Hugh in Iraq.
Hugh sends these words and these photographs of the people and places he visited in Baghdad for his report last night on the Awakening movement:
"Awakening movement checkpoint into the Fadhil district of Baghdad. Al Qaeda were once busy in Fadhil, until local people turned against them.
They didn't check him. Sadly, this is a serious point. There have been numerous BBIEDs, as the Americans call them - Bicycle Borne Improvised Exlposive Devices.
Fadhil is poor. And friendly.
Deputy leader of the Fadhil Awakening, Khaled al Qaisi (centre) and his opposite number from a neighbouring Shiite district, Faris Abdel Hassan (right).
Scars from al Qaeda fighting two years ago. There is now more damage from gunfire - some local fighters shot at Iraqi soldiers after they'd arrested the leader of the Fadhil Awakening on charges of murder, extortion, torture and operating a military wing of the now-illegal Ba'ath Party.
Fadhil's main square.
Market trolley boys.
Fresh fish.
Friendly greengrocer.
Generator maintenance class, for the unemployed - many of the 100 men here were once insurgents, until they joined the Awakening movement in Adamiyah - the Sunni centre of Baghdad.
Generator skills are in high demand - there still isn't a reliable electricity supply here.
The trainees make simple solar water heaters. Murky day, but even so:
from 15 to 60 degrees Centigrade in 20 minutes. I want one.
Sandbags and plastic flowers at a checkpoint on the way home."
And Hugh says you can read more on the Awakening troubles .