Hello! Dan and Phil here at the end of our talent hunting quest (we're still trying to make our eyebrows dance).
It's been an absolutely mental but amazing week where we have seen things we never thought we'd experience in our life times, and a couple things that were probs a bit rubbish, but mostly amazing and mental. (and magic!)
We've spent the last couple weeks wading through a sea of auditions people sent into us and Scott and at times it was actually reallyreally hard to decide who to let go and who to put forward as there was a lot of genuinely impressive talent! We now know the rush Simon Cowell must feel every time he decimates somebody's hopes and dreams.
Our personal favourites from the week have been Isaac's Rapping Mum Sam (Dan's) and the Danger Opera couple, Nara and Peter complete with blunt oranges (Phil's) and they will be joined by the equally confusing and awe-inspiring Ela of the dancing eyebrows and Sam the beatboxing impressionist.
The only downside was having to let go of some awesomely talented people like Jamie the singer and the extreme hula hooping Sarah (who we think could very possibly form a very successful interpretive dance act in the future) but at the end of the day
We will now begin kilt shopping and look forward to showing you all what goes on behind the scenes at Radio 1's Fin and Filth Cabaret at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with Scott and Grimmy! How exciting.
Phil and Dan
:: Check out all the audition videos HERE!
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