage of you know who...

    Since I'm probably one of the first dozen to arrive, I'll pour out a bottle of wine, and put some ice creams in the freezer.

    Now to go and walk the camels...

  2. At 08:43 AM on 11 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Mmmm, the sand's been raked over, empties collected, and the Nick Clarke Bar restocked. Camels are looking calm and happy, the ropes on the hammocks just been safety checked ..... and, gosh!, I've just caught sight of a note from Mr. Bean. But - is it Sean, or is it Rowan?

    I'll investigate later. Meanwhile, a pile of freshly baked croissants, together with unsalted Normandy butter and extra special apricot conserve for the froggers and an enormous cafetiere of freshly brewed coffee. Froggers, tuck in!

  3. At 09:09 AM on 11 May 2007, whisky-joe wrote:

    Mojitos, anyone?

  4. At 09:11 AM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Big Sis - Mr? I think not! You know our dear Sean pops over on a friday for our regular inspection of the dunes!

    Mittfh - thanks for the vino, may be needing that later.

    Right then, dune duty calls! :) (I'll make some coffee when I get back)

  5. At 09:22 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Goodness me, look at all the wine poured at the Bar! Is it too early for Early Doors?

    I'm boiling an organic egg for my breakfast; would anyone else like one? Do let me know your preference re cooking times.


  6. At 09:29 AM on 11 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Just wandered in from May where it is pouring with rain, I need a shot of solar energy before lunging into the frantic Friday turmoil!

    Big Sis:

    .....freshly baked croissants, together with unsalted Normandy butter and extra special apricot conserve......mouth wateringly delicious, but I will pass on the coffee, I'm bouncing off the walls as it is!

    catch u later

  7. At 09:38 AM on 11 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    GM, Fifi, and WW, I answered your questions on the old beach....

    Ahh, thanks for the coffee, Big Sis. Just what I need :-)

  8. At 09:40 AM on 11 May 2007, Brow Beaten wrote:

    Is this code? Am I missing something? XX

  9. At 09:57 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    mittfh (1),

    Bit early for the wine....The bottle is very appreciated, just leave it in the fridge to keep cool until the sun's over the yardarm.

    Thanks Big Sis (2), am in need of a good (as in quality) breakfast...

  10. At 10:01 AM on 11 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Greetings and good morning.

    Still recovering from my lack of health back in May, hence the lack of my presence here on the beach. My, isn't the sand and the shoreline looking wonderful this morning? And the bowl of petunias on the bar at Nick's are also looking resplendant.

    I have brought some comfort food brunch today. A very large pan of fried potatoes, onions and bacon is sitting on a hot mat with a lid over it next to the petunias. Dig in.


  11. At 10:07 AM on 11 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Big Sis (2) Another great strapline!
    Thanks for the coffee and croissants - just what I need it to perk me up again after hearing The Reunion, about the Brighton bombing. It was so powerful and emotional it knocked me for six.
    I'm glad to be going out to make monkey masks with small children!
    Btw, that Mr Bean had better be Sean. If it's the other one, you won't see me for a while!

    mittfh (1) Thanks for the wine and ice cream....I'll look forward to that at lunchtime. I've left some summer fruits to have with it.

    DIWyman (3) Sunny at the moment here in May, but not for long. Aaaaah, I'll just breathe in deeply before I have to leave. See you this afternoon!

  12. At 10:09 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh BigSis, with these croissants you are really spoiling us! (Said in Ferrero Rocher manner).

    Mmmm... Ohhh.... *slurp*.... delicious. Ta very much. Those patries are delightful, did you make them yourself?

    I do hope that Peter Webb makes it over here at some point. He responded on another thread and seems to like the Blog, so here's hoping that he becomes a regular on the Beach. I did say that I'd leave him a drink here, in case he stops by. Peter, if you make it this far, there's a freshly drawn pot of English Breakfast tea on the bar, along with a plate of home-made butter shortbread. Help yourself.


  13. At 10:11 AM on 11 May 2007, John H. wrote:

    I know it's a bit laddish, but anybody up for a good ol' fashioned barby and beer? Our local farm shop does some fantastic sausages, burger, steaks, etc and I could bring some over from May. Maybe I'm missing something in my diet, but the thought of burnt meat and beer is really doing it for me today.

  14. At 10:14 AM on 11 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Brow Beaten - welcome - and no, there's no special code, just a willingness to let your silly side take over!

    I'm too full for croissants, although they smell delicious, but I will have some coffee as I have a whole bunch of 10 year olds for a sleepover party tonight - my daughter's party, that is, not mine....

    I need lots of energy and quite a bit of patience. Anyone have any herbal suggestions that can take over where the coffee stops??

  15. At 10:24 AM on 11 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Fifi, I like the white firm and the yolk runny please. Perhaps you'll be better at me than timing. I always forget and end up with hard boiled! Thanks.

  16. At 10:41 AM on 11 May 2007, Peter Webb wrote:

    Hi Si and everyone, nice to be here, and thanks for the invitation and tea. I'll just go and get some clothes on after my early morning skinny-dip.....

  17. At 10:46 AM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Glad to report the dunes are in perfect condition although Sean is looking a little fatigued, this sand scrutineering (sp?) can be hard going. Making a Bloody Mary to pep him up; a bit early perhaps but it works a treat!

    John H - I'll skip the meat but the beer sounds like a goer! Plus some music....any requests? Theres something about bbqs that reminds me of Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.

    Ps Am off to give blood tonight, quite a regular donor, but fainted last time. Hadn't done anything different - drunk plenty, eaten normally - any tips for avoiding this again? (although the staff were very very sweet I did feel a bit daft!)

  18. At 11:04 AM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Peter Webb - Hello! (quickly covers eyes) and welcome! I have to ask - how was the interview? You sounded very calm!

  19. At 11:05 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Yoo-Hoo, ladies!!!

    There you have it. Peter Webb has appeared after a skinny dip, he must be a Sean Bean impersonator. It was surely he whom you all saw over on the dunes earlier.

    Peter, you're surely welcome. If you've been lurking around the Blog for a while then you may know all about the Beach. Failing that check out the contents of last weeks to get a flavour of the chit-chat around here and what goes on. Just don't leave your food lying around or the camels will have it away.

    Simple, have a transfusion first! Or am I missing the point?


  20. At 11:06 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Anne P : there you are, one firm white and runny(ish) yolk. This isn't an exact science but I've done it the way I like mine, only runnier.

    Witchi : good luck with the bloodsuckers! I went the other day and required both arms as Nurse #1 managed to bruise the first one slightly. Nurse #2 was much more confident and I was done & dusted in double quick time!

    Can't imagine why you fainted, all other things being equal. Maybe your iron count was a bit borderline that day, and they didn't pick it up at fingerprick test stage.

    I think if you remember to tell them you fainted last time, they'll give you an extra minute or two to recover. They're such lovely, caring people -- I love giving blood! -- I'm sure they will see you all right this time.

    Fifi xxx

  21. At 11:09 AM on 11 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Peter - first an interview and then a skinny dip? You certainly know how to join the blog in style!!!

    Welcome to the beach and may you have many happy frolics here.

  22. At 11:12 AM on 11 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    John H: Burnt offerings to the deity of outdoors cooking? What a splendid idea! I'll just fetch my tongs and extremely fearce hot pepper sauce from May... A few beers sounds like just the ticket too, exactly what my throat needs.

    Brow Beaten: As a relatively new Frogger may I offer you my welcome. Everyone's very friendly and someone around here makes Damn Fine Coffee too. I think the best despcription for The Beach comes from Mr Mair's opening: "a place of...whimsy". I like that, I haven't had a good whimsy in a long time.

    I'm the one paddling in the sea with traditional knotted hanky on head colour co-ordinated with the hammock. I have also taken it upon myself to keep the Nick Clark Bar well supplied with Single Malt - a nice 1990 Caol Isla today - and the bowl of petunias watered.

  23. At 11:44 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Fifi - you left the water boiling for your egg and the pan is now red hot. How much of mittfh's wine have you had?

    Hope you are feeling a little better today Belinda

  24. At 11:46 AM on 11 May 2007, Peter Webb wrote:

    Hello witchi, and thankyou for the welcome! I'm glad the interview sounded calm - that rather belied the inner self I'm afraid! I think it helped just talking into the phone rather than being exposed to the camera as well. It was all in a good cause and, also, Yvonne was very gentle. I'm sure I'd feel quite different in a more confrontational exchange.

    Am I right in thinking that relaxing on this Beach is a bit like entering a time warp - by the time the message is moderated and posted it's time for the next item. So if I invite you all for a drink at the bar now, you'll arrive just in time to help with the washing up. Let's go and do the washing up then.

  25. At 12:05 PM on 11 May 2007, Sara wrote:

    Just nipped down from May to hide behind the dunes (see my bit on Sequin's thread) and I find we've got a lovely new beach. I went down to check out the old one and learned of Belinda's news from yesterday.

    Big big big big hugs, Belinda

    (((((((((( xxx )))))))))

    and I hope you do well with the chemo. Plenty of rest, remember (you can always pop down here if May is not too nice!)

    Go for it, Ffred. We all know you're the best and her kids may find that out soon too! If you like her, that is. If so, persevere, I say. One's own teenagers are usually a nightmare so these can't be any worse. And they do grow up, you know .....xxx

  26. At 12:06 PM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Welcome, Peter Webb! And very well done on your interview yesterday.

    I gather the story is far from over, as far as PM is concerned.

    I'm just about to sizzle some sausages in May. Shall I toss a few on to the BBQ while I'm at it?


  27. At 12:14 PM on 11 May 2007, Captain Square wrote:

    Meanwhile at the NC Bar...

    First things first ok? The mojito is a Cuban peasant drink that, in its original incarnation, was not as alcoholic, and did not have such an emphatic mint taste as the hyped-up creations found in many British bars. Some like to say Constantino Ribalaigua, the legendary barman of the Havana Floridita, invented it. Others see it as a variation of the mint julep popular in the southern states of the US.

    Order a mojito in Cuba and the mint will be gentler than the plastic but angry stuff we are used to. The herb is not mashed into oblivion but simply bruised and inserted as a stirring stick, to add the mildest skein of flavour. The drink is delicate, almost colourless and with a whisper of mint, unlike the green soup concoctions often found here.

    But what if you are now feeling too cowed to risk mentioning the M-word to a groovster of a barman? The best thing you can do is to put yourself in his hands. Nothing will please him more than being invited to "challenge his repertoire" as Ribalaigua put it and any top barman would be delighted asked to find a drink to suit your mood.

    "It's about the spirit base, whether someone prefers sweet to sour, and finding the other ingredients that will complement that," so said Ribalaigua "Perhaps if someone said, 'I'm a gin- and-tonic person, what do you recommend?' The barman might suggest a gin-based cocktail, perhaps a clover club, which is a little bit sour and uses egg whites to round it out.

    "In other words, you don't actually need to know anything about cocktails at all; simply behave as if each visit to a bar is like a session with a Top Shop style assistant and you need never fear disappointing a barman with your lack of savoir-faire again.

  28. At 12:23 PM on 11 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Hi Peter, and welcome.

    Fifi, thanks for the egg - just right, and just what I need after fighting the weeds in May.

    Witchi, do tell them you need extra rest when donating this time. Sadly, I found that eventually it got worse and the last time I donated it took me ages to be able to sit up without feeling woozy. They told me to call it a day and that it gets worse with age - not great for the morale!

  29. At 01:14 PM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Toss away!

    Fnarr, fnarr.


  30. At 01:14 PM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    SiW, Sara & Fifi - thanks for the advice! Will mention it before offering up th evein. Fifi - I love it too! Especially now as you can go online and see how the donations have been used (platelets, plasma etc).

    Peter W - the time lag lends a charm of its own, just give the blog a push every now and again (at least we aren't be sent back to September anymore...)

  31. At 01:16 PM on 11 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Hi, it's lunchtime in May so have popped down to roll my trousers up and have a relaxing paddle.

    Peter Webb:

    ....glad to see you here, you sounded very professional last evening, did us punters proud..well done have a Gold Star.

    catch you all later....ttfn

  32. At 01:31 PM on 11 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Afternoon all........and welcome Peter, I thought you sounded very calm and knowledgeable so well done. And if you dont mind I will just have my drink first before I get started on the washing up.

    I totally understand your fears FFred (although it goes against your name:)) but just take it one step at a time - after 14 years on your own I can imagine taking on someone else's children must seem like a step too far but you never know how it will go, don't think too far ahead. Just get to know the woman, see if you fit well together and then if you like, well then cross the other bridges as they come. But there are lots of lovely women out there and you wouldn't want to discount them just because of the children. And after all look at Kris Marshall now, yes he was hesitant at first but now they all live very happily together in a lovely 4 bed house with its own communications hub including unlimited AND wireless broadband........how could you possibly resist!

