Michael Buchanan in Helmand

Michael Buchanan reports live tonight from Helmand province in Afghanistan.
He writes:
I've been to prison. Not a confession of a personal indiscretion but merely refering to a visit to see how Helmand's main jail is coping. The male prisoners - those convicted of ordinary crimes, kidnapping, theft, etc - were busy working away on trinkets and garments that will be sold on the open market. They get to keep 40% of the profits, which most send to their families.

The prison also houses those convicted of involvement in the insurgency, and has a small wing for women as well, where some of the inmates live with their children.

All the inmates get fed 3 times per day, and though I didn't see it, I suspect their food is tastier than the gruel that I've been eating for the past few days. Welcome to the world of the US marines' MREs - Meals, Ready to Eat.

Each MRE also contains a treat, and one man I was with got this little gem:

In case you are wondering, they are (I think) Uncle Sam, the American eagle and the top of the Statue of Liberty.