Snow need to panic
Across the UK snow has caused lots of disruption. The recently relocated contingent of TV Platforms in Manchester are embracing new ways of working and are fully acclimatising to the situation. Due to difficult driving conditions and delays on public transport a number of employees chose to work from home on Tuesday. The only people who made it into the office were those who live in the City Centre in Manchester.
As the car park was suitably empty and as no inner child can resist that much untouched snow, lunchtime inevitably involved much tomfoolery. There was about 5 inches of snow overnight and it didn't really stop all day.
So we decided that we should enjoy the snow and have our lunch and breaks outside in the fresh air. To that end we needed a breakout area. So we built one. To this end please enjoy a few pictures of our new office. It includes the Snow Lounge, featuring a Snowfa, a TV (which is admittedly a bit flaky) and our new mascot Powder the Bear.
We also enjoyed mobile working.
As the forecast looks increasingly intense and the snow spreads, we wish everyone very safe travelling and hope you find some time to enjoy it if you can.
P.S. Sorry about the puns.
Simon Lumb is Senior Software Engineer, TV Platforms. He likes snow. And puns.