    Right am just going to grab something off the barby and a beer and head back to May...

    (((hugs)))) to Belinda as well....

  33. At 01:55 PM on 11 May 2007, Brow-Beaten wrote:

    When are you all going to get a job and move out? XX

  34. At 01:57 PM on 11 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Hello Peter Webb, you're going to fit in very well here!
    Your interview came across very well indeed. Thank you for having the courage to share your experiences.

    Wonko, hope you are feeeling better. Make sure the beer is ice-cold...it'll be good for your throat!

    Fifi, I'm starving, and I haven't had my lunch yet. May I have a sausage please before the camel makes off with it?
    Mmmmm.....ice cream to follow! My weekend starts here!

  35. At 02:24 PM on 11 May 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Dear Captain Square. Do please reveal the exact branch of Top Sh*p at which you a) found an 'assistant' and b) one with any knowledge of either 'style' or 'savoir faire'.
    And what's wrong with Pimms.... the vodka based one.... I've
    left what's left of a jug on the bar. O that appears to be only a dribble.
    (and I thought I asked you never to mention eggs again...)
    Welcome home Belinda

  36. At 03:00 PM on 11 May 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Dear Beaten Brow
    I have a job, how elso do you think I find time to frog? I'm what is laughingly known as on call, so sit here waiting. The Frog is what almost makes it bearable between calls. and being unable to listen to the radio. and having to sit up straight when the boss crashes through. and only being able to reply when the merry quip is long past its sell by date. The only alternative is surreptitious sodutu, and I can't spell that.xx

  37. At 03:16 PM on 11 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Mmmmm! Had some Jersey Royals last night. Am I right in thinking that, like many other plants, they're early this year?

    I always think of them popping up at about the time of the Chelsea Flower Show.

    But the English strawbs are in the shops, and they're Wimbledon-time usually.

    Anyway, bowl of Jersey Royal potato salad by the bar.

  38. At 03:30 PM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Beaten Brow -
    We are Froggers are fabulous multi taskers....and I don't want to move out, am going to hide in the dunes so you can't find me (and I think Sean may have retreated back there)

  39. At 03:50 PM on 11 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Ooooh, Pimms! Don't mind if I d... oh, it's empty. :o( Never mind, more where that came from.

    Gillian: Thank you for the kind wishes, I'm well on the road to recovery now, just the odd cough and splutter. Glad to be fit enough to stroll around the beach again. Rest assured the beer is most definately cold; as cold as a cold thing stuck in a chest freezer, outside in January. And it's doing me good, I can feel it.

    Right, I'm off back to May to pick up Mrs Wonko from work. Keep a sausage warm on the barbie for me. Also the Aardvarks are green, have pointy teeth and need feeding regularly.

    ;o) []

  40. At 04:02 PM on 11 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    JohnH, re BBQ, I'm your man. If I'm not disracted from the fire I only lightly charcole them.

    Is charcole carcinogenic or good for the digestion?

  41. At 04:30 PM on 11 May 2007, Lee Vitout wrote:

    I've just heard about a lady that went into her local hardware store and bought two instant barbeques, you know the ones, those with the pictures of succulent foods on the lid.

    The next day, she returned one of them to the customer service desk at the store complaining that there was no food inside! The assistant patiently told her that they were just barbeque trays and that the food was not supplied with them.

    "Oh dear" said the lady. "I'd better take the other one out of the freezer then"!

  42. At 04:49 PM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Think theres a bit of a bloggage....anyhoo will wish you all a lovely weekend as am up to my ears in friends, OH, babies and drunken sibling's crashing at my flat (possibly all at the same time!)....my heart will be on the Beach. Which reminds me I must listen to Desert Island Discs this week, could be good!

    Take care all, big hugs (esp to Belinda and John) xx

  43. At 04:53 PM on 11 May 2007, Peter Webb wrote:

    Hello again everyone, and many thanks for your kind comments.

    I've just woken up in time for PM after dozing all day in the sunshine. Hope there's room in the dunes for a little one to listen to today's interviewees.

  44. At 05:12 PM on 11 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Is Pims no 1 the gin based one and No 2 the (More difficult to get) Vodka based one.

    Pims does sound nice. Think I'll have one when I get home.

  45. At 05:45 PM on 11 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Stewart M: I have been led to believe that charcoal is good for the digestion. At least, that's what it says on the side of the bag my dog's food comes in. The exception to this rule would be carbon 14, which I believe is radioactive. I don't think Buckminster-Fullereens (Carbon 60? - the ones with the molecular structure of a soccer ball - would do much for the digestion, though they probably wouldn't be harmful.

    Right, that's enough of that and on to more important matters. I understand that No1 cup Pimms is the gin one. Have you tried No5 cup? It's very nice, sort of orangey and spicy. Very good mulled for a cold evening in Winter.

    Toasted tea cakes dripping with butter on the bar at Nick's, just next to the bowl of petunias.

    ;o) []

  46. At 07:43 PM on 11 May 2007, anth wrote:

    Hi there, I kept seeing signs to "The Beach" so I thought I would come and have a look. And what a view!

    Ah Pimms!. That takes me back to garden parties at Uni. No 1 is Gin based, but I've found No 3 (Brandy) available at a well known supermarket chain, although it seems to be a spiced & orange variant on the original No 3. They say No 6 (Vodka) is available, but I've never seen it.

  47. At 08:00 PM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Dear darling SO fancied a curry from town, and while he was there he queued for some great chips as well. LOADS of 'em!

    They go ever so well with these BBQ'd Cumberland sausages.

    Do dig in. Is this shiraz spoken for?


  48. At 11:37 PM on 11 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    I'll tuck into the last of my ices as the light fades, then attack whatever's left on the BBQ.

    Hmmm...we've run out of Pimms...

    ...so I've restocked with all six varieties (only 1 and 6 are still made irl - according to Wikipedia, 1 is based on gin, 2 whisky, 3 brandy, 4 rum, 5 rye and 6 vodka) to satisfy most tastes.

    I nearly considered bringing a few cassette recorders from Dixons (sorry, Currys.digital) before they're all withdrawn from sale, but my hands were full and my wallet empty :(

    Anyway, better erect my hammock before my coordination deteriorates too far...

  49. At 11:57 PM on 11 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    anth, welcome! Anyone with such an encyclopaedic knowledge of Pimms is bound to be an asset.

    Meanwhile, mittfh, perhaps we should set up a cassette player behind the bar for people to bring their favourite cassettes to play on. A few loudspeakers on the dunes and we could have lovely retro hissy surroundsound.


    Time for truth: has anyone got special/fave/unusual cassettes to play? And why are they so spesh?

    I'll start off with my copy of Runrig's The Cutter and the Clan, because I played it while hill walking in Skye. Recovery comes a close second. Both blaring out on my old walkperson, or the car stereo as I headed north past Stirling or thereabouts.

    Romantic glup? Nah. Just good, good times

  50. At 12:04 AM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    Ooh, Humph - another strapline! And an excellent one. Am I the first to see it? Is that 2 this week? Whatever way you've found of bribing the judges is obviously working...

  51. At 12:48 AM on 12 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Hmmm. Half a cold sausage, a potato and what might have been a jug of Pimms but I think is a slop tray now.

    Sean! Do us a favour, love, give the place a quick clean-up, I've got to get back to May.

    No, don't worry about the sausage and potato. I'll give them to the camels.

    Oi! Form an orderly queue! First come, first...

    Ok, am chucking the food down and retreating to May and bed.

    And don't eat the petun... oh, dear

  52. At 09:12 AM on 12 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Surely the most logical music track to convert to good old analogue cassette format is the Frogger's Song - play the original on one, record our personal mixes on another...

    After reading on Wikipedia that any soft drink containing caffeine and sugar can help quell the effects of a hangover, I've stocked the bar with coke in case anyone gets too carried away in testing the six Pimms varieties I brought along earlier. I'll leave someone else to replenish the food stocks while I munch my way through breakfast (a mixture of bitesize shredded wheat and muesli)

    Meanwhile irl:
    "Welcome to Saturday Live. Your call is important to us, and a presenter will be with you shortly." Fi Glover could make a good backup presenter for PM, should Eric, Sequin and Carrie be unavailable.

  53. At 09:31 AM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    What a lovely morning - I thought rain was going to be the order of the day. Frances - Thank you for the avatar compliment - :-)

    Today is specially exciting as I've received the much awaited CD from Fifi. It arrived with a beautiful card entitled 'Camp David' - Michelangelo's David sporting a handbag.

    Thank you Fifi --

  54. At 09:35 AM on 12 May 2007, Captain Square wrote:

    Morning froggers,

    The sea looks a sharp colour of blue this morning, it reminds me a little of the South Pacific . Ah, the South Pacific...

    "Knock, knock"
    "Who's there?"
    "Sam and Janet"
    "Sam and Janet who?"
    "Sam and Janet Evening....."

    Another of the tender love songs in South Pacific was the one in which a lot of sweaty Marines bawl out their desire for dames. Remember Peter Woods? This is not actually the anthem of the United States Marines; they do have an official one - or "hymn" as they call it - which will be very familiar to anyone who remembers American war movies of the forties and fifties.

    Over the opening credits, and often the closing ones as well, you would hear this tune sung by male voices in unison (like plainchant only louder and with brass accompaniment). The words were something about Halls of Montezuma and Shores of Tripoli, Fighting Our Country's Battles on Land and on the Sea, etc. Stirring stuff.

    If you want to annoy a francophobe Marine (and personally I should strongly advise against attempting this), you could remind him that the tune is not American at all, but was originally a song from a comic opera by Jacques Offenbach, the son of a synagogue cantor in Cologne who later became a French citizen.

    The opera was called Genevi猫ve de Brabant and the song was Les Deux Gendarmes, sung by a pair of corrupt and cowardly policemen. Perhaps we could do a beach version of the Desert Song? We've got the camels.

  55. At 10:41 AM on 12 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Morning all. just popped in from May, can't stay long as I am 'duty dog' this weekend so the phone is bound to ring if I go for a swim.

    Wonko @ 45....

    As a lad we had a great aunt come and live with us, she was well into her eighties and totally switched on but there are two things I will always remember her for. She had steel leg braces having suffered polio as a child, the other was her pills. Every day she would chew a charcoal tablet and occasionally she would dribble a little. This resulted in two black steaks that would form in the corners of her mouth and run down her chin.....what a sight! But perhaps that's what let her live on to well into her nineties!

    Gt Aunt Ethel, I know you鈥檙e in heaven watching over me so I hope you don鈥檛 mind me spilling the beans?

    ...got to go I am being paged....no peace for the wicked.....ttfn

  56. At 10:42 AM on 12 May 2007, Molly wrote:

    Hello everyone- especially the new froggers.
    i'm feling really fed up 'cos everyone has gone to Brighton for the day and I've got work to do- b-m! b-m! b-m!

    Any food left from last night-lots going on I see - I must have a sausage !
    Why are they all gone? You lot are soooooo greedy....

    Belinda-hope you're feeling better. Thinking what a nice place this is- make use of it.
    John- just seen your posting- everything crossed.

    Right I'm off to have one of wonko's teacakes
    then back to it-till someone arrives with more sausages!


  57. At 11:32 AM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    Fifi - Err - What happened to the Shiraz? It's empty !!

  58. At 11:40 AM on 12 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Morning all. just popped in from May, can't stay long as I am 'duty dog' this weekend so the phone is bound to ring if I go for a swim.

    Wonko @ 45....

    As a lad we had a great aunt come and live with us, she was well into her eighties and totally switched on but there are two things I will always remember her for. She had steel leg braces having suffered polio as a child, the other was her pills. Every day she would chew a charcoal tablet and occasionally she would dribble a little. This resulted in two black steaks that would form in the corners of her mouth and run down her chin.....what a sight! But perhaps that's what let her live on to well into her nineties!

    Gt Aunt Ethel, I know you鈥檙e in heaven watching over me so I hope you don鈥檛 mind me spilling the beans?

    .....just been paged....got to go...no peace for the working man....ttfn

  59. At 12:01 PM on 12 May 2007, Humph wrote:

    Another Saturday and another Humph Strapline. Of course, it could just be a co-incidence but if it happens again next week then I might see if we can get Saturdays declared as the Official Humph Stapline day. How does one go about that, Sparky Marc?

