What next?
DavidGinsberg makes an important point about American irony: it is uncommon and because of that all the more enjoyable when found. is plainly political.
Alec_Ryrie is kind enough to enough to credit me with special powers. But the Pennsylvania figure was predictable. I still believe Obama will win because the electibility argument - while legitimate and marginally persuasive - cannot overrule the democratic argument in a party that has lived through the 2000 election. But I am less than 100% sure.
I talked to Democratic neutral bigwig Tad Devine a short while ago and he is convinced that although she has a huge task, she COULD win.
Ed Iglehart and others are looking into the vexed question of whether or not she is ahead in the popular vote. is interesting - this is the correspondent who claims to have been lied to about Obama's smoking so they'd better be careful.
The fact that even is so complex and divisive is further evidence, should evidence be needed, of the weirdness of this primary season.
Meanwhile my Clinton fundraising friend, recently semi-employed, is .