Omnibus and a *tiny* bit of goss...
Helloooo and happy Saturday Cut, crew!
Now, first things first, it's your weekly link... to the sweeting Cut Omnibus! I have one word for you... and one word only... but I'm not going to type it here, just in case you read it before you've watched the show. So watch it, then scroll to the bottom and I will unleash said word. Brace yourselves. It is immense.
Sooo.... "What's been happening this week at Cut HQ?!" I hear you cry. Well, fear not, I will tell all. First of all, there was this lovely little 5:19 Cut Special which went behind the scenes at the filming of the BRAND NEW Cut promo, plus there was the world premiere of a certain little cartoon drawn by a certain little me. Then there was not one, but TWO new photo galleries for your delectable viewing. And if that's not enough... we unleashed the new cut promo unto the world!
But I know the stuff you really want to know, and that stuff is obviously THE GOSSIP. Well, I was lucky enough to get a sneaky peak at next week's episode and I can reveal that a) we meet a new character, that b) there is a sort of water fight and c) ...ohhh, I sooooo shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm just going to do it: THERE IS SOME SURPRISE SNOGGING INVOLVED. Who with who?? Ahhh, I'm not telling you that much! You'll just have to wait and see...
But for now, here's a lovely little exclusive pic of Pudsey BLANKING Olive!

Oh and lastly, that word? Wait for it... wait for it...
Errrrmmm.... Bye.
Vicki x
Comment number 1.
At 22nd Nov 2009, fcauznet wrote:;[ i'm now sunday cut crew :{
i didn't realise the cartoon was drawn by you... cool ;D
new character eh... maxine? marla's mum or someone else... ;o
glad there is another week of episodes, was scared my those credits on ep.50 :S
water fight by the seaside eh? suprise snogging eh, you and pudsey eh? ;')
i guess that's why he's blanking olive. hmm.
bright on? as in right on + b? :S xD
leaves this comment with my thinking of "oh, i do like to be beside the seaside"
BYYYYYYYEEEE!! O/I/R -fcauznet x
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