    It is good news about the song, and the disc from Fifi, jonnie (53). Unfortunately the news at my end is less encouraging. In order to address the background noise on the track I decided to buy a cheap microphone to get away from the internal mic and the problems it was giving me. However, when listening to play back there was still quite a lot of hiss. I am not sure if this was down to the cheapness of the mic or the busy road. I may try to do some more work in my spare bedroom tomorrow, when the workmen are not working outside on that side of the flat, but I am not too hopeful. You said earlier that you would do the final mix once you had Fifi鈥檚 disc. Is there a deadline for when Froggers should be aiming to get files to you? I may have to miss it. It will make the song sound better, anyway! :-(

    By the way, where was the David 鈥渟porting鈥 the handbag? I ask hoping that Appy will not be going too far back to find out what she has missed during her absence. Otherwise it will be a visit to the you-know-where for you-know-who!

    Molly (56) when it comes to sausages can I remind you that we were forced to remove the camel fence by the local council. All it needs is for all the Froggers to be taking five, let alone forty, winks at the same time and the inevitable happens.

    All that I need to do now is to get over this internet cable without tripping over it . . . phew, success! ;-)


  60. At 12:42 PM on 12 May 2007, Molly wrote:

    Humph (59)

    oooh- you are aw... !

    I'm surprised at you....
    (not, actually!)
    re: fence and you-know who, maybe we should sleep in shifts.
    would you sleep in a shift ? tee hee!
    good strapline, by the way


  61. At 04:17 PM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    Jonnie (57) : Hic?

    Fifi ;oD

  62. At 04:56 PM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    Dear All

    Just in from May (and dreaded revision) for a quick wave to you all.

    Brought new supplies of locally made spicy sausages, please try and keep an eye on them, I think I just saw Lady C walking this way in a suspiciously nonchalant manner, hmmm. There's salads to go with them once they're nicely cooked (not charcoal'd please!). Also. lashings of beer - do tuck in.

    Frugs to Belinda and John ((((())))). Best wishes to the others who are getting over something or other.

    Humph, I think we all know where you should be - off you go now, you can comfort yourself with the knowledge of a good strapline written...

    Back off to my hole for a look at the legal definition of "house in multiple occupation", oh joy! Give me a shout when the bangers are ready.

    See ya

    Love Izz xx

  63. At 05:52 PM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    Izzy (62) : Here --- take this beer with you. Aids the concentration, dontcha know.

    Hang on, there's a banger missing. One, two, thr.....

    Lady Cammelia, come out from behind that dune, I can see you!

    (And still chewing....)


  64. At 11:34 PM on 12 May 2007, wrote:

    Thanks Fifi - it did help.

    Wondering about those camels - how many froggers actually managed to get to the bbq....?

  65. At 12:18 AM on 13 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    jonnie (53) smooch
    . Adore 'camp david' - megagiggles.

    Izzy - yikes, I remember swotting before exams.

    Over soon. Time to go 'phewwwww' and join us for, perhaps, a picnic? Barbie? You choose.

  66. At 02:01 AM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    DI Wyman -- Bless Great Aunt Ethel - What a woman she must have been. Did you have to ever kiss her?

    Fifi - I've left some paracetamol - only two - in case you need them in the morning. Oh and a bottle of Lowland Glen mineral water for you.

    Frances:- The Camp David card was very amusing - I've decided to have it framed for the loo. :-(

    Fifi hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I have forwarded it to PM - however after listening to a 'Reverend someone' earlier on Any Answers, the blog would be condemned to hell should it be ever published.

    It's lovely when all the Christians get a chance to air their views - for those that didn't hear any questions, the Reverend referred to two of Eddie's Friday evening guests on Any Questions as being Sodomites!

    I wonder - does he have a camera to spy into their personal activities? Eddie let it it through unchallenged - possibly best - for impacts sake.

    Anyhoo - not beach stuff - sorry.

    A last sip of port and to bed.

  67. At 08:09 AM on 13 May 2007, Molly wrote:


    I don't care if it isn't beach stuff- it shouldn't go unchallenged! I didn't realise he was a reverend. Not that it should matter who he was. I was surprised that the call wasn't curtailed and I think Eddie's professionalim showed through - absolutely no point in having a dialogue under such circumstances with such an idiot. Face to face( God forbid!) He would be ridiculed, no doubt but at least he was given enough rope...... Love thy neighbour? hmmmmm!

    Well, I'm off to Paxos for a week- hve fun!



  68. At 08:48 AM on 13 May 2007, RJD wrote:

    Buenos d铆as Froggers

    A selection of Iberian hams and meats on the bar in the camel-proof cabinet. Fresh orange juice, coffee and bread are behind the bar.

    I'm off for a swim. This beats the Med any day!

  69. At 09:41 AM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    Paxos, Molly? Land of aggressive interviewing and stuffing? Sounds a lot nicer than May in the East Midlands!

    I'm off out soon for a day of rehearsing with 2/3 of the band, pre-festival next weekend.

    My porridge is nearly ready ... of course I made extra. It's made with salt, as befits my Scottish upbringing, but I have brought sugar and syrup for those with a more sassenach tooth.


  70. At 10:03 AM on 13 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    What ho everyone! Just a quick pop in from May to see how everyone is... Oi! who nibbled the petunias? Never mind, nothing a little TLC and some plant food won't sort out. I'm going to have to have a talk with those camels using my best Paddington stare.

    Out shopping with Mrs Wonko yesterday followed by dinner at a friend's house for his Birthday - Happy Birthday Kev! So, I've missed a few things.

    DI Wyman: many thanks for the confirmation of the beneficial effects of taking charcoal. My Grandmother is still going strong (and fearcely independent) at the age of 92, I must ask her if she takes charcoal tablets. ;o)

    Anth: Welcome to the Beach! Next time you're around, pull up a sun lounger and we can have a chat over a glass of something long and tinkly.

    Frances O: You should talk to Mrs Wonko, she's a big Runrig fan, though I have to say that it doesn't do a lot for me. I've brought a couple of my old tapes, a compilation of Free and Tori Amos's "Little Earthquakes".

    Cheers for the porridge Fifi, a little brown sugar on mine please...

    ;O0 []

    PS Did anyone watch Eurovision back in May? I missed it because of the Birthday bash I was at.

  71. At 10:09 AM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    Salt in Porridge - Yuk :-( -- but I see it's true Fifi.

    In the porridge section :- Porridge must be cooked with salt to obtain the correct flavour. Those eating porridge outside Scotland have been know to cook it without salt and indeed eat it with sugar or even syrup, which is a habit which would turn the stomach of any Scotsman (or Scots-woman).

  72. At 11:03 AM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    Ah, RJD, thanks for the orange juice and coffee. Just what I needed after a run round the dunes. I think I'll just relax in this lounger here under the shade of the palm trees. The sun's a little too bright for me at the moment...


  73. At 12:38 PM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    Thanks Molly - Have a lovely time in Paxos.

    For those of you who may have missed the phone call from the 'Love thy Neighbour' Reverend on Eddie's Any Answers yesterday

    - here is the clip (MP3)

  74. At 02:09 PM on 13 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    (drags self weakly into nearest hammock)

    I'm ick. Been ick for days. Not had the strength to get to the beach. I've dragged my "poorly blanket" with me - Belinda, there's a space reserved for you, honey, and for anyone else needing to be cared for. It has special powers.


  75. At 02:39 PM on 13 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Jonnie - thanks for the clip - missed that little gem!

    Agree wholeheartedly with you & Molly on your response to this guy, but *pls* don't use his as a benchmark by which to judge christians.. nuff said!

    Fifi - ooh, I've just spotted the porridge - exactly what a poorly person with no energy or appetite needs. Thanks!

    Urg, better rest...

  76. At 03:05 PM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    There there, Anna R. Lovely porridge and tempting hot drinks to keep the shivers away.

    Nice blanket by the way!

    Jonnie, ta for the paracetamols, they were just the ticket. I was going to go easy last night because of today's rehearsal but... didn't.

    (Tell you a secret? My S.O. has sugar in his porridge - and he's a Glaswegian! I'd been living with him for 5 years before I found out. You should have seen how sheepish he looked when I caught him!)

    Frances O: I'm a Runrig fan too, although I liked the early (Recovery) stuff better than what they do now. After Donnie Munro left to be a politician my cousin was one of those who auditioned -- but didn't get in.

    FFred - mind if I pull my lounger up next to yours? I need a quick nap before testing another pile of mic leads and listing the spec of all 6 microphones I now have. It's too cold and wet in May but just here, under that brolly by the pool, looks perfect.

    * snores ever so quietly *


  77. At 05:39 PM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    Just snuck away from twiddling my thumbs in wet, miserable, cold, May where I should be doing all sorts of stuff and am not. I'll just hide behind this palm tree for a while and warm up.

    Welcome back RJD - how was the walking?

    Jonnie, I felt Eddie did the only thing he could on Any Answers which was to let the man finish and move swiftly on without comment. Would be interested to know though how people are pre-screened for phone ins (assuming they are) ?

  78. At 07:58 PM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    What a dark dank depressing day down here today :-( I believe the Irish would call it a 'soft' day?

    And poor old Verka Serduchka didn't make it in the end.


    What a farce Eurovision has turned in to. Terry makes it worthwhile though.

    Re: Anne - yes you are probably right about Eddie and the Reverend - though as Molly said above - I'd have liked him cutback - and he should *not* have got away with calling two of the panelists sodomites. That really wasn't on - and potentially libelous. I can only presume Eddie let him waffle on to either dig himself a hole or to provoke a reaction.

    The callers will be spoken to, in order to ascertain if they have valid points, coherent etc.. and they will be rung back by the 大象传媒.

  79. At 09:22 PM on 13 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Capt square (54?) - knowing this lot it'd be the Dessert Song.

    Feefs (69), porridge with salt is AOK for me. But I did live in Scotland for a while. And discovered the delights of oatmeal.

    Jonnie (71), I am the proud possessor of a spirtle.

    Wonko (70), I suppose that, like porridge with salt, Runrig isn't for everyone. I went off them after 'Mara'. for what that's worth. So I'm with Feefs on this.

    Though the last time I saw the Rigs was when Bruce Guthro had just joined and they opened with 'The Cutter', acoustic and then into full rocking mode, and it was very appropriate.

  80. At 10:08 PM on 13 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Frances O: I can see exactly where you're coming from, you put it very succinctly when you say they're not for everyone. That said, I was at the 30th anniversary gig at Sitrling Castle a few years back, and I can quite understand why they have such a devoted following.

    We too have a spirtle, complete with sprig of heather tied on with ribbon!

    Time for a last sip or two of Brora in the hammock, under the stars. I'm off to bed soon back in May, see you in the morning chaps... Better water the petunias before I go...

    ;o) []

  81. At 11:08 PM on 13 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    Oh goodness, where have I been all week? I've stumbled through the dunes trying to catch up with you all, and I'm alarmed to see that big hugs are in order for Belinda and DeepJohn - please consider me part of the group hug while I try to see what else I've missed this week.

    I don't think I've been here since Monday, what with one thing and another, mostly work. I hope those who have been on holiday had a great one (RJD? Appy?) and those about to go too (Molly have you been to Paxos before? we went in '91 and it was just fabulous, If you go to AntiPaxos, you'll find the beach that I'm sure this Beach is modelled on!)

    If I had a laptop I could just hunker down in the Maroon hammock, and catch up with all the missed frogging, does anyone have one to spare? :o)

  82. At 11:20 PM on 13 May 2007, wrote:

    Evenin all! Just back from a weekend in St Andrews - ok it was a posh hotel but all in the name of learning more about hormones......
    (nothing whatsoever to do with all the men wearing kilts!)

    Unfortunately I too was unable to blog from the train(S), despite travelling on 5 and for a total of 15.5 hours - a journey which would've taken about 9 hours by car hmmmm

    Anyone for shortbread and champagne? I'm sure it'll catch on as a combination....!

  83. At 11:38 PM on 13 May 2007, stewart M wrote:

    Just made some real Hot chocolate. Its on the bar. Cinnamon flavoured nice. For the real devotees try the chocolate and chilli flavour. I've harped on about this before but it makes the taste buds work. Chocolate tasted at the front of tongue and Chilli at the back. WOW.

    Been busy in MAY. Need to source a new PC for my new camera at work. So busy looking for an inexpensive but high end graphics and Hard Disc machine. Plus having to do a data transfer for my recall software after previous software house stopped support ( that was paid for ) and did not tell me. I may try and get some money off them if it was not too much hassle. At home I've spent Saturday decorating youngests bedroom. Pink and Purple. Today I;ve fitted an integral dishwasher. Old one which we kept when we had the kitchen re fitted leaking. New looks far better and I think I've fitted it better than the fitter fitted the old one! Anyway what a waffle That is enjoy the Chocolate.

  84. At 11:39 PM on 13 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Gosh, Wonko, are there any petunias left? Those camels have been a bit frisky around the bar. Just as well they'll come up again. The flowers, not the humpity mammals.

