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  • JP
  • 23 Feb 07, 03:55 PM

Doreen Knight from Salisbury wishes she had known that you are more likely to have twins when you get older.

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  1. At 09:12 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Tom wrote:

    We had twins last year, my wife was 37. Is the best thing that has ever happened to us - is double the joy.

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  2. At 09:13 AM on 24 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Twins ?

    Try accidentally conceiving triplets at 35 !
    Same story, no multiples in the family, never entered my head that I could have twins, I was more concerned that I might NOT be able to conceive.
    Oh fickle fate.

    Then they were premature, all three together weighed less than one of your contributor's babies, but thankfully I now have three wonderful young men. Sixteen years old yesterday!

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  3. At 09:16 AM on 24 Feb 2007, kate Canty wrote:

    I was somewhat taken aback by Joanna Trollope's assumption this morning that non-identical twins are not as special as identical. We have four sets of twins in my family. 3 in my generation, one in the next. All naturally conceived and all boy girl.

    and following on with the size point. One set were very heavy - each baby nearrly 9 pounds in weight.

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  4. At 09:18 AM on 24 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I am 36 and had my second set of twins on their due date in August last year - also nealy 15lbs of baby although at 5' 10" I imaging carrying the enormous bump was a little easier.

    This meant we had 4 boys under 4 when the second set arrived.

    They are the first twins ever in my family so it was a wonderful suprise. I always wanted twins so now their Dad appreciates just how spoilt I really am!

    Rather than feeling that it is really stressful we're just having loads of fun - parenting twins is completly brilliant.

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  5. At 09:24 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Sheila Mighall wrote:

    Listening to the story of Doreen Knight. I am a twin, my mother was 44 and didn't know she was likely to be carrying twins until a fortnight before, and was told that there were 2 other heart beats other than her own. We were born safely and my mother at 48 went on to have my younger brother.

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  6. At 09:25 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Karen Depledge wrote:

    I was a little disappointed to listen to Doreen Knight's story about having twins. My husband and I have been together for 10 years and have been trying to have our first child for three years. To hear someone say how hard work twins are made me think that some people just don't know how lucky they are to be able to conceive naturally in the first place. Whilst I accepted everything that Doreen said, and after all this is her experience, I think if I was her no matter how hard work the twins had been I would just count myself lucky. I would love to have one child, let alone two but what I would really like is just to be able to get pregnant.

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  7. At 09:26 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Julie Bealey wrote:

    I'm a twin, my mother didn't know she was having twins until after I was born - apparently they were having a restorative cup of tea and the midwife thought something was amiss - 3 hours later my twin was born. It was in East Africa over 50 years ago so not a lot of modern medicine. Our older sister was 15months when we were born, our mother had no idea when we were due and was gigantic having to wear a support sling of some type - she was 5ft 2in "at her tallest" and I was 6lb3oz and my twin 4lb11oz. Our mother's back and front were wrecked too!

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  8. At 09:31 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Jeff Robinson wrote:

    The shock of seeing two human heads come into focus during the 19 week scan, was nothing compared to the first 6 months! I would not wish this time on my worst enemy.

    The girls are now five; my wife and I are begining to feel human again.

    Good Luck

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  9. At 09:33 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Stewart Adamson wrote:

    I am the proud Father of twin girls who are now 20 months old. They're listening to your programme as I write.

    We knew that twins were likely because my wife's mother was a twin, so we weren't surprised. We were both older than Doreen when the twins were born and yes it was very hard work at the start but neither of us regret that.

    Watching them develop together: the similarities, the differences and their interactions has been a wonderful experience. I wouldn't have missed it for a few hours more sleep.

    I'll probably regret writing this once I have twin teenage daughters in 12 year's time.

    Stewart A - Weybridge in sunny Surrey.

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  10. At 09:33 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Kathy Cowbrough wrote:

    I can't believe Doreen said women were getting on a bit between 35-40 and not so able to keep up with babies. Many women between 35 and 40 are fitter than younger women. I had twins at 39 and although they were only 12lb (in total) and not 15, I waqs able to swim and cycle up until a week before they were born. They were delightful to have, not double the work as what you do for one you do for the other. There was always someone for them to be with sleeping or playing or whatever and helping each other with homework. They were breast fed together so not double making bottles and we were lucky they were never ill. So don't be put off by one experience, its wonderful to have twins.

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  11. At 09:40 AM on 24 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I was struck by the comment about IVF producing twins from 2 different eggs, as if this were different and unusual. As a sororal twin, whose sister was stillborn, I am interested in knowing how the experience of being (and losing) a twin has shaped my life. But every programme purporting to be about twins that I have seen or heard has been specifically about identical twins, as if being identical was the norm. I would be interested to know what percentage of twins are identical and to what exetent this 'special connection' exists without the identical DNA.

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  12. At 09:43 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Aurea wrote:

    Listening to the programme whilst trying to get our twelve year old triplets up and out of the house - we love every minute of having our fab and noisy family and wouldn't change it for the world! Good luck to all of you expecting twins and more.

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  13. At 09:46 AM on 24 Feb 2007, Jane Davey wrote:

    I had to write and respond to doreens comments about twins. My twins are the best thing that ever happened to me. I was 35 and just felt lucky to have children naturally. Yes it's more activity in the first 6 months, but if you choose to have children this is the ultimate in being a mother! I had twins as a first time mother and perhaps that helps me enjoy it without comparison. I have had the experience of watching my freinds have their second babies and go back to mess and unpredictability and felt lucky, I only wanted two children. I feel sorry for people who will never know what it's like to be loved twice as much all at the same time! It is the best thing ever, honest!!!

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