Week 6 Omnibus and General Gossip
Ello, ello, ello!
So, here we are. Six weeks into The Cut and a there's a new-ish character in town... it's the much talked about FIN! (Well okay, I say much talked about, but in all honesty, it has been mostly me talking about her. But still. I do talk a LOT. And actually, she's not even that new, because we saw her in episode one. But, erm, she's new to the Cut, so...)
ANYWAY! You can watch the whole omnibus again here and before we move on, can we please take a moment to reflect on what has happened. Mack is such a meanie and I feel seriously sorry for poor Olive. Will her and Stephen ever get back together?!
There's been some classic one liners this week, such as Fin's "Chill out, pixie face" to Olive (I'm soooo gonna use that soon. It's like a half insult, half compliment, after all doesn't everyone in their hearts slightly want to look like a pixie? No? Just me then...), but I feel this week has been all about looks.
What has been your favourite look this week? Mine was when Fin pulled out the lollies from her pocket. I am recreating that face right now, actually. And getting a lot of funny looks for it. Hmm.
Did you see the Cut special this week? If not, have a look because a) Fin needs your help b) Lara and Matt (Marla and Stephen) want to hear from you and c) we found out some HUGE news about this Tuesday's guest... eee!
We also have an amazing new photo gallery from behind the scenes of this week online now. Here is one of the photos. No, I'm not 100% sure what that thing next to Marla is either.

VERY lastly, here is a little snippet of gossip for you. They've nearly finished filming the end of the first series and all I know is the grand finale involves some kind of big party. Clearly I'm gonna have to go investigate... will let you know what I find out!
Vicki x
Comment number 1.
At 24th Oct 2009, fcauznet wrote:yeah i liked fin's look when she took the lolly :} and of course marla when she doesn't get her own may and is put out is a classic.
ta for the pictures, a statue of a dog with a coat on it's head... hmm
big party eh, chocolate cake catered i presume? :P [maybe i should let that go]. look forward to hearing gossip regarding the finale, wonder who'll be celebrating in the end.
anyways, saturday's almost gone, don't forget to set your clock back and hour xD even though most electrical products do it automatically, but still... yeah
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Comment number 2.
At 25th Oct 2009, Olivia26Rose wrote:I think the statues a sheep... :D
Best one liner has got to be the Title, "I Think Shes Cool..." Haha!
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