    I can see why the Stirling Castle gig would have been a bit special.

    saw them once on the Isle of Skye - oh, sorry, Eilean a Cheo* - and it was far more mind-blowing than the two pints of something warm in plastic glasses would have created.

    Ahh, very good memories, tinged with sadness.

    *Eilean a'Cheo? Should really poodle (other search engines are available) to check, but get fed up sometimes.

  85. At 09:34 AM on 14 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    GM - champagne and shortbread? Will it work as a monday morning brekkie?

    Its cold and nasty in May and I don't feel as if I've had a weekend at all, ah well. I'm off for a swim in the hope that will wash away these doldrums!

    PS porridge has to have salt in!

  86. At 09:34 AM on 14 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Morning all....

    I hope Appy's back from her hols so she can see the lovely strapline she's got (ooh errr!!!)

    Oh, hello, Fifi. I didn't notice you'd occupied the lounger next to me. I must've slept all through the evening and night. I'll do a quick tidy-up of the leftovers before Lady C and the other camels eat/drink everything in sight...

  87. At 10:14 AM on 14 May 2007, Blooter wrote:


    Cheesy- Chips and a warm can of Special-Brew, anyone? XX

  88. At 10:45 AM on 14 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Morning everyone - cheesy chips? It must be years since I had those - d'you mind if I pinch a couple, Blooter? Although I'll give the SB a miss, if you don't mind. It's too early.....

    I'm going to post a suggestion I made at The Furrowed Brow, which appeared briefly and has now completely disappeared. I didn't think it was controversial, so I'm going to write it in the sand to see what my fellow sunbathers/drinkers/camels think.

    I heard on Today that there's going to be a vigil for Alan Johnston. I simply wondered if we could have a virtual vigil on the Blog. It would enable us to keep all our thoughts for Alan and his family in one thread and it would be somewhere to go when there are any developments in the story.

    I thought it could sit under his picture and those people who've used the link in their blogs or flickr sites etc. could link to the vigil thread as well, opening it up to a wider audience.

    I'll just much these chips whilst I wait to see if there's any response.


  89. At 11:50 AM on 14 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:


  90. At 11:59 AM on 14 May 2007, wrote:

    Perky (88) I think it's a great idea.

  91. At 12:14 PM on 14 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ..hi y'all....just come from May (where it is STILL raining).....couldn't get back to the Beach after quick visit..pesky pager kept going off....IT support.....dontujusluvit.

    jonnie @ 66..

    a wonderful person and...kissing of Great Aunts for a lad of seven is obligitory....!

    Wonko @ 70..

    ...glad to have been of help..

    All.....I think Eddie should nip down to Tesbury's and get a fivers worth of doughnuts..I could kill for one.

    ...oh well back to May...splish, splosh....splash.

  92. At 01:10 PM on 14 May 2007, Captain Square wrote:

    Last summer I was invited by some friends to join them on one of their week-end explorations of the Huddersfield sewers. Not very enthusiastic at first, I came back convinced that here is the ideal way to fill those dull days after Cowes, for it is in late August 鈥 especially after a dry summer 鈥 that many municipal sewers are at their best and offer the most exciting possibilities.

    I am told by experienced 茅goutistes that even the greatest of English drainage systems cannot compare in charm and variety with those to be found on the Continent, particularly in Bulgaria and Northern France. Be that as it may, much excellent sport is to be had within fifty miles of London at such places as Slough and Hitchin, though these popular centres are usually very crowded in the season and one may have to wait one鈥檚 turn at the manhole.
    If you can go further afield it is worth trying one of the towns on the Adriatic coast, where many of the best hotels have private manholes and some even rent interesting routes for the exclusive use of their guests. Personally, I would prefer to stay in one of the modest pensions which cater for students with limited resources, where in the evenings there is much good talk of sluices and grease-traps.

    Beginners should join one of the organisations affiliated to the F茅d茅ration Internationale des Amis d鈥橢coulement Souterraine, the sport鈥檚 governing body. Membership of a recognised club will get you a discount on the tolls which many astute local authorities are now charging and which can make even a simple underground trip quite expensive.

    Several travel agents offer inclusive tours at around 拢600 per person for ten days, visiting two or three of the outstanding Continental systems, with guides and equipment provided. One particularly enterprising trip being offered this year at 拢625 takes you along nearly 130 miles of sewers in Rouen, Le Havre and Dieppe, much of the way through pipes only eighteen inches in diameter.

  93. At 01:35 PM on 14 May 2007, wrote:

    It appears that according to today's news about counting migrants, one of the best ways is to check the volume of sewage flowing under your city!

    I'll pass on the visit thanks, and as for getting through an 18 inch pipe that's had stuff in it UGH.....

    Mind you Captain Square I think you appear to be suffering at the very least.

  94. At 01:43 PM on 14 May 2007, RJD wrote:

    Captain Square - I suspect that you are talking a load of c**p.

  95. At 01:52 PM on 14 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Heavens! Where did the morning back in May go? I see I've missed the coffee and pastries...

    Frances O: There were some - slightly sad looking - petunias left after the attentions of the hump backed ones. They seem to be recovering splendidly, blooming once again. Regarding the Stirling Castle gig, I have to say that we had as much fun in the queue as we did at the concert. It was a friend's birthday, so we had cake and presents for him while we waited. It was a good day, but I didn't feel the need to buy any albums. I bet the gig on the Isle of the Clouds was very special.

    Belated get well soon wishes to Anna R too, having just been poorly myself I can appreciate the powers of the blanket.

    Perky: That sounds like an excellent idea. I don't normally go in for these e-mail campaigns and such like, but this is an important issue.

    Well, I'd better get back to May, I've left the makings for afternoon tea at the bar - including scones and jam - if I don't get the chance to come back in time, will someone please stick the kettle on?

    ;o) []

  96. At 01:54 PM on 14 May 2007, RJD wrote:

    Anne P (93) - Well spotted!

    btw the walking was really good - but very hot!

  97. At 02:16 PM on 14 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Captain Square (92) Thanks for the timely reminder....I need to get my septic tank emptied! Anyone want to come to my Open Drain Day?

  98. At 02:29 PM on 14 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hello all, just popped along for a quick paddle and to get some sun on my aching bones before heading back to cold and rainy May.

    Sorry to bring a sombre tone to the beach but I just wondered if anyone was listening to Jeremy Vine earlier? One of his phone topics was being widowed before the age of 50 and his studio guest was Nick Clarke's widow Barbara. It was incredibly sad and emotional listening. She talked with such amazing honesty and in great detail about his death and the 6 months since. I was in floods of tears listening to her talk, the way she described his last moments, telling their children and about the way that her grief manifests itself. It was incredibly moving and even Jeremy Vine struggled to keep his emotions under wrap talking to her, and his other callers. It really did make all my usual Monday morning woes seem very trivial.

    Anyway sorry folks, hope you are all well?

    Oh by the way Perky - yes I agree that sounds like a very good idea

    Back later folks x

  99. At 02:59 PM on 14 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Gilllian: First time I read your offer I saw it as "Open Brain Day"! ;o)

    I think I need to spent more time in one of the hammocks with a glass of something long and tinkly. It's Pimms o'clock everyone!

    ;o) []

  100. At 03:26 PM on 14 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Captain Square @ 92....

    ....an amusing story about drains, well it is now....

    ...I grew up in Ludlow (Shropshire) in the fifties and sixties. In the school holidays mum used to kick us out of the house after breakfast and on a fine day would not expect us back until tea time; to me lunch was an inconvenient optional extra!

    Anyhoo, our gang would get up to all sort of innocent fun exploring. We found that below the bridge at Ludford on the Teme was (what looked like to ten year olds) a mysterious cave. Convinced that this was an escape tunnel going up under Broad Street to the castle we decided to investigate. None of us had come equipped on this particular day with torches as we had not reckoned any under ground activity!

    A quick dash up to WH Smith (long since gone) to ask if they had any old newspapers we could use as bedding for our rabbits / guinea pigs etc and soon we had handfuls of rolled up paper to use as torches. Andy C (name changed to protect the innocent) procured a box of England鈥檚 Glory and soon there were five boys clutching blazing, if rather smoky, torches鈥.. (Can u see where this is going)...heading up hill UNDER Broad Street.

    Ronnie (name changed to protect the innocent) exclaimed that there were openings in the roof just at the moment we could hear the sound of the Fire Engine bell coming along Teme side.

    Quick as a flash we twigged what was happening so we dashed back out of the tunnel along the river bank into Mill Street (you could in those days) and back to Broad Street via Camp Lane in time to see the last of the smoke billowing out of all the road drains!

    Standing around were all the occupants of the houses and the fireman discussing what a mystery to them was obviously!!

    Needles to say we watched, from a distance, with great amusement the unfolding drama.

    The local bobby in those days was Sgt Benbo (I think that was his name), and he was every boys saviour / nightmare鈥..nothing ever got past him. He saw us and came over, we were suddenly very quiet. He told us that he knew it was us but couldn鈥檛 prove it and perhaps we would like to make ourselves scarce for the rest of the day!

    Needles to say we did.

  101. At 03:36 PM on 14 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    AnnaR - how are you??

    And Belinda and John?

    Am going to collaspe in this hammock with a very large cup of something soothing...if only I could decide what. May is hard going donchathink?

  102. At 03:36 PM on 14 May 2007, wrote:

    DI Wyman (100) Wonderful! what it was to have local bobbies with local knowledge and people able to distinguish normal boyish behaviour from a lack of 'respect'!

  103. At 03:50 PM on 14 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    That was a great story of your exploits, DI Wyman :-) I can just imagine you as a Just Willam type, one sock rolled down, the other pulled up, catapult in the back pocket...

  104. At 04:04 PM on 14 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Anne P & Fearless Fred.

    glad to have brightened your day.

    ..have loads like that and so do probably loads of other 10 year old fifty something blokes..

  105. At 04:26 PM on 14 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Captain S: Well, just when I thought I'd heard it all... Trips Down Sewers?? Ok.

    Wonko: "They seem to be recovering splendidly, blooming once again." - That's great, there's nothing quite like a flowering camel to cheer folk up on drizzly Maydays :O)

    Perky: Good plan, count me in.

    Deep & AnnaR: Hope things are looking up health-wise for you today!

    Belinda - big frugs to you of course... stay positive!


  106. At 04:30 PM on 14 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Captain S: Well, just when I thought I'd heard it all... Trips Down Sewers?? Ok.

    Wonko: "They seem to be recovering splendidly, blooming once again." - That's great, there's nothing quite like a flowering camel to cheer folk up on drizzly Maydays :O)

    Perky: Good plan, count me in.

    Deep & AnnaR: Hope things are looking up health-wise for you today!

    Belinda - big frugs to you of course... stay positive!


  107. At 04:34 PM on 14 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Captain S: Well, just when I thought I'd heard it all... Trips Down Sewers?? Ok.

    Wonko: "They seem to be recovering splendidly, blooming once again." - That's great, there's nothing quite like a flowering camel to cheer folk up on drizzly Maydays :O)

    Perky: Good plan, count me in.

    Deep & AnnaR: Hope things are looking up health-wise for you today!

    Belinda - big frugs to you of course... stay positive!


  108. At 04:35 PM on 14 May 2007, wrote:

    Perky : a splendid idea. I hope it gets taken up.

    RJD : I suspect you of being square!

    I have just been to Grantham. Don't go there. No, really -- don't.

    The regular traffic light gauntlet through the town has been compounded by a serious roadwork in the centre, and the timing of the lights hasn't been adjusted.

    Thus you can sit at the same set of lights for three cycles of change without moving.

    The only saving grace was fuel at 4p per litre cheaper than anywhere else.

    Gotta go back again tomorrow. Don't wait up....

    Fifi :o(

  109. At 04:47 PM on 14 May 2007, RJD wrote:

    Fifi - absolutely not!

  110. At 04:48 PM on 14 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Fifi - we used to live in Sleaford, and visited Grantham quite often... never did figure out quite why?!?!?


  111. At 04:54 PM on 14 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    DIY: Please do let us have further accounts of your child hood pranks. Perhaps other froggers will also oblige?

  112. At 04:55 PM on 14 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    DIYman: I have funny visions of this whole escapade in my head now, which is most welcome... no, I shan't mention coursework again...


  113. At 05:05 PM on 14 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Fifi & Chris.....I went to Grantham once....and had a heart attack......no seriously I did...so I am not going back....you know lightening striking twice in the same place....

    Health Tip....if you think you (or someone near you) are suffering from a heart attack then cough...cough like you have never coughed before..it may save your life....it kept me going until the paramedic turned up and gave me a squirt of TNT and an aspirin.

  114. At 05:24 PM on 14 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Big Sister @ 111...

    ...will do, but I don't want to be a bore..so froggers...shout at me if i start being an awful boar.

