Brand New Photo Non-Competition for the Blog.
Inspired by a frogger, I will shortly be announcing a brand new photo non-competition for the Blog.
It's new!
It's exciting!
It's pretty pointless!
1410 UPDATE (sorry for the delay...) Roberto in Miami in Florida sent this excellent picture showing clearly what petrol prices are like there.
And it got me thinking. What I to see, are photos from across the WORLD, showing petrol prices.
So GET OUT THERE. Take a photo of your local petrol station's price list, Once you've done that, why not take a photo of a petrol station price list from somewhere else? Maybe even on holiday?!
Just send them by email to Mark the subject line PETROL PHOTO and we'll do the rest.
1610 UPDATE: If you are a Flickr user you could upload your pics and tag them "petrolpricesmair" and, if you know how, geotag (link them too. That way we can pull them all together (like this link , and maybe stick 'em on a map.