
Archives for March 2009

Protests: Do they bring about change?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 14:19 UK time, Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Share your views and experiences.


World leaders will meet in London on 2 April at the to discuss plans to tackle the current economic crisis.

For The One Show, Matt Allwright reported from the G20 that took place in the capital.

Matt met grandmother Dorothy Kear. She may seem an unlikely protestor but she told Matt that she's angry at the way our economy has been mismanaged. So, for the first time in her life, Dorothy got out onto the streets and joined the marchers. She said: "I want to feel like I'm doing something - because in so many of these circumstances you feel helpless."

Matt was told by a veteran campaigner that it's not just the usual groups at the G20 protests: "this time it's different... it's a much broader movement protesting about much broader issues."

So, will it be a 'summer of rage'? Will you be taking to the streets? Will the ranks of protesters be swelled by middle class victims of the recession? Or can't we be bothered to protest anymore? Share your views and experiences.

Are local newspapers still needed?

The One Show Team | 16:24 UK time, Friday, 27 March 2009


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For the One Show, Eve Pollard reported on the decline in local newspapers.

ÌýLocal newspapers have existed for hundreds of years - their supporters say that they can be the 'voice' of a community and help bind it together.

But the future is not bright for many local rags.

Professor of journalism Roy Greenslade told Eve that local papers are week by week because they've lost their revenue. The classified advert sales that papers rely on for income are increasingly being placed on the web, rather than in print. As Roy said: "People don't buy papers - they go straight on screen".

Local newspapers, said Roy, are "very important for local democracy. They hold local power to account. There would be a severe democratic deficit if we lost them."

Are local newspapers too important to lose? Do you still buy a local paper? Or does the web do a better job? Share your views.

Is drinking making young women more violent?

The One Show Team | 16:17 UK time, Thursday, 26 March 2009


Anita Rani investigated the worrying increase of violence by young women. Attacks by girls aged 10-17yrs have jumped by 22% in England and Wales - that's just in the last four years.


Many believe the rise goes hand-in-hand with the trend of women binge drinking.


Liam SharrattStudent, Liam Sharratt had a glass smashed in his face by a young drunk woman in 2007, which left his face scarred for life.


But can the excuse of alcohol be solely used to explain the increase in violent crimes by young women?


Dr. Roger Grimshaw, a criminologist from King's College London believes women's role in society has changed and this is affected their behaviour, "with the freedom women have, to choose different lifestyles, you also have the freedom to make bad choices."


But what do you think? Why have young women become more violent? Is alcohol directly responsible? And what is the solution?


Share your comments here.

Truancy: Do the parents deserve to be jailed?

The One Show Team | 14:22 UK time, Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Four boys playing truant

Should it be the parents who get the blame for their child bunking off? Matt Allwright went out on patrol with Liverpool's Truancy Watch team.

In the last few years tough penalties have been imposed in the fight against truancy, with parents being jailed if their kids persistently fail to attend school.

Matt met Rose who was jailed for 14 days because her son refused to go to school. She now has a criminal record and feels she was punished instead of her son.

Since 2002, there have only 130 cases in England and Wales where the parents of persistant truants have ended up behind bars, compared to tens of thousands of prosecutions.

But many people feel it's the role of the parent to know where their child is at all times and to force them to go to school.

Not so, says Professor Ken Reid who's been monitoring the nation's truancy problem for many years. He's come across plenty of cases where parents just can't control their teenagers.

And the figures seem to support this. Despite the threat of jail for parents the numbers still keep rising. Each day some 60,000 children play truant - the highest statistic in a decade.

Professor Reid told Matt,"there is no evidence that jailing parents is stopping the large numbers of children who are truanting at the moment".

But what do you think? Should parents be held responsible for their child's truancy? What's the solution?

Share your opinions on how to solve this problem

Breast cancer screening: Do you know enough?

The One Show Team | 15:09 UK time, Tuesday, 24 March 2009


Do you think the national breast cancer screening programme is working?


Last year 2.2 million women were asked to take part in the NHS UK's breast cancer programme. As a result over 10,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed through the screening programme each year.