  115. At 06:33 PM on 14 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Witchiwoman, Chrit the Pickle, Wonko et al - thanks for your kind wishes; really rather poorly, so expect to be spending a lot of time asleep on the beach and not much time in May. GP keeps mentioning the h*spital, but I'd prefer to fester in the comfort of my own hammock. I have monster-size bunch of grapes, so help yourselves

    WW - how did the blood doning go? Were you OK? Hope they gave you extra biccies!


  116. At 11:55 PM on 14 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    Anna R - another poorlyone? Frugs to you too.

    I've spent so long catching up with all, that now I haven't time to do much except sling this new hammock that I've woven out of all the cobwebs I've just spring-cleaned from our ceilings in May! High-dusting necessary due to imminent visit from Canadian in-laws. Bro-in-law is 6ft4" and our ceilings' only about 8ft in places! Hmmm, thinks maybe I could have lent him a tall fluffy hat and walked him about a bit, thus saving all the blood from draining out of my arm this evening?

    How did the blood-doning (donating, surely) go Witchi?

  117. At 09:38 AM on 15 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Hi -

    ValP and AnnaR - thanks for asking (yes, am sure donating is the correct word but doning is more froggy perhaps?)....well, difficulty finding a vein and then difficulty getting the blood out so they stopped. Was very disppointed especially as had made sure I looked after myself all day! Have to say the staff were lovely even when they were playing around wuth the needle! Ah well....sure the next one will go well.

    AnnaR - hospital? are you sure a hammock will suffice? Frugs to you and a slurp of whatever your body needs xx

  118. At 09:42 AM on 15 May 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Thank you everyone for all the frugs, hugs, mugs and whisky which have been sent my way! It is very much appreciated. Big delicate frugs from me for Deepthroat John (sounds like a Yukon trapping legend) and AnnaR.

    Update: I can now move my left arm! I'm still typing with one arm though and whining a lot, but that's to be expected. My chemo start-date has been put back a week so my wig-shopping has been put on hold...however, we also heard that my mother's cancer had returned which is worse news than my own by far. I'm in a state of pragmatic numbness at the moment. Is any cake available?

  119. At 10:05 AM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Re Anna and Belinda.

    I hope you are taking plenty of slow release vitamin C - some selenium and zinc?

    And as mentioned befor the Bioforce Echinacea drops available from Holland and Barrett. - put around 15 drops in some water -- it's said to boost the immune system which is what you both need at the moment.

    Also have a glance at Michael's website. I worked with him in London for many years and he knows his stuff.

  120. At 10:34 AM on 15 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Morning All!

    Quick frug for Belinda. {{{ }}} I've brought some ginger cake and some lemon drizzle cake, hope they're suitable.

    Think I'm going to be dipping in and out of The Beach today (physically and metaphorically). In the meantime a quick paddle before some coffee and a bacon sarnie I think.

    ;o) []

  121. At 10:37 AM on 15 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Belinda - as much cake as you possibly require! Have a selection here - gorgeously moist fruit cake, coffee and walnut, vanilla and strawberry (sponge with strawberry jam in middle covered with vanilla buttercream) or carrot cake...anything grab you?


  122. At 11:03 AM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Belinda - one of my special chocolate cakes on the bar for you, with extra thick butter icing.

    DeepJohn, Anne Rex and anyone else on the sick list you all get first dibs.

    (funny expression that, not one I'd ever use - it just sprang into my mind unbidden - what on earth does it mean?)

    Right back to a chilly May, better put on an extra jumper.

  123. At 11:49 AM on 15 May 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello! Back from holidays! Anyone care to write me a synopsis of the last couple of weeks' beaches? Or just tell me who's been good and who's been naughty -- that should do. :-)

  124. At 12:15 PM on 15 May 2007, Humph wrote:

    Welcome back Appy, I hope that you had a good hol! We have all been extremely good in your absence, you should not be surprised at that. So much so that the naughty step/corner/camel's hump/sand dune has been left behind several beaches ago and you will need to go a long way back to retrieve it (them).

    The main topic on the serious Frog has been about children with Special Educational Needs. For a summary, check out Rachel's post 8 on the "Tony Blair's thoughts on Special Educational Needs" thread which will point you to the threads that have been used for this subject.

    It is good to see you again.


  125. At 12:15 PM on 15 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Appy: Welcome back! I've just briefed Johnny Depp and Sean Bean to help you out. They'll be debriefed.;o)

  126. At 12:21 PM on 15 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Appy - welcome back!!

    AnneP - no idea about first dibs but happy as a sandboy sprang fom my lips the other day and I've no idea what that means (I have a feeling its a bit un-pc....)

  127. At 12:28 PM on 15 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh, Appy, and PS to my last post (which, as I write, hasn't appeared) - You had a strapline yesterday. Sorry, I don't remember the content :o( but it was good.

  128. At 01:00 PM on 15 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    BigSis - was it 'we may not be able to handle complicated requests'?

  129. At 01:27 PM on 15 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    WW: It could have been. Appy will know if it was one she submitted.

    I'm really good at forgetting my straplines. And I nearly always miss them.

  130. At 01:27 PM on 15 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hello all....

    Big hugs to ((((Belinda)))) - my little one made little fairy cakes at nursery yesterday, lots of icing and sprinkles - have saved a couple for you. Anna and John - there are a couple for you as well, hope you are both on the road to recovery.

    Welcome back Appy - hope you had a good holiday. What have you missed? Well you did miss Eddie talking about erotic literature :)

    Right better hop back to May for now....

    PS. DI Wyman - loved your story from yesterday :)

  131. At 01:45 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:


    Would you mind clicking on my name and use the contact form to send me an e-mail.

    A trusted Frogger would like to get in contact.

    Thank you x

  132. At 01:58 PM on 15 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Appy, Welcome back! You've been missed :-)

    Belinda, (((frugs))) for you. My sister went through the same as you a few years back. I hope the next few weeks/months go smoothly for you :-)

    Can't stay long, as preparation for a meeting back in May is calling. Hope to be back on the beach this evening. If I make it back in time, I'll bring some salmon poached in white wine with tarragon, lemon, and saffron....

  133. At 02:35 PM on 15 May 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    O thank you dear chums for all the welcomes -- how kind! And especially to Humph for the update, and Big Sis for getting the boys ready ;-).

    Yes, Witchi, that sounds like my strapline -- lifted from Eric's newsletter weeks ago. Can't believe I mised him talking about erotic literature. You turn your back for five minutes... mumble, grumble...

    I've just had a scan back to see why Belinda might be needing hugs but I don't think I've got the full picture. Big FRUG anyway from me, and hope all is well soon.

    Afternoon tea anyone?

  134. At 02:42 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Belinda, great to see you back here. So sorry about your mum .. not really the news you needed right now was it! Take Jonnie's advice though, and give your immune system a helping hand. We're all sending positive froggy thoughts too. xx

    Anna R, oh dear, another one down in the dumps! Have a fifi-frug and a nap. xx

    Witchi, I often have that problem doning. Last-but-one visit, it took me 3 arms to get a vein ... no, I can't figure it out either. But after all these years I've only just realised left arm is consistently better at it than right! And yes the staff are great fun. xx

    John W, how are you faring with your various domestic issues? I should drop by your blog really but am having to try to fit in some work today! xx

    Sleaford turned out to be a dead-ringer for Whittlesey. (Not a compliment really.) I think the Fens must have grown their towns out of some kind of kit. Managed to avoid Grantham both ways, but will have to go back later this week to retrieve a monitor & amp being PAT-tested pre-Belvoir weekend.

    On the plus side, the chicken broth I made at the weekend is absolutely gorgeous. All those in need of building-up, please feel free to have a bowlful from the barbie where it's simmering.

    Fifi xxx

  135. At 02:46 PM on 15 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ....afternoon Froggers, just popped over from May for a breath of fresh air and to let you know that the good officers of Norfolk Constabulary made no move to arrest me at lunch time in the other place! I have left a bag of unused ammo, sorry doughnuts, on the bar

    I can't stop for long we are having company briefings today and although I can palm off frogging as research with the IT director, several of the others come from the deeper end of the gene pool so are quite savvy!

    I woke at 3:30 this morning to the sound of our cat crashing through her cat flap into conservatory, not another rabbit snack I thought, so up I get to have a shuffty. Outside on the patio was the biggest and meanest Pheasant I have ever seen, I can only assume he has decided that our garden is now his and it is strictly off limits to Felix Domesticus! He didn't seem to be about when we got up for work so can only assume he was strutting his stuff next door....

    re stories from my childhood....I will post another when I get a moment. So with a few deep breaths of glorious fresh air its back to May....ttfn

  136. At 03:02 PM on 15 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Appy: I hope the boys were up to form. You'll be needing your tea now. If you've some Lapsang Souchong on the go, that'll suit me well.

    All these meetings going on in May - what busy people! And so should I be .... after the tea.

    If Belinda's still on the Beach, just to say that I'm thinking of your mum, and hoping that your own treatment is going well.

  137. At 03:13 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Can anyone recommend a good website for solving X-word clues? I'm stuck on two answers on today's Indy Concise, and I know it'll bug me if I don't know what they are....


  138. At 03:33 PM on 15 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Fred: You'll need to be brave now as it's bad news, I'm afraid ..... If you don't solve it yourself, you can't claim any credit.

    Alternatively give me a clue and I'll try to help ;o)

  139. At 04:07 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Yes, let us have those clues Fearless, and we'll put our froggy brains to work for you.

    By the way, my amp and monitor passed their PAT-test. (Hurrah!)

    And I have to go to fetch them from Grantham tomorrow. (Booooo!)

    Fifi ;o)

  140. At 04:17 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    There's two left:

    Italian man (6) S_R_O_


    Songbird (6) T_R_S_

  141. At 04:35 PM on 15 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    FFred: Info as requested!


  142. At 04:42 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    There's two left:

    Italian man (6) S_R_O_


    Songbird (6) T_R_S_

  143. At 04:52 PM on 15 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Afternoon one and all.

    Back in may seems to be suffering from a rash of meetings, I certainly have been. Now I normally subscribe to the theory that meetings are a practical alternative to real work, however, this afternoon's was quite productive.

    A quick paddle and then back to May I think, now where's my knotted hanky...? Oh yes, Pimms O'Clock everyone! There's a jug on the bar.

    ;o) []

  144. At 04:57 PM on 15 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:


    Songbird = THRUSH

  145. At 05:02 PM on 15 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:


    Songbird + THRUSH

  146. At 05:45 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    CtheP: D'oh! I feel such an idiot now!

  147. At 05:47 PM on 15 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    FFred - are you sure about the R in "Italian man"? Should be SIGNOR, surely?

    Belinda, glad the feeling is returning to your arm; I hope the wait for chemo goes quickly - I can't imagine the hanging around is much fun. Glad yoy're managing to pay regular visits to the beach.

  148. At 05:48 PM on 15 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Fred: I think the Italian man's got a letter out of place ...... signor seems the right answer to me, but it'll muck up one of your other answers.

  149. At 05:59 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Anna, I'm pretty certain of it, as it comes from two other clues, and the top right corner could fall apart. I'll try and dig up an online copy to ceck (my paper being at the office...)

  150. At 06:15 PM on 15 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    FFred, while you're around, was wondering whether you've met either of the 2 ladies yet? (It was you, wasn't it? Bit drugged up at the mo... legally!). Fancy pulling up a hammock and having a natter?
    There's a delicious assortment of cakes here...

  151. At 06:24 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Okay, since both Anna R and Big Sis (both of whom I trust!) have come up with the same answer (one I'm kicking myself for not spotting) I'll have to look at the crossword again tomorrow morning when I get into the office (unless any other froggers are Indy readers and have the x-word handy. They''ll be able to tell me what that other aswer was instead of ROUSE...

  152. At 06:59 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Ffred - ROUSE is fine Is it 11 across you need? I have OUTLAWS as in 'Just William' and 8 across = SANDBAG which gives you the G for SIGNOR.

    I find that usually I can do most of the Indy concise and SO completes what I cannot. But occasionally neither of us can get anywhere and I'm convinced there is a rogue crossword setter who's mind is on a different planet. But I do like their punning answers across the top.

    Hope this helped. It's always easy when you know the answers!

  153. At 08:48 PM on 15 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    You're welcome FFred - have you checked out the website yet? Gets us out of a hole when doing the T*legr*ph prize x-word (other Tory broadsheets are available)...

    ...(not that we actually read them... we've got vouchers for free ones so just do the x-words!)...

    ...(Honest, guv)


  154. At 11:16 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Hello All

    Just a very quick calming dip into the beach and surf before my first exam tomorrow - deep breaths and calming thoughts.....

