'I could go out here to 53rd and Broadway and get people to say hi to me'
- 23 Jul 09, 08:40 GMT
Twitter is one of those services that seems to divide people broadly into two groups. You either get it or you don't. You either love it or you hate it. You either use it or you don't.
Regardless, the number of people flocking to the micro-blogging service is going through the roof, even if they don't stay very long. There were 4 million users in the US in February; the last set of figures I saw said that it had grown to 20 million there, and to around 40 million worldwide.
Among the most visible users are the celebrities: from and to and .
The latest celeb to talk Twitter has been talk show host David Letterman with his guest .
The four-and-a-bit minute chat (which you can ) is entertaining and I think there might be a few of you who will agree with Dave's assessment of the phenomenon.
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Comment number 1.
At 23rd Jul 2009, horreur wrote:I get it, hate it and don't use it. :-)
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Comment number 2.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Ineffectual Blatherer wrote:The more I hear about the Twitter and the things posted on Twitter, the more I realise how little I'm missing.
I hardly get time to read books nowadays let alone the day-to-day insignificant details of people's lives.
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Comment number 3.
At 23rd Jul 2009, ten gear bat bike wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 4.
At 23rd Jul 2009, hackerjack wrote:I get it, I don't hate it at all, but it has such severley limited functionality and searchability that I dont bother for moe than a cursory glance every few weeks.
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Comment number 5.
At 23rd Jul 2009, evergrowingbrain wrote:So many things that you could be bringing to our attention.
Unpatched software,
Zero day attacks,
Windows 7 launch closer,
O2's inability to run a mobile network capable of receiving calls, let alone enabling devices, technology job losses due to recession, when firms need protecting more than ever.
The Yellow Pages being taken out of its plastic cover and dumped straight in my recycling box this morning. (have they not heard of the internet?)
yet you still insist on telling us about twitter. AGAIN!
get a sense of perspective - listen to the comments.
I love twitter, but I'm sick of this!
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Comment number 6.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Mark_MWFC wrote:Twitter is like a broken pencil.
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Comment number 7.
At 23rd Jul 2009, The_Hess wrote:Is there no end to the endless dot.life blogs on Twitter? Surely everyone who wants to use it has heard about it? I would much rather see a blogs on the uses of DRM within the PC games industry or the very interedting article about the unsung heroes of the internet.
Please, please, please stop the endless Twitter this, Twitter that, Twitter saves the world blogs.
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Comment number 8.
At 23rd Jul 2009, its-all-gone-wrong wrote:Oh dear god not another Twitter blog, this is getting ridiculous, is this why we pay our licence fee, for you to endlessly promote Twitter.
There are thousands of technological stories of interest out there every single day, were surrounded by technology, we use it for work rest and play but what do we learn of this from dot.life, nothing!
Change the record or loose your readers.
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Comment number 9.
At 23rd Jul 2009, olddog_newtricks wrote:i guess that adding a comment kind of contradicts my own thoughts about twitter.
so, i'll keep it brief.
...what's the point?
i talk to my friends.
...and, as dave letterman quickly realised, if you say "hi" to them, they say "hi" straight back.
end of story.
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Comment number 10.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Ineffectual Blatherer wrote:MINUTIAE!
That was the word I had on the tip of my tongue this morning before it left again.
Pointless minutiae of people's lives.
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Comment number 11.
At 23rd Jul 2009, awesomeMr_Burns wrote:Heres a challange for the 大象传媒 - go just one month without mentioning Twitter or Iphone and report on the many other technological breakthoughs that are happening every day around the world.
If not give me a job in Silicon Valley and I will waffle on endlessly about Twitter- what a lovely and easy job !
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Comment number 12.
At 23rd Jul 2009, bnewbie wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 13.
At 23rd Jul 2009, AlexGraham wrote:I'm glad I'm not the only one seriously doubting the usefulness of Twitter. I'm 26 and was brought up in the mobile phone/internet revolution and it reminds me why text messaging/twittering/etc are poor forms of communication.
To me Twitter is only useful for people who are obsessed with celebrities and want to follow there every move, personally I don't. Which is why I focus my time on friends and family, via face to face, telephone and Facebook
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Comment number 14.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Secratariat wrote:"Regardless, the number of people flocking to the micro-blogging service is going through the roof, even if they don't stay very long."
That's a bit of an understatement now isn't it ?
A recent report showed that about 70% of people never return to their Twitter account after setting it up, it is a classic one-hit-wonder. Of those who do return most only do so once or twice a month and only a very small percentage of users use the service on a regular basis.
Like most people I signed up, had a look, found it didn't offer anything I couldn't get elsewhere and have never returned.
Is there nothing else happening in the world of computing ?
I'd really like to read about something other than Twitter once in a while...
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Comment number 15.
At 23rd Jul 2009, AlexGraham wrote:!Warning!: I just got on my soapbox.
Why does the 大象传媒 seem intent on misusing modern forms of communication like blogs? I read both the tech and sports blogs and most of your bloggers completely ignore the (sane) comments that are made. The whole point of blogs is to form a dialogue between the author and its readers/commenter's otherwise why the heck have the feature?! I'm so tired of reading some really interesting comments/questions from people and they get completely ignored. Don't have the feature, or respond at least now and again. It's as simple as that.
