Teach us a new foreign word. Send in a photo!

In tonight's programme, Matt Allwright looked at the the teaching of foreign languages in British schools, as less than half of all students take the subject at GCSE.
But we know that the children of UK are a well educated lot. If your child (under 12) has a favourite foreign word, or has just learnt a new foreign word, write it onto a large piece of paper, take a photo of them holding the sign and send it into us.
All being well, Adrian and Christine will show their favourites from the photos sent-in at the end of the show.Â
We grabbed Vic, from The One Show office, to show you the sort of photo we're looking for. 'Hymyillä' means 'smile' in Finnish, says Vic.
Or email: theoneshowemailsA@bbc.co.uk
Please remember to add your genuine first name and location to your emails. Thank you.
Please note this email address is only used for photo call outs.
If you wish to please .
Also: If you'd like your photo to be considered for publishing on the website - please click the link below and upload it into our gallery system.Â