    Incidentally, I woke 2 1/2 hours early on Sunday worrying about the exams and yesterday, dreamt I'd slept all the way through! Is it time for me to get a life, d'y'all think?

    Would have brought something for the NC bar, but unfortunately, can't think of anything except empty dwelling management orders and houses in multiple occupation etc - sorry.

    More frugs to Belinda, Anna R (who sounds in need of a massage herself) and others - much more important than a few tests of knowledge.

    Incidentally, can someone tell me why cats cause so much mayhem in the wee small hours rather than times when "normal" (used very advisedly) people are trying to get some sleep? *Will you stop pawing that file, Pogo? It's loud enough to wake the dead - and SO is trying to sleep*

    Hmmm..... HMO decided when conforms to 5 tests.... EDMO declared when no realistic plan of occupation..... Housing Health and Safety Rating System better than unfit test - based on evidence.....

    Wake me up when it's all over - I'll be the one in the sparkly hammock (I hope).

    Take care, all you lovely froggers,


  155. At 11:34 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:


    bed....hammock....hammock.......snore (hopefully) .....

  156. At 12:38 AM on 16 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Izzy - I think it is Time, time for bed, for a good night's sleep, so you can wake relatively refreshed for tomorrow's exam.

    Good luck! I hope you find all the right questions and have all the right answers.

    Big Sis x

  157. At 10:28 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Can't believe that I'm first here at nearly 10:30! Oh well, better get the percolator on for a decent mug of Old Brown Java, black, strong and bitter.

    Anyone for brunch? There's some cereals and pastries over there and I'm cooking up a full English, if anyone wants one.


  158. At 10:42 AM on 16 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Si W - oh yes, coffee would be great.

    Have just had to speak to an accounts bod in India...after a long and v stressful conversation I asked his name for reference. Any guesses? Toby Thomas; I'm afraid a snort of incredulity to escape from me.

    But I'm not going to rant, I am going to curl up in the hammock with some of this lovely Java.

  159. At 10:50 AM on 16 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Oh Si, could I have some breakfast please? It's just what I need as I take a break from some very mundane work in a slightly depressing office environment. Crispy bacon, please, if that's OK.

    I haven't been on the beach for a few days, but it's good to see that the holidaymakers have returned - looking suitably refreshed, I have to say. And hugs as always to you Belinda and some to pass on to your Mum if you can.

    Hugs too to anyone who's not feeling good at the moment, no matter what the reason. Lie back, chill out and let the rest of us take care of you :)

  160. At 10:58 AM on 16 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Morning Froggers.

    Simon, count me in for the fry up! I'm sorely (literally) in need of cheering and waking up this morning. Back in May I couldn't find the shoes I wanted to wear this morning, and in the process of searching knelt down onto something hard and pointy. :o( Result: wound in leg, bruise on leg, hole in best suit trousers. Fortunately the hole is quite small, an invisible mend should sort it. I appreciate that it's quite small beer in comparison to the troubles of others here on The Beach, but it really ruined my mood for the day.

    Is that coffee ready? I could really do with a large mug of it. I'll be the one in that lounger over there.

    ;o) []

  161. At 11:25 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Your breakfast and your coffee! On a big tray, rack of proper bread toasted, farm butter, morning papers, crisp linen napkin.

    And your trousers, repaired by our resident Chinese tailor Ah Fook.

    Anything else?


  162. At 11:26 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Has anyone noticed a 大象传媒 snapper hassling the camels recently? Only this appeared on the 大象传媒 news website today;



  163. At 11:29 AM on 16 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Any bacon going spare? Get well soon all you poorly folk. There is Lots of vitamin C in those fruit smoothies I've whisked up and the sunshine on the beach should help.

    May calls again.

  164. At 11:37 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Great strapline Humph!

    Blow! abusive posting and it's my first of the day.

    While I'm waiting I'll have some of that coffee, Si, though I'll have milk with mine please - no sugar thanks. Want a hand with those sausages, they look as if they are ready for turning. Lovely.

    OK let's try again....

    No it really doesn't like me today. That's three in a row.

  165. At 12:09 PM on 16 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    ooh busy busy busy! No time to stop I'm afraid, May marches on - have been operating at less than 100% efficiency for the last couple of weeks I must confess and now I am nearing the end of my time here and have got tons to finish. Oh dear.

    Anyway just stopped by for some coffee and you can sling some bacon my way if you want Si (not literally of course) - a nice bacon butty would go down a treat.

    Big frugs to all in need, particularly all the poorly folks out there.

    Oh had to ring our internet provider this morning, and was met with the telephone greeting "Hello this is {insert name here}, how may I enhance your online experience?" How indeed!!

    right back to it folks - see y'all later

    PS. Am still listening daily but have had no time to make any intelligent comments to any other threads - i.e. glass box etc

  166. At 02:18 PM on 16 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Simon: Breakfast was delicious, thank you! The bacon just how I like it; crispy fat but the meat not overcooked. And so beautifully presented too. That's perked me up no end. Thanks too for arranging the repair on the strides, you'd never know.

    Excuse the delay in returning to The Beach to express my thanks, May stuff, you understand. May I return the compliment with Afternoon Tea? Buttered Teacakes, shortbread biscuits and crackers with cream cheese. Darjeeling, Assam or Earl Grey?

    Can I just ask a quick question while I'm warming the pot? How does one submit potential strap lines? Are they e-mailed to his highness the Prince Marc?

    ;o) []

  167. At 02:31 PM on 16 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Wonk - just use the usual PM email address and with strapline as the subject.

    Afternoon tea sounds like a fabulous idea, anything that means I don't have to interact with the huge number of numpties that seem to be proliferating (sp?) in my bit of May.

  168. At 02:41 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Most kind old thing.
    Hmmm. Could I trouble you for a 50/50 blend of Darjeeling and Assam please? Delicacy and malty strength combined.

    My, those buns of yours are perfect! And dribbling with hot butter. Delightful, what a sight to behold.

    Ohhh, I'm going to enjoy this.

    Now where's that tailor? There he is, good job, customer happy. Now Ah Fook, off you go.


    P.S. I wonder how long before RJDstopit and Appy join in with the innuendo? Come on chaps! Last one in is a hippopotamus!

  169. At 03:35 PM on 16 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    witchiwoman: thanks for the advice re the straplines. Pull up a cast iron garden chair and tell me about these numpties. Shall I be Mother?

    Simon: one steaming cup of Darjeeling/Assam blend coming up as requested. Milk or lemon? Glad you approve of my buns, they do look very tempting, don't they?

    Doesn't Ah Fook have a brother? Last name: Sol?

  170. At 03:52 PM on 16 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:


    re: My, those buns of yours are perfect! And dribbling with hot butter

    ...steady on ol' man there may be laydees present...

  171. At 04:13 PM on 16 May 2007, Humph wrote:

    Well there goes that theory, then! It is well known on the Frog that the undisputed Queen of the Strapline is someone who has a habit of singing about hedgehogs in a Scottish accent. Indeed there have been occasions in the past when she has suggested that one way to get your strapline entry published would be to post it in under the name of Fifi. But despite her dominance, other people did get their straplines published. Not me, obviously, we are talking about months ago here rather than days, but it appeared that it was possible to get a strapline published without direct reference to Fifi.

    That got me thinking. What if it is absolutely clear that the strapline has nothing to do with Fifi? Would such a strapline still stand a chance of appearing? Or would the Selection Team Reviewing All Posts (from which we get the word STRAPline obviously) be so shocked at the thought of someone sending in a totally non-Fifi offering that I would be banned from the Frog? Well I thought that it would be worth the risk and sent in the above entry. And then I waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. When it did not appear after a full two months, I concluded that the premise had been proven. Although no direct evidence of Fifiness is required, pointing out the complete lack of any connection with her is going to get your strapline banned and binned. I also concluded that I had become persona non grata with the Selection Team, that my name was black-listed in their records and that was the reason why none of my other straplines were appearing.

    I have written a short communication, describing my findings, to be published in One鈥檚 One Liner Lines, a peer-reviewed journal that covers this sort of thing. It is currently going through the peer-review stage and I will contact the referees later this week to inform them of the latest development. I fear that I will not be able to reclaim my deposit of 拢50 nor my 拢150 administration fee. Such is the problem with self-funded research these days.

    One other thing came out of this episode. In order to get into the good books with the Selection Team I offered the following strapline. I believed that this had been successful as other straplines of mine have started to appear. Although I can no longer claim to be desperate, if this strapline does get used in this form I will not complain. I think it a fitting tribute to one who has been an inspiration to many and who has done more to advance the field of straplination than any other Frogger.

    PM 鈥 the news programme that ends with a Bong!
    Fifi (well Humph, actually, but I am desperate!)


  172. At 04:18 PM on 16 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Wonko - chair duly dragged. If someone heres my name being shouted in May tell them I'm indisposed...

    Now about those buns....

  173. At 04:22 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Simon (168) : I am just taking myself off to the naughty corner, after your effulvent comments about Wonko's buns.

    Is effulvent a word? Well it is now!

    Huge bowl of vine-ripened cherry tomatoes on the bar, so you can all enjoy a tasty snack bursting with anti-oxidants. That's if there's any left after I've had a go...


  174. At 05:29 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Humph ....

    * x! *


  175. At 05:46 PM on 16 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Gosh! I've never known such interest in my buns, buttered or otherwise! ;o) They must be of particularly high quality to elicit such an overwhelming response. I'm surprised the ladies weren't suffering from attacks of The Vapours (being a Gentleman, I stood ready with smelling salts and brandy, naturally).

    Wasn't tea lovely? We must do that again sometime. Alas I have to depart back to May now, after a lovely relaxing time on The Beach this afternoon.

    I'm leaving some satay chicken on skewers should anyone feel like firing up the barbecue later.

    See you tomorrow Froggers.

    ;o) []

  176. At 06:02 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Wow, I've certainly missed an action packed day on the Beach today. Would you believe I've spent over half the day dropping 5kg steel weights onto pieces of glass? It's true! It's fun breaking stuff! (Except boss-man doesn't want them to break). Now I think I'll open up this bottle of Tempranillo. Anyone else want a glass?

  177. At 06:12 PM on 16 May 2007, alison wrote:

    I've just wandered onto the beach and had no idea there was such a great place - amazing! I shall add Bornos wine and a really good corkscrew to the bar's stoc.

    I can't cook for toffee (or cook toffee for that matter) so my contributions will be egg mayonnaise sandwichs (award-winning by the way!) and booze.

  178. At 06:37 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Barbecued Satay chicken and a glass of tempranillo ... mmmmmmm!

    How about some feta salad to go with that?

    I have to nip out to the pub later on, for a meeting (honest!), but if I get back at a respectable hour we could have a little sing-song if you like.

    All 14 verses of the Hedgehog Song, but I'll save that for the end!

    Fifi xx

  179. At 06:45 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    FFred - Tempranillo yes please! That's if you think it will see off my food poisoning once and for all? And, spookily, I was doing a crossword yesterday that had the question Songbird T_R_S_ and it wasn't in the i*d*!

    Fifi - I tried googling 'effluvent' and it said Did you mean effluent? I think you should claim Effluvent as your own!

    Humph - great strapline!

  180. At 08:17 PM on 16 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    alison(177) Welcome, and thanks for the booze. Here, let's share this bottle and I'll bring you up to date with all the gossip......

  181. At 08:33 PM on 16 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Crikey! 180 comments!

    If there's any Tempranillo left, I'll have a glass or two...

  182. At 11:02 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Hello All

    Glad you're all enjoying the bringings of fellow froggers - being wine etc or egg sarnies etc. Well done Alison (177) for finding the best bit of the frog - and a very warm welcome. Hope you manage to make it here more often.

    Flipp'en 'eck, GM - you've got food poisoning? How did that happen? Poor old you - here have a dry biscuit (when you're feeling better, there's some lovely food and drink, but I don't want you to feel 'ick thinking of it).

    Well, for those who may be even slightly interested (thanks for your advice, Big Sis - you don't 'arf live up to your name), I'm sure I've passed the first exam, I may not get the first I was expecting of myself (elderly brain - goes blank at the drop of a hat :o() but feel a 2:1 is on the cards. 1 down 5 to go - roll on June 1st.

    Fifi - "There was a wild rover......" is that ok, can't think of anything else to join in with, sorry.

    I am drawing a veil over Wonko's buns - could there be something approaching the dance of the seven veils? And do we want them restored?!

    Appy, RJD where are you when we need you.......on the naughty step? well there's a few that should be joining you!

    Good night - four days before my next exam - may be able to pop in here and there, but next week's a nightmare.


    Izz xx

  183. At 11:33 PM on 16 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    A late night visit to the beach for me, so hopefully no-one will notice me sneak round the NC bar to drink the dregs ;)

    Humph - your strapline was pure genius, congratulations!

