Mr. Photographer, I think I'm ready for my close up...
During the filming, Trev (he also updates this blog) and I snuck on set with our cameras and tried to discreetly take some photos of the drama unfolding...
Well, it would have been discreetly if I hadn't accidently left the flash on and very nearly ruined pretty much, ooohhh, just about every single take. I was told that if I wanted to take a photo, I should shout 'FLASHING!' so that everyone knew what was happening and so the crew didn't think there was something technical wrong with their cameras.
It only took me shouting it once to realise how wrong it sounded.
Anyway, here they are: Week 1's snaps. Enjoy! xx
P.S. Here's an exclusive photo of Marla doing her own makeup that didn't make the final cut. Hahaha. Geddit? Cut? Hahahaha. Ahem.

Comment number 1.
At 28th Aug 2010, Gummybear Girl wrote:ha ha nice one lara just a sneaky adjustment!! xx
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