But not everyone believes the current system works. Professor Michael Baum was the architect for the national screening programme. He believes that the money assigned to blanket screenings for woman over 50 could be better spent on clinics for women with symptoms of the disease.


Professor Baum also told The One Show's Anita Rani that there's a danger of women going through treatment they don't need.


As a result of a routine mammogram One Show viewer Jane Flanders had a partial mastectomy and nipple reconstruction but she told Anita that she wasn't convinced it was necessary and she feels the treatments ruined her health.


But other women like Dymphna Dale feel that the option of routine mammograms gives her peace of mind and she will continue to have them.


In light of this debate, there are concerns that women just won't bother going for regular screenings. Peter Johnson, the chief clinician at Cancer Research UK believes it's dangerous to scare people away from a programme that has bought substantial benefits. "There's always a worry that people do the default position which is sometimes to do nothing," he said.

For more information on breast cancer screening, go to:



Council Jargon: Play with the words

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 13:29 UK time, Monday, 23 March 2009


Are you into your blue sky thinking? What does cross-fertilisation mean?


After all the coverage in the media about local councils cracking down on jargon, The One Show sent Melanie Sykes to discover what all the fuss was about.


Melanie spoke to Richard Stocke who devised the list of over 200 prohibited words. It's all part of helping staff to communicate effectively, according to The Local Government Association.


But how au fait are you with work jargon?


and let us know how you get on.


Plus: Melanie has come up with a game to monitor the jargon in your workplace; jargon bingo!




Print off a copy of this table for each player. Check off each square when you hear those words during a meeting. The winner is first player to get a line of four horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Should alcoholics receive liver transplants?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 16:34 UK time, Friday, 20 March 2009


Share your views.


Recently released figures show that one in four liver transplants go to people who have damaged their livers due to alcoholism.

For The One Show, Paddy O'Connell has been looking at whether the UK's organ transplant system needs to be changed to give lower priority to those that "only have themselves to blame".

ÌýIn the film Paddy met George Best's surgeon - Prof Nigel Heaton. Nigel told Paddy that he believes that everyone on the transplant list should be treated equally and be given one chance at a new life.

Eunice Booker does not agree. Eunice's daughter died in 2006 - and her organs were donated to help others. Eunice told Paddy that alcoholics should have lower priority on the transplant list.

ÌýThe film closed with Nigel saying that it's "important that the public supports transplantation and organ donation rises to the level we see in other countries, because there are so many people we could offer this effective form of treatment to".

More information



Should alcoholics receive liver transplants? Has your life been transformed by an organ transplant? Share your views and experiences.

Want your home shown on the internet?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 14:42 UK time, Friday, 20 March 2009


Share your views.


Lucy Siegle has been looking at Google Maps - a website that uses photography to allow anyone with internet access to view our world in unprecedented detail. It has led to some amazing discoveries but it also a tool that can be used for no good. It has been speculated that terrorists have used it to plan attacks and that its detailed view of houses and back gardens makes it a ready source of information for burglars.

A recent update to the website allows users to browse a selection of pictures taken along city streets. Street scenes, people and homes, in 25 UK cities from Aberdeen to Southampton can be viewed using the service.

Recent One Show guest Dave Gorman says he can be seen on the website standing outside a shop . YouÌýsee The One Show officeÌý. The Angel of the North can be seen . And a satellite view of Glasgow .

More information




Do you want your home to be shown on the internet? Do you feel that your privacy is under threat from the web? Or are you welcoming the benefits that maps on the web bring? Share your views.

Lyme disease - useful information

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 15:14 UK time, Thursday, 19 March 2009


Can't see the film? Watch it here.


For The One Show, Dr Sarah Jarvis has been finding out about Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, itÌýis transmitted to humans by ticks, and if not treated can cause serious health issues.

Watch Sarah's film, above.

In her film, Sarah told us that a small but growing number of us - estimated by the as up to 3000 people per year - are becoming infected, often after a walk in the countryside.

