Do you have the neatest handwriting in the UK?
Send in a photo of your neat handwriting here and tell us what your profession is below.
How neat is your handwriting?
For The One Show, Hardeep Singh Kohli has been asking whether handwriting is fast becoming a dying art. With the popularity of emails and texting, has the nation really forgotten how to write neatly? Â
So, Adrian and Christine are on a mission to find the person with the neatest handwriting in the UK. Send an example in and it could appear on tomorrow's show (15/05/09).
All we want you to do is write these five lines...
Dear Adrian and Christine, how neat is my handwriting?
Dear Adrian and Christine, how neat is my handwriting?
Dear Adrian and Christine, how neat is my handwriting?
Dear Adrian and Christine, how neat is my handwriting?
Dear Adrian and Christine, how neat is my handwriting?
Take a photograph of your lines and send your pic in here.
* Please include your name, location, and profession with your photo for the chance of being featured on the show.
* Please note: Please submit the five lines above, only. Other lines will not be considered for the programme.
And don't forget, once the handwriting appears in the gallery, you can rate it with our five star system.