/rant end
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Comment number 16.
At 23rd Jul 2009, MionkeyWoo wrote:I get it and I like it and I don't follow a bunch of celebrities to follow there every move - however it does seem that it is getting a disproportionate amount of cover in the dot.life blog.
It does seem though that the comments here ref. to much coverage are all from people that don't like twitter, which doesn't really offer a balanced view.
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Comment number 17.
At 23rd Jul 2009, DeedeeRose wrote:You are obviously not following the right people.
I get it and like it and use it to network with people whose work overlaps mine even if their personal life doesn't. More than once I have been alerted to new versions of existing software via following the right people.
I have even used it to follow the rugby with a friend tweeting the important events as they happened. I was away from a radio/TV for the day but wanted to keep track of the game.
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Comment number 18.
At 23rd Jul 2009, dave sparrow wrote:@Cryotek
because most people who post comments on blogs talk nonsense and should be doing something better. I include myself in this
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Comment number 19.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Viruslayer wrote:I wish people would stop twittering on about Twitter. And I agree with the iphone comment too.
Remember the tag line when advertising the Radio times.
Other Smart phones are available!!
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Comment number 20.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Cameron wrote:I joined Twitter, I thought 'This is almost like the Status update feature on Facebook' but then carried on for a few weeks because there was so much hype about I hought I missed something.
Turns out I didn't miss anything, Twitter profile deleted. Why are we still talking about this?
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Comment number 21.
At 23rd Jul 2009, marek chodnik wrote:Maggie, what on earth is this? Seriously?
You and your colleague Rory experienced a tremendous deluge of disillusionment with your last two blog posts, both of which have concerned Twitter, Twitter and nothing but Twitter.
Does it surprise you that we're fed up with hearing about Twitter? Your blog post above doesn't even contain any technological news! It's just a propaganda soundbite about the glory that is your new-found tech toy!
40 million use Twitter. Allegedly. Perhaps 40 million have Twitter accounts, but it is largely understood that around 10 percent of the users create 90 percent of the noise.
Do you have any idea how many Linux webservers there are? 40 million wouldn't be a bad estimate, although I don't suppose anyone knows. A significantly higher number of websites are run off of Linux, with the use of Linux VM's and domain hosts. I use Linux as a counter-example to Twitter, since the technology is far more advanced than Twitter, far more pervasive than Twitter, far more useful than Twitter, and has a greater impact on more people's lives than Twitter ever could.
Including your website, as it happens. And Twitter's.
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Comment number 22.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Green Soap wrote:This blog is a joke.
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Comment number 23.
At 23rd Jul 2009, ovaljason wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 24.
At 23rd Jul 2009, Pobrecitodelicado wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 25.
At 24th Jul 2009, Alex wrote:Facebook has grown from 200 million to 250 million users in the last three months, that's an increase of more than the total population of twitter users. Why doesn't that deserve a blog post, if this does?
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Comment number 26.
At 24th Jul 2009, Tams wrote:To be honest I think we have heard enough about twitter. The odd post is OK, but almost everything seems to have some sort of twitter reference. Twitter really isn't THAT great! (the hype, not helped by the 大象传媒 makes it seem so).
More diverse reporting and blogging would be much better.
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Comment number 27.
At 24th Jul 2009, Ded904 wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 28.
At 24th Jul 2009, halfamo wrote:So Kevin Spacey talking to David Letterman about Twitter is the big story this week? How about an investigation into why the 大象传媒 persistently promotes a commercial organisation, product placement, I believe it's called, in what appears to a be a violation of it's charter. 7 articles from 22 mentioned Twitter in July.
Do the 大象传媒 have shares in twitter?
Get a grip please. There are technology subjects out there that are nothing to do with Twitter, why don't you try covering them for a change.
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Comment number 29.
At 24th Jul 2009, marek chodnik wrote:Product placement, that's the term. Like minutiae, from 'popshed' above, it was on the tip of my tongue.
I would second that suggestion. Someone needs to conduct a serious investigation into the 大象传媒's latest reliance on brand names and brand technology, and how far they may have gone with respect to either deliberate, or accidental, product placement and advertisement.
David Dimbleby, an excellent mediator and the host of the 大象传媒1 show 'Question Time' just last night took note of the fact that he could be accused of advertisement (I believe it was in reference to a political campaign in Norwich, though I am probably mistaken), and ensured that such 'advertisement', accidental though I am sure it was, came to a halt.
Because that's what the 大象传媒 is. An impartial broadcasting service. And that is where it should remain.
I would implore anyone from 大象传媒 reading this, including Maggie herself, to take a look at the contents of the blog article above, and then ask themselves, 'Is this impartial? Is this reasonable?'. Because I don't think it is, and I'm sure a lot of people reading this blog doesn't think it is.
Finally, I should thank Maggie (with a stagnant whiff of sarcasm) for turning an honest 大象传媒 tech blog into a celeb magazine. Use Twitter - your fave celebs use it!!
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