    Hope all the frogs who are green around the gills or have other ailments are all still feeling loved, and that Wonko's buns have cooled off a little (it actually feels quite wrong, typing that).

    I shall love you and leave you, with a small dribble of Tempranillo running down my chin and one of Fifi's tomatoes in my pocket.

    Oh, and welcome aboard Alison - we're not too proud for shop-bought snacks on the beach. Indeed, I might actually bring something tomorrow rather than hoovering up the leftovers!

  184. At 12:05 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Izzy : "Oi've been a wild biker for many a year...

    " And Oi've spent all my munny on black leather gear...."

    Oh dear, spent too long at the pub. Tell you what: I'll just hand over all my song-sheets and keep strumming. You do the rest, okay?

    * Hic *


  185. At 12:45 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    The new Bar

    Oooo I say --

    Now listen -- I've put up this luvly little shack - painted it all pink and invited all my best friends here.

    Oooohhh look - here comes Matthew Parris - bless his little cotton socks.

    Mattie !?? (shouting)

    MATTIE ... Cooeey . over here sweetie!

    Now then - Fancy a G&T luv -- you must be needing one?

    All those hundreds of people agreeing with you and Eddie says its 50/50 eh!

    Still that's the 大象传媒 for you poppet.

    Oh hi Fifi :-(

    Don't you worry Matthew .. she'll be out for the count in no time at all ....

    Now keep your eyes off that Camel Matthew !

    Di !!!!!! (shouts very loud)

    DI Wyman (even louder)-- one of these Camels is getting far too frisky -- taken a liking to Matthew :-(

    Fifi:- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  186. At 12:47 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    The new Bar

    Oooo I say --

    Now listen -- I've put up this luvly little shack - painted it all pink and invited all my best friends here.

    Oooohhh look - here comes Matthew Parris - bless his little cotton socks.

    Mattie !?? (shouting)

    MATTIE ... Cooeey . over here sweetie!

    Now then - Fancy a G&T luv -- you must be needing one?

    All those hundreds of people agreeing with you and Eddie says its 50/50 eh!

    Still that's the 大象传媒 for you poppet.

    Oh hi Fifi :-(

    Don't you worry Matthew .. she'll be out for the count in no time at all ....

    Now keep your eyes off that Camel Matthew !

    Di !!!!!! (shouts very loud)

    DI Wyman (even louder)-- one of these Camels is getting far too frisky -- taken a liking to Matthew :-(

    Fifi:- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  187. At 12:58 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    There's a little blog like you've never seen before it's a lot of fun.
    Froggers every where grow to love it more and more it's voted number one.
    There's a million stories to be told of the things that, Ed's done.
    And he's going to share them all if you so come along.

    Oh Eddie, Eddie's the best every one sings your name.
    Eddie, Eddie's the best every one come and join, in all of his games


    So I've done the first bit -- what inventive Froggers can come up with lines for the next verses then ? .............


    There is Badger Bill, little Tiger Lilly too and a whole lot more.
    They are Rupert's Friends and they are waiting here for you so unlock the door
    There's a magic land not far away from here and they call it, Nutwood.
    Where you'll meet a little teddy bear if you are good.

    Oh Rupert, Rupert the bear every one sing his name.
    Rupert, Rupert the bear every one come and join, in all of his games.
    Oh Rupert, Rupert the bear every one sing his name.
    Rupert, Rupert the bear every one come and join, in all of his games.
    Rupert, Rupert, Rupert.

  188. At 01:23 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Jonnie, you are even more tipsy than I am; hurrah!

    "Roo-pert, Rupert is bare
    "Everyone sing his naaaaame...."

    Ooooops, showing my age now!

    Tee hee...

    Sing song tomorrow --- who's up for it??

    Fifi xxx

  189. At 01:53 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Matthew ...

    Fifi has woken up?

    Sorry about this -- are you familiar to the term F*g H*g

    Only Joking Fiffsee popett.


    Now all of us -- in that hammock !

  190. At 08:22 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Jonnie: I shall endeavour to take that remark as a compliment, you hussy!



    Now then, to business. Hot buttered toast is waiting on the Nick Clarke Memorial Bar, along with some strong tea and there's orange juice for those wot like it.

    Dig in!

    Fiffsee xxx

  191. At 09:20 AM on 17 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Izzy: I hope you haven't woken up with a hangover like Jonnie and Fifi (I wouldn't like to meet them in San Antonio after midnight, would you? ;o))

    Glad to hear the exam went well. You mention advice from me - It was v. modest. And I can still remember working through the night on my three-day take away exams at Sussex (only Sussex could have papers like that!), or extended essays.

    The best advice I had about the night before exams was from an OU tutor when I was taking another degree a few years ago. He told us to have pasta - without cheese, of course! - as our evening meal before exams and we'd sleep well and wake refreshed. It does seem to work.

    Unlike last night when I was tempted to eat a slice of Sussex Yeoman (a strong, but very tasty, local goat cheese) just before going to bed. Not the most refreshing sleep I'm afraid. So, a glass of orange juice, a boiled woodland egg (mm, they are so tasty!) and one slice of toast later, I'm now off to face May.

    Sorry you've got a rotten weekend ahead of you, Izzy - but it won't be long before it's all over and you can relax.

  192. At 09:29 AM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Well, it would appear that Jonnie and Fifi are still snoozing away so will pop this pot of coffee and Brwon Betty of Twinings Everyday (love it in the mornings) on the bar whilst I give the sand I quick rake. I think something scared the camels last night.

    And welcome Alison x

  193. At 09:41 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Thanks for the tea yesterday, just the way I like it. The sight of your hot, buttered buns on the Beach seems to have stirred a few to comment. Fifi was so overcome she apparently sent herself to the naughty corner, although I see she snuck out for a snifter with Jonnie last night and released herself in time for breakfast this morning.

    You're right about the tailors brother, of course, In Oriental fashion that makes him Ah Sol. He's a cobbler, you know? In fact his entire family are in the business, even the older ones are still active in the trade. A right load of old cobblers in fact.

    And there is a branch of the family which took the Chinese equivalent of a double-barrelled surname after some barely remembered marriage a while ago. When Mr. Fook married Miss Yue and they became the Fook-Yue's. They couldn't think of a proper name for their first male child, so they simply called him 'Son'. Which is Fook-Yue Son, the late owner of the Wan King Oriental restaurant franchise on the Beach.

    I'm sure that other Froggers will have memories of this distinguished family which they will want to contribute here?

    Meanwhile I'm going to sample Fifi's toast and tea. OJ? Sounds good, I'll have a glass of that. Shame you haven't got your buns out today Fifi. Mind you, Wonko did set a very high standard to follow yesterday.


  194. At 09:43 AM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Big Sis on another thread mentioned that it was Alan Johnston's birthday - may I suggest we all rasie a class (virtually or physically) to this much missed journalist and individulal.

  195. At 09:45 AM on 17 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Jonnie.....I'm ROFLMAO - ing! Now I wonder where I learned that one from???? Oh yes, from someone in a certain chat room.....you know, I'm getting a real education there!

    As I have a strong feeling I may be a ''homosexualist'' (as described on the Matthew Parris thread) please may I pop into the pink bar to test out my new identity?

    Help yourself to fairy cakes.... complete with pink icing and silver balls :o)

  196. At 09:45 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Ah, tea and toast, thanks Fifi. Just what's needed after a marathon read of the Matthew Parris thread. Do hope it attracts more lurkers into joining us on a more permanent basis.

    And now back to May in the hopes that it'll stop raining and let me get into the garden.

  197. At 10:03 AM on 17 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Sssh! I think we all better be very quiet this morning! Methinks Fifi and Jonnie will be nursing a headache or two between them. Perhaps I'll rustle up my hangover breakfast (poached egg on wholemeal toast with marmite, seasoned with black pepper and a good shake of tabasco)

  198. At 10:08 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    * Mwleagh *

    Oh, hullo, how did I end up in this hammock? With someone's elbow in my ear?

    Budge up, Jonnie!

    Last thing I remember is something about melting butter ... either buns or toast, not sure now ...

    Ah well, on with May.

    Fifi ;o)

  199. At 10:09 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Yawn - stretch - yawn -

    Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  200. At 10:22 AM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Don't you just hate it when you think you're the first around only to find there was a bloggage...

    Sorry Fifi!

  201. At 11:18 AM on 17 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Well now, that'll serve me right for getting back to May and leaving the Beach for all this time. Just look at what I missed! 200 comments!

    First things first, a very warm welcome Alison, you'll be right at home here I'm sure.

    Si: thanks for clearing up that Chinese family tree, I was sure the name was familiar. I think I'd better leave my buns alone for a while until everyone recovers. And you're very welcome for tea yesterday, it was my pleasure.

    Izzy: Best of luck with the rest of the exams. The best advice I ever got about preparing for them was to totally ignore revision the night before and visit some friends. The basis for this was; if you don't know it by now, you never will, so it's better to relax and go into the exam calm.

    Are there a few slices of toast left? I'm rather hungry this morning. Thanks for the Everyday Tea witchiwoman, I'm rather partial to that too.

    Oh dear, back to May, see you for lunch guys. I'll bring pate and tiger bread.


  202. At 11:50 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:


    re 185 & 186, sorry me ol' mate I was crashed out behind the dunes and didn't hear u luv, I don鈥檛 know camels these days! I do hope that lovelly Mr Parris is OK.

    had a really sh*t day yesterday on the hell(p) desk, what is it with users?

    then was instructed by 'SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED' to go round to youngest sons place and sort his wireless network out but thanks to those dear people at Vir*in they had screwed up his connection.

    ...and to top that on the way back home I found a Mallard on the side of the road that had been RTA'd so had to despatch him to his maker...oh well I am taking a long weekend break starting tonight so you can all look forward to my company on the beach..back to May...ttfn

  203. At 12:17 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    ....quick dash back, have just been mailed this joke and thought I would share....

    Patrick goes and visits the local priest.

    鈥淔ather can you help lift this terrible curse I am living under?鈥

    Father Murphy, 鈥淲ell son I will do my best, what were the words that invoked the curse鈥

    Patrick鈥..鈥 I now pronounce you man and wife鈥濃︹


  204. At 12:38 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Lunch, I think. And as I haven't been shopping yet, it's going to be macaroni cheese for Fifi and Mister Fifi.

    Anyone else want some?


  205. At 01:02 PM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    fifi -
    thanks for the offer, sounds far better than my quinoa salad (i know its a superfood but really how bland can sonething possibly be? thanks heavens for lime juice!)

  206. At 01:09 PM on 17 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Fifi is your hedeghog song any relation to the one mentioned in various practchett books?

    Simon, regarding family names, The Tickell's named their beloved daughter Tess.

    Jonnie/Fifi we have two incarnations of Rupert the bear on Video and DVD. The kids still watch them.

  207. At 02:06 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:

    Well helllooooo,

    What a loverly beach and such wonderful people. Please be gentle with me as I am a shy 'virgin' blogger. Where can I get luncheon? Is there a map?

  208. At 02:39 PM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Miss D - hello and welcome! there may be some of Fifi macaroni left and Wonko is bring something along later I believe.

    Until then have a share of this hammock and a cheeky slurp of something from the bar!

  209. At 02:44 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Miss de'Meanour, how lovely that you could join us! We're unfailingly friendly here, especially to those who bring food and drinks to share. ;o)

    The intro at the top of this thread is probably all the map you need. Here's the Nick Clarke Memorial Bar, and beside it the pink sparkly one with fairy lights which Jonnie erected only this morning.

    There's a barbecue, some sand dunes, rock pools, Fido's Run ... anything you like really. If you'd like something new installed, and you think it would go well with the place, then just bring it along and we'll see how we go! I'm sure you have excellent taste.

    For immediate chat there is also the Froggers' Chat Room at

    So, pour yourself a refreshing margarita at the bar, pull up a lounger and let's all get acquainted! I'm indulging in a pot of redbush tea if anyone fancies a mug of...?


  210. At 03:00 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:


    You have a hammock and there is a bar!

    I'm in heaven, but will it take my weight? I have ballooned to a size 10 since Tony left me.

  211. At 03:08 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:


    thankyou, I just know I am going to love it here. But I will decline the redbush tea if you don't mind, I am more of a champers person.

    Is there a golf course or range nearby, my instructor (David, tall, dark brown eyes tight little touc*e) says I need to work on keeping my head down when playing a four ball.

  212. At 03:25 PM on 17 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    I think the Frog hates me today. I've been trying to visit for ages and it won't let me in. Is the Beach full or something? Have all of the sun loungers been occupied?

    Welcome Miss De'meanour, Fifi will look after you. Ah lunchtime. Lifter of spirits, filler of bellies, emptier of pockets, scourge of the dietician...