The good news is, if it's caught early Lyme disease is really easy to treat, said Sarah. Only one in three ticks carry the bad bacteria, and if you remove the tick (the best way is with tweezers) within 12 hours of being bitten, you significantly reduce the chance of being infected.

More information

Lyme disease - ´óÏó´«Ã½ Health.




Is feminism still needed?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 13:00 UK time, Thursday, 19 March 2009


Share your views.


For The One Show, Angellica Bell has been looking at the state of modern-day feminism - the movement for women's rights. She was told that women across the country are knitting and baking more, as they strive to become domestic goddesses. Many women are wanting to stay at home, rather than pursue a career.


Angellica visited trendsetting Goldsmiths University in London, (past alumni include Vivienne Westwood and Damian Hirst). Goldsmiths students have recently openedÌýa branch of the Women's Institute, better known for family values than radical politics.

So, men and women are now equal, so feminism is irrelevant? Can you bake a cake and still be a feminist? Or do we still badly need a movement for women's rights? Share your views and experiences below.

Disability prejudice: Is the situation improving?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 15:59 UK time, Wednesday, 18 March 2009


Share your views.


Cerrie Burnell's appointment as a ´óÏó´«Ã½ children's channel presenter has caused . Cerrie was born with only one hand and some parents have expressed concern that her disability was 'scaring' their children.

For The One Show, Cerrie has been looking into the prejudices and issues surrounding disability in the UK media. Watch her film, above.

Why do some adults find disability so difficult to deal with? Cerrie says that it's about visibility, "fear often comes from ignorance, so I believe the only way for society to accept disability... is surely for there to be better representation on screen."


See also: Ouch! - disability magazine.


Have you experienced prejudice because you're disabled? Is the UKÌýtackling disability prejudice quickly enough? What needs to be done? Share your views and experiences below.

Kinship carers: Useful information

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 15:57 UK time, Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Comments (36)

There are an estimated 200,000 - 300,000 children living with relatives or friends (also known as 'kinship carers') because their parents cannot raise them.

The addition of children to a household can mean that bills grow, space reduces and workload increases. There is financial help available for kinship carers, but the amounts carers will receive does depend on how their relationship with the children is defined in law.

For The One Show, Anita Rani met carers who told her of their experiences of 'residence orders' (they determine with whom the child should live) - and that they believe the process of securing adequate funding for their children should be made easier.


"Get proper advice..."


Anita also met Nigel Priestley, a solicitor who represents kinship carers. He recommends that new carers should seek independent advice before finalising their care arrangement with the local authorities.

He said of residence orders:

"Kinship carers should, at the very least, be receiving in terms of payments the same as a foster carer. That's the theory. In practice, it doesn't always happen. Very often local authorities encourage carers to apply for a residence order which may be inappropriate. So get proper advice before you go down that route, because once you've gone down that route sadly there's not much going back."


More information - useful links



Are you a kinship carer? Share your experiences.

Have you taken on a big company and won?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 17:03 UK time, Monday, 16 March 2009


Add your comment.


Dom Littlewood has been looking at cases where individuals have resorted to direct action against companies to get their complaints heard.

Dom met...

Dorothy Green, 79. Frustrated with the lack of communication from Norwich Union insurance regarding her complaint, she turned up at the offices wearing a placard - and then reported the Managing Director as a missing person, prompting the company to reach a settlement.

Patrick Askins - a BT customer who was overcharged £90 and then spent £200 in calls and letters trying get an explanation. BT resolved the issue after Patrick posted a video about his complaint onto the internet.

Brian Mullen, who took on Lloyds for charging him £1,500 overdraft charges. He claims that media coverage forced Lloyds to back down and pay up.

Remember the law!

Dom also met Georgina Godfrey, a lawyer with Which? Magazine. She reminded Dom that customers should "be careful of the legal implications" before taking direct action. "Everything you say has to be backed up with evidence", said Georgina, and "if you're asked to leave, leave."

Useful links

Have you taken on a big company and won? Share your hints, tips and experiences.

