Monitor this! Exclusive photo here...
They're up! Photos from behind the scenes of week two and there are some real classics to behold, and I'm not just saying that because I feature in one of them.
Well, okay, maybe that is a little something to do with it.
You may notice (if you can guess which one I am), that I'm holding a clipboard. This is because I was script supervising and keeping track of continuity that day (so all the mistakes you see during the episodes are basically my fault - sorry about that).
This was also the day I was given a monitor which was hooked up to the main camera so I could watch the action closely (in an attempt to minimise said mistakes). But when Matt (plays Stephen) saw the monitor and realised I could see everything he did in front of the camera, it's safe to say we forgot all about the real purpose of the monitor and decided to LIVE THE DREAM INSTEAD.
Matt ran round to the set and put his finger in front of the camera and I looked at the monitor and THIS HAPPENED:

Yes, okay, so more mistakes happened that day than ever before, but on the plus side Matt's finger looks like it's poking Assistant Director Grant in the head. And what could be more important than that, I ask you? (Err, maybe don't answer that)
The best part? Grant has no idea this ever happened. I just hope he doesn't read this...
Vicki x
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