    As promised, Ardennes pate and crusty french bread. With a strong pickled onion or two, naturally.

    A momentus event has just occured back Outside The Asylum. I have completely paid off my last credit card and closed the account. Feeling slightly poor now, but very proud. Does anyone have some scissors, I'd like to cut-up the card?

    ;o) []

  213. At 03:26 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:


    Just popped over from May, as I said earlier I am having a long weekend off so will be here a lot.

    I have been over to NC's to set up and tapped barrels of Adnams, Sheep Sha**er and Bishops Finger for the CAMRA fans amongst us, but please leave them to settle for a few hours. For those that can't wait there are a couple of crates of chilled Grolsch and 10 x 4 packs of Carlsberg Export. I will bring the 'solids' later.

    Fifi & witchi:

    (in a whisper)....who's the dish, haven't seen her before. Remind me to bring my Speedos!

    catch u all later..ttfn

  214. At 03:44 PM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Never seen a golf course but there may be something over the dunes, sounds a bit physical for we froggers (though there is an occassional yoga session, a bit of a swim and an odd water front jog every now and again).

    Champers - you'll find that's a very popular choice round these parts.

    And size 10, balloon? come on now....that kind of thing has no place on this Beach!

  215. At 03:55 PM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    DI - you are spoiling us! (Adnams and Speedos!)

    I must apologise, haven't really been frogging on any of the serious threads recently; I will make up for it soon, promise.

  216. At 03:59 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Off to the supermarket now, and will stock up on champers for our newest frogger whilst there.

    Any other requests?


  217. At 04:03 PM on 17 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Frogger's Beer Festival! DI Wyman, I salute you Sir. ':o) You've brought two of my favourites, but I have to ask: which Adnams? Please let it be Broadside... As for Cleric's Digit, well that's just dandy.

    Oh and I'm putting a bottle of Glenmorangie Artisan cask behind the bar at Nick's too, in celebration of my credit card being cut up!

    ;o) []

  218. At 04:17 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:

    witchi...may I call you that?

    Thankyou for the golf course info, actually I'll skip the practice, yoga and swimming sound just the thing.

    Sooooo sorry about mentioning size, awfully indelicate of me. I have sent out for two cases of Dom Perignon and a couple of hampers from that funny little Egyptian. Should be here later.

    In the mean time anyone for a dip?

  219. At 04:23 PM on 17 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Miss De
    Declare yourself. I suggest you are not quite the blog virgin you claim to be ;-)

  220. At 04:25 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Wonko : I'm proud of you. I'm wearing away slowly at mine, and have in fact forgotten all my pin numbers which means I can't be tempted to use them any more! Well done, you. xx

    DI : a very ungallant question, given that it implies you don't consider either witchi or myself to be dishes too!


  221. At 04:37 PM on 17 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Fifi - good point!

    AnnaR - are you better sweety?

  222. At 04:54 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:

    Dearest Anna...

    Of course I have blogged before....but I only found THIS site today, hence the 'virginity'.

    One doesn't want to go blundering around upsetting peoples sensibilities on a first date does one?

  223. At 04:54 PM on 17 May 2007, RJD wrote:

    DI Wyman - I agree with Fifi - that was a very ungallant question.

    By the way, I take it that you do realise that the tradition is, that if you bring speedos to the beach you have to wear them on your head!

  224. At 04:56 PM on 17 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Fifi: You're very kind. That's brought a rosy glow to my cheeks (or should I say buns? ;o) )

    Afternoon Anna, are you better? Would a dram or two help?

    I'm going to have to disappear back into May now, see you tomorrow folks.

    ;o) []

  225. At 05:03 PM on 17 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Noooooo.... :-( Been lying low because it gets very boring. Very nice of you to ask though.

    Think you & Fifi should demand reparations for DI's insensitivity. How about "slave for the night"? Just a thought....


  226. At 05:25 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss pooh bear wrote:

    Had a HUGE lunch on the beach.
    sadly it was my
    Dad's favourate resipe. tinned sardines on pasta.
    Anyone got a bucket handy???
    Our cat has a bleeding ear .honestly, he fancies himself as a cat soldier but he always ends up being the scared captive!!!
    a few days ago I went to see "ANY QUESTIONS".
    I loved it!

  227. At 06:21 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Hello All

    Thanks for more advice Big Sis and Wonko - I need every bit I can get! Looking forward to my cheeseless pasta on Sunday night (and Tuesday, and Thursday!) with friends!

    I've not been very good at the revising today - I've been on the phone most of the day. Pulling out of the car park at uni yesterday, there was a ginormous bang and a bit fell off my car. I had to be towed to a garage near home and they've been fiddling with it today.

    So, I'm back home with it having paid 拢267 for two new front springy jobbies (the technical term eludes me), two new brake pads and discs (apparently it was a miracle I hadn't mown someone down with my inability to stop) and a new jubilee clip on a leaking hose. They didn't charge me for the clip :-/

    Anyhoo, enough of my woes - Anna R, how nice to see you popping in, hope things aren't too miserable for you. I tend to agree that Miss D doesn't sound quite all she's claiming to be...hmmm...

    Sounds like Fifi and Jonnie had a right royal rave up last night - I'm suprised there's anything left in the NCM bar! Of course, it's fully stocked now with DI Why's contribution - well done that man!

    RJD - perhaps we ought to have a speedo night, speedos as hats? Nice to see you back by the way (and appy, although she seems a little quiet over the last couple of days).

    I'm going to stop now - apologies for rambling on. I've left a big bowl of veggie chilli with some basmati rice on the bar - do dig in.

    Izz xx

  228. At 06:32 PM on 17 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Anna Rex. You cant make DI a slave he brought the beer. Speaking of which I've put some Warsteiner and Staropramen in the fridge.

  229. At 06:35 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    I am pre-packing for Belvoir weekend:

    - guitar, tambourine, ocarina, train whistle
    - bodhran & stick with which to hit it
    - big drum with name of band tied to it
    - monitor, amplifier, power leads
    - instrument leads & adaptors
    - mic stands, music stand,
    - programmes for the punters
    - music for the singarounds
    - food, utensils

    What have I forgotten?? There's someth......

    Booze! I nearly forgot the booze!!!!!

    * hurries to rectify, frowning *

    Fifi ;o$

  230. At 06:47 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    WW & Fifi....

    I grovel at your feet with speedos on my balding plate..do as you wish....how could I be so insensitive?

    I was just awestruck by her, but I am ready to make amends.

    I can only blame the 'change', even us chaps suffer!

    The ale should have settled by now so help yourselves, but be careful it packs a punch.

    The munchies will be here shortly.

  231. At 06:57 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:

    Anna Rex...could you be a sweetie and look after my little Yorkie whilst I pop and get another Dom?

    Got him from that funny little man at Chelsea, don't let him lick you though, something about babies or rabbits or something...thanks awfully, back in a tick poppet.

  232. At 08:15 PM on 17 May 2007, Humph wrote:

    Fifi (229) On things that you may have forgotten, I notice that you have remembered mic stands but not included mics! Are they things that you need to supply yourself or are they provided by the organisers at Beavor (Oh, hang on, you are one of the organisers).

    When I was at The Oak a few weeks ago I noticed that most of the people who used guitars, yourself included, attached mini-televisions to their instruments prior to singing any songs - presumably to revise the words of the song. You should make sure that you have that as well.

    Finally, if you still have the "duck whistle" (is it really a whistle?) then that could also be taken. It does not take up too much space and could come in handy under certain circumstances. Possibly.


  233. At 08:27 PM on 17 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Fifi - I hope you've packed some clean underwear, young lady. I know what these Folk Festivals are like ..... and some headache tablets. You just KNOW they're going to come in handy ;)

    Boys: may I add some Timothy Taylor's Landlord to the CAMRA pile? It is my very favourite, but it needs to be properly kept, hence I shall be keeping my eye on you....and if you're putting your speedos on your head, what are you putting on your ..... oh my goodness!! *averts eyes*

    *then peeps*

    Honestly, you're all exceedingly naughty. I may have to hand out some punishment.

    I have put a plate of honey and sweet chilli cocktail sausages on the bar. I can't imagine what made me think of them .....:D

  234. At 08:42 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    right I'm back...doing a takeaway..my treat...McD, KFC, Chinese, Indian, P. Hut, Fish 'n' chips....but no way any Wimpy...I am not, repeat going in there with speedos on my head...

    so who wants wot................or shall we have a BBQ?

  235. At 08:50 PM on 17 May 2007, Miss De鈥檓eanour wrote:

    Humph...be sweetie and throw me towel, I need to get changed.

    We are all going to dinner at that frightfully nice new place in Fulham and I do so need a shower.

    Anna Rex, can you pop Yorkie over to DI Wy, he is doing some sort of barbie thingy and said he would look after poochy woochy for me....thanks you're such an angel.

    ...see you all later poos....

  236. At 09:07 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    ....having said that we could always go 'Korean'?

    ..and I have got a duck left over from May last night!!

  237. At 09:36 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Humph - perceptive as ever.
    * mics are in a bag with instrument leads
    * little television is handy for tuning instruments so you all sound like you're in the same band. Also doubles as sat-nav if you get lost in the castle.
    * was planning on teasing our trainspotting punk bass player by taking a train whistle ... but now you mention it, the duck has its charm too. I'll pack it!

    Perky - underwear? Am I supposed to wear some then?? Oh dear, not sure about this at all.

    Headache tablets though ... I like your thinking!

    Might get to drop in briefly tomorrow but we set off at 4.30pm so don't expect much more out of me here before Monday.

    I've liberated a little of my weekend booze stash (Syrah) for us to share in what's left of this evening. Do help yourselves!

    Fifi xxx

  238. At 09:36 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    ..yum yum a Yorkie, dontcha just luv........chunky bars of choc!

  239. At 10:14 PM on 17 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    DI Wyman (238) - chunky - you beat me to it ;-)

    (236) Um... *a* duck? (as opposed to, just, duck)? What on earth were you up to in May yesterday?

    Miss De - It's a big deal for me to look after a Yorkie... childhood mawling memories... shudder... But for you, anytime x

    Right, I'm going to self medicate with some more of Wonko's finest; thanks for all the good wishes. I think maybe I'd feel better if I could have intercourse with RJD. I mean, not spoken to him in ages...

  240. At 10:32 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Fifi....can I take the speedos off now, they're hurting me ears.

  241. At 10:42 PM on 17 May 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Hi to everyone! I really missed you all!

    Have 'borrowed' a laptop from work and took it home. So as this seems to work, i now diagnose a duff computer at home and not my connection as i have been saying at work....!!!

    I know i;ve missed tons, but Appy (123) seems to have got most of the gen.

    Sorry to hear about Belinda and John, look after yourselves, and your mother, B.

    will plug and play tomorrow (working at home on a Friday!!!!!) and see you bright and early witha smashing breakfast... i'll see what i can russle up, (and porrige is only the start of it!)


  242. At 10:53 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Anna R

    re: duck, sad story..coming back from youngest sons place last evening a Mallard was lying in the road having been RTA'd, beyond repair, so despatched him..hence have one oven ready duck.

    changing the subject, who wants take-away or r we having Barbie (so to speak)

  243. At 11:32 PM on 17 May 2007, stewart M wrote:

    DI wyman but will Barbie have you ;-)

  244. At 11:33 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    hi Anna R...

    if things too confusing about duck, go to post 202..it will all make sence

  245. At 12:02 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    right, i gota chill out...goin to watch the moon. There is loads of Chinese take-away left..help yourselves..

  246. At 12:09 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    On my way to bed - but....

    good luck to Fifi (or break a leg - whatever's most appropriate!). My SO has same problem of keeping up with what's necessary for gigs - is your SO required to attend to be "lead" audience, as am I?

    hello - nn, long time no see - obviously you've had probs - poor you.

    See y'all soon

    Izz xx Port in hand to aid zzzz's!

  247. At 12:37 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Miss de'Meanour : your accent is slipping. And so is something else... can't quite put my finger on it ... nor would I wish to ...

    Is that rattus rattus I'm getting a whiff of?

    Fifi ;o)

  248. At 05:56 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Izzy : it's way weirder than that. SO is starting to audition for the band, providing a rather pleasing basso voice to add to the existing 2- and 3-part harmony!

    Gosh it's lovely here this early ... the sand's been raked, the empties tidied away. What's this on the bar? Looks like a perfect breakfast, starting with some very creamy porridge which I see is nearly ready. N-n's handiwork I'll bet.

    More later if I get chance ... I'll just nibble this chocolatine before I go back to bed I think.


  249. At 09:35 AM on 18 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Fifi - when are you off?? Have a fantatsic time...will post on new bwach too x

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