The latest from the set of Series Two
Hi y'all,
How est it going? Last week, I popped down to the set of The Cut and got you a little present... in the form of GOSSIP (don't tell me you've never asked for that for Christmas?). Brace yourselves, people.
So firstly, when I arrived on set they were filming the opening scene for series two which was set in a school. The whole thing was done in one take that followed different characters as they moved through the school, which meant that if anyone mucked up their lines, forgot their movements or, err, bumped into the camera (*cringe*) they had to start all over again. The scene took about 5 hours to film. Now THAT is dedication.
In other gossip, it turns out that one of the new characters is called Frankie and she's going to be Olive's best friend. Billie (who plays Olive) sent me this picture of the two of them together on set:

Lastly, if you've been wondering what's happened to The Cut specials this week (the live, weekly show where we go backstage at The Cut), do not fear! We were off air this week, but will be back with gossip and updates from series two next Tuesday (30th April) at 5:19pm on,
Vicki x
Comment number 1.
At 27th Mar 2010, George wrote:Olive's new best friend? Does this mean no more Rosa? I hope not...
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