Moors murderers' home life examined in new play
A controversial new play set in the living room of notorious serial killers, Moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, is set to open at Newport's .
16 Wardle Brook Avenue is the brainchild of director Mark Hickman, who is currently in the third year of a performing arts course at the .

Mark Hickman directs performing arts students Tara Hobbs and Josef Summers in a scene from 16 Wardle Brook Avenue © Phil Mansell
The one-act play, named after the address in which Brady and Hindley used to live, is being presented as part of a graduate showcase by final year students on 12 and 13 May, and is already a sell-out.

Mark Hickman with Tara Hobbs and Josef Summers © Phil Mansell.
Hickman has said of his production: "I realise that this is a very controversial subject to tackle. My intention is not to glorify these two people but rather to present a psychological analysis of them.
"I have attempted to bring together the very ordinary and mundane aspects of their life together with the fact that they are committing these terrible crimes - and how each of them deals with that in a very different way."
Second year performing arts students Tara Hobbs and Josef Summers play the roles in the play (pictured below, © Phil Mansell).

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