Spot the Cut difference and the next cast blogger revealed
Hello everyone...I'm Isla and it's my first day on the Switch team today! I'm going to be working with Vicki, writing your blog and makingÌýfun Cut stuff to keep you all amused on the site. Being an avid Cut fan already (and doing a bit of homework on Cut life last week before I started my new exciting job) I saw Vicki made a fantastic crossword for you all to have a go at. So, I thought for my introduction to the blog I'd have a go making you a Cut style Spot the Difference to see if you all can, er, spot the difference...
One last thing before you get spotting - The Cut's very own Cameron will be treating you all with a blog this week, so anything you've ever wanted to ask Cameron just send it in and he may well answer your ponderings in his blog. Leave your question or comment below, or if ya prefer email it to the usual
Happy spotting! Answers later on in the week...until then, I'm off to be the newbee.
Isla x

Comment number 1.
At 5th Jul 2010, kittymitty wrote:no pendant on catherine's necklace,
no ring on her finger in the picture,
no bracelet around her wrist,
no button showing on catherine's shirt,
a thick black strip at the top of alex's tie
thats all i can see i think hehee.
A few questions for Cameron...
Are we going to see Cam and Frankie get together? Or Cam and Marla?
Do you enjoy playing the character you are playing, or is there someone else's character you'd rather play?
What did you do to celebrate when you found out you got the part of Cameron ?
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Comment number 2.
At 5th Jul 2010, Christi wrote:^^ they're all I got :)
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Comment number 3.
At 5th Jul 2010, tagiatelli wrote:My question for Wilfred (Cameron) is: are you geeky like your character or are you nothing at all like Cameron?
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Comment number 4.
At 5th Jul 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:^^ I got only them aswell :')
1. If you could change one thing about your character what would it be? or if you could choose one thing to have like your character what would it be?
2. If you could choose another character to be who would you be?
3. Cameron plays the trumpet do you play any instrument?
Thats all i have for now :)
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Comment number 5.
At 5th Jul 2010, George wrote:Welcome to the blog, Isla! Question for Wilf:
Your character has changed quite a bit since the programme started. Do you prefer playing a more confident, popular Cameron or is it more fun playing a nerd besotted by a girl he'll never have?
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Comment number 6.
At 5th Jul 2010, black_vine wrote:Welcome Isla ! (I love that name btw)
Yes! A blog from SuperCam himself!! I'll think of questions later..
Spot the Difference:
(1) Missing button from Cath's shirt on the right
(2) Missing ring from right hand
(3) Missing rubber band/bobble from right wrist
(4) Pendant on neckstring missing
(5) Black print missing form Alex's hoodie
(6) Thick black stripe on Alex's tie
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Comment number 7.
At 5th Jul 2010, xchaliax wrote:A question for cameron:
Where was your first fan encounter and what was it like?
chalia x
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Comment number 8.
At 5th Jul 2010, catie wrote:Yay! Alex! I have missed him these past few weeks. And Stephen.
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Comment number 9.
At 5th Jul 2010, kittymitty wrote:´óÏó´«Ã½ Switch is going to be axed!!!!!
What the hell, what about the cut?!!!!
When is this going to happen exactly ?
Read the full story here:
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Comment number 10.
At 5th Jul 2010, Lilith wrote:I think Cameron/Wilfred is AWESOME!!!
If you knew Cameron in real life, do you think you would you be friends with him??
What do you like to do when you aren't filming??
What do you like to eat when you are on the set of The Cut??
Love the show!
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Comment number 11.
At 6th Jul 2010, George wrote:I think The Cut is good enough that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ might continue to produce it independently... well, that's what I hope anyway. And if they don't, me and Kittymitty and MusicGirl320 and Patchwork and all the rest of us can form a rebellion and go on marches outside the ´óÏó´«Ã½ building!
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Comment number 12.
At 6th Jul 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:I agree! I am going to protest! It will be tragic if the cut goes but if it was going to be removed the workers have to be told before they announce it (Gcse business coming in here) so why would they start writing series three?!
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Comment number 13.
At 6th Jul 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:George just read ur question for wilf it made me giggle.
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Comment number 14.
At 6th Jul 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:Ok, I know I have just posted twice. But I just thought of something if they where going to close the cut due to budget? Or the switch due to budget? why would they bring new members like isla to the team? It doesn't make sense.
How many people do you recon watch the cut
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Comment number 15.
At 6th Jul 2010, kittymitty wrote:A rebellion sounds good , anything to save the cut :D
MusicGirl320 : on facebook there are 631 people who like the cut, and im sure there are tons who don't know about this blog or that there is a group on facebook, so lots of cutlets out there to join our protest :D
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Comment number 16.
At 6th Jul 2010, George wrote:Not sure how many people watch it. I have told a few people about it, and I have written transcriptions for episodes and sent them to a friend in Australia, so yeah, I'm trying to spread the word. Plus check out the Wikipedia article - I've made major contributions to that, particularly the character descriptions, which are all mine.
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Comment number 17.
At 6th Jul 2010, MusicGirl320 wrote:Kittymitty really that many! I don't have facebook so I am a perfect example I am soooo gunna rebel angry emails to bbc and all.
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Comment number 18.
At 6th Jul 2010, kittymitty wrote:Yup seriously that many, I checked earlier :p
I think i'm going to do the same MusicGirl320, they said on the news last night that alot of ´óÏó´«Ã½ channels and radio stations are going to be axed but they are going to keep ´óÏó´«Ã½ radio 6, why not keep ´óÏó´«Ã½ switch, i've not heard of bbc radio 6 before! lol
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Comment number 19.
At 6th Jul 2010, Katie May wrote:Heyy, Question For Cameron :]
I was wondering, who do you most hang out with on set? The people you act with, or maybe EVERYONE? :]
Cheers, Katie :]
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Comment number 20.
At 6th Jul 2010, xchaliax wrote:i'm joining the protest!
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Comment number 21.
At 6th Jul 2010, tagiatelli wrote:I doubt they will close the switch any time soon... probably like in 5 years time or something and MusicGirl320's right why would they bring new members to the team id they were closing down?
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