If you're new to the Blog, you may not know that the words at the top of the page - under the big letters PM, are changed every day and are contributed by listeners.
We try to keep em fresh and Fifi has just emailed in some more. Care to join her?
Just send them by email to PLEASE put STRAPLINES in the subject line - and please don't use the comment button here to add them. Be clean, be creative and above all, bc.
I'd ask Manveen - She'll happily run up a few more for us.
I *have* sent loads :(
hmmm, why should I email more when you still haven't used all of my previous ones, Eddie?!?!?
(Only teasing, you realise :-))
Eddie, if you want more straplines, you need to get out in the sun more in your bikini.
Witchi (3) : Send them in again!
The back of the PM sofa is stuffed with yours, mine, ValP's and a load of pointless postcards that never made it.
witchiwoman @ 3 - I'm sure I've used some of yours in the past!!
I look forward to reading all your pearls of wisdom shortly, and they'll start appearing from September onwards, as I've already submitted en bloc all the straplines for August.
p.s. please try to keep your offerings to no more than 10 or 12 words, as otherwise the strapline risks bumping into Eric's shoulder, which could get messy.
PM - Avoid the mess. Use fewer words.
Thanks Mrac - it could be that they disappeared in to the froggy ether! Will apply my brain
If we put together all the straplines we've collectively sent it, we could probably knit up a new blog .....
Fifi (6)
ok...I have sneaked in and had a root around in the back of the PM sofa, found:-
2/- and 6d in change.
a letter from Nelson to Hardy.
several cards, all signed 'in desperate hope Fifi'
an unused condom
a notelet to Greg Dyke
half a Choc digestive
Ronnie Corbett
but no straplines, so i don't know where they went the first time!!
DIW @ 11, 's funny, when I went and looked down the back of the PM sofa all I found was the Continent of Atlantis.
Wonder who lost that.
Sid (8),
Follow the instructions and submit it.
Chris (12)
All hail the true Ruler of Atlantis....for it is him
....i looked down the back of the Black Leather must have been poking about in the back of the Pink Fabric one.....thats why i didn't spot it...
bow....scrape.....exit backwards...
Chris (12):
That must have been Gordon Brown. I heard someone say the other day that he was an Atlanticist, though I've never noticed him having webbed hands.
(I may be thinking of Patrick Duffy there, unless that was all a dream...)
Eddie, I can assure you I will be devoting lots of my time to straplines for the next two weeks. ;o)
Ed - I did submit some. 8 was a comment on 7. It wouldn't really have worked as an email.
blimey - they really have got a scarcity of straplines as that's the third time that one's been used!!
Well, I would be counting wouldn't I??!?
(now I guess I'll have to try and be witty again, but once in a year is about all I can do....)
Is it my imagination or have 'old' straplines been used from time to time? Anyone else noticed it?
To work..
Molly @ 18, I'm sure I have seen Whisht's one today before -- not that it doesn't bear repeating...
Chris... you're being kind...
... but we really oughta send in some more!!
[thinks to self... at least Molly said "old" rather than "stale"....]
Re Marc (7) Does:
PM - Yourcommentsubmission failedforthefollowingreasonsin anefforttocurbmaliciouscommentposting byabusiveusersIveenableda featurethatrequiresaweblogcommenter towaitashortamount oftimebeforebeingable topostagainpleasetrytopostyourcommentagain inashortwhilethanksforyourpatience.
count as no more than 10 or 12 words?
I will send in some more proper ones over the weekend.