Oh, I do like to be beside the sea side

New laws now commit the UK, Welsh and Scottish governments to creating more nature reserves at sea.
The RSPB, along with other organisations, is campaigning for the UK, Welsh and Scottish governments to act on these new powers and create a network of well protected marine areas.
These areas will help creatures as diverse as basking sharks, seabirds and corals, and their habitats, to recover and prosper with less threat from human activities.
Unlike on land where nature reserves successfully provide protected areas for wildlife, only a tiny percentage of our seas are protected.
A mere 0.0008 per cent of the UK's seas are fully protected with just over three square miles being designated as "No Take Zones".
This is currently the strongest possible protection available and bans any commercial activity within the designated areas but more are needed.
Every young person who raises money to help the 'Wildlife Explorers: I'm on the sea's side' appeal will get a certificate and a set of special stickers as a thank you.
Visit to download a sponsor form, money box and other fun stuff.
Alternatively write to: RSPB Wildlife Explorers, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL or e-mail: explorers@rspb.org.uk and the RSPB will send them to you.
Schools in Wales will be able to take part in the appeal in September when a special bilingual information and fundraising pack, designed especially for teachers and school children will be available to download from the RSPB website.Ìý
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