Are parking charges over the top?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 16:53 UK time, Thursday, 12 March 2009


Share your views and experiences.


For The One Show, Matt Allright visited Gedling - a suburb in Nottingham where parking charges are being introduced this August.

Matt met shoppers who were not looking forward to paying to park, and town centre traders who believe that increased parking charges will damage their trade.

But the representative from Gelding Borough Council told Matt that the charges are needed to maintain services and keep council tax lower.

Matt signed off by telling us that parking charges are spreading, and that "your car park could be next".


Do you welcome car parking charges? Is paying for parking preferable to higher council tax? Or maybe you feel that parking charges are over the top? What's the situation where you live? Share your views and experiences.

Also: Please tell us about the most expensive place you've parked.

Can anyone be a teacher?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 15:55 UK time, Wednesday, 11 March 2009


With more people facing redundancy, a growing number of professionals are turning to teaching. Applications for teacher training are up by 320%.

For The One Show, Anita Rani found out about the realities of being a teacher in the UK today.

Teacher training applicants gave various reasons for their interest in the profession. These reasons included: Greater job security, that teaching is 'worthwhile', the need for a career change, the pension scheme and strong unions.

But Anita also heard from teachers that although the job can be rewarding, the workload can be heavy and pupil behaviour challenging. Teaching, Anita was told, can cause instances of stress, anxiety and depression.

See also: .
See also: .

Can anyone be a teacher? Would you recommend the profession? Add your comment below.

Why don't men report domestic violence?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 15:50 UK time, Thursday, 5 March 2009


One in six men will be abused by their female partner.

For The One Show, Dominic Littlewood has been investigating the growing numbers of men who are coming forward as victims of domestic violence at the hands of women.

If you've been affected by the issues raised in tonight's film, you can find sources of information and support at our 'action line'. Telephone: 08000 560 190.

Other sources of support and information include:
, and .

In the film, aggression expert Dr Malcolm George told Dom that traditional stereotypes about masculinity and femininity have held men back from reporting when they've been the victims of domestic violence.

Is it time that these stereotypes were challenged? Why don't men report domestic violence? Share your views and experiences.

Does maths matter?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 17:11 UK time, Wednesday, 4 March 2009


It's been that the British are uniquely happy to admit to being bad at maths.

On tonight's show Angellica Bell told us about maths in "real-life". Mathematical law is abundant in nature, but us Brits just don't seem to be so keen on studying it in the classroom.

One statistic is: Despite the government spending £5 billion in the last decade to improve education, 75% of all English adults wouldn't get a C at maths GCSE.


See also: Sit a mock maths GCSE at ´óÏó´«Ã½ Bitesize.

See also: .


What would it take to change our attitudes? Does maths even matter anymore?

Is the Freedom of Information Act working?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 16:40 UK time, Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Gyles Brandreth has been investigating what we can and can't find out courtesy of the Freedom of Information Act .

Using FOI laws, there have been hundreds of thousands of requests for information held by public authorities. Each and every one costs taxpayers' money to investigate.

For more information on making a request for information visit - the UK's independent authority on access to information.

The ´óÏó´«Ã½ has a blog about FOI here.

In the film, Gyles spoke to Kate Spall about the battle to get treatment for her mother, Pamela Northcott. More info .Ìý

Is the Freedom of InformationÌýAct working? Have you made a request for information?ÌýWould you recommend the process?

Would you share a car?

Host_Ryan - One Show team | 16:28 UK time, Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Can't see Lucy's film? Watch it here.


Lucy Siegle has been looking into car sharing clubs - they're a scheme that can take cars off the road and save you money.

Car sharing clubs operate mostly in urban areas. Club members rent a car, by the hour, that's parked on their local streets. Lucy said that if you drive less than 6,000 miles year - replacing your car with a car club membership could save you £3,500 a year.

Watch Lucy's film above.


More info at bbc.co.uk/bloom.


See also: .

Locations of car clubs .

Would you join a car sharing club? Should car club schemes make up a bigger part of our public transport system? Or is there still no alternative to your own